Knight of Gold

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Knight of Gold
Series Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions
Starting NPC Naja SalaheemAht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10)
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description Mission Orders: Bring Raillefal back to Salaheem's Sentinels and help teach him the proper attitude for a mercenary.
Key Item Raillefal's Letter
← Previous Mission Next Mission →
President Salaheem Confessions of Royalty


  • Talk to Cacaroon at Aht Urhgan Whitegate (G-11) for a cutscene. The right cutscene opens with "Cacaroon got cheeep info, ya?"
    • If you get a cutscene related to Two Horn the Savage, go back and talk to Naja Salaheem, then return to Cacaroon.
    • If you are on the part of the quest Rat Race where you must obtain information from Cacaroon, he will not give you the cutscene for this mission until you have completed Rat Race.
    • He may mention something about Mamook being very spooky. If he does, just talk to him again.
  • Trade Cacaroon 1000 gil or an Imperial Bronze Piece for another cutscene.
  • Enter the Walahra Temple at Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-8) and a cutscene will automatically start with Nadeey.
  • Enter the Shararat Teahouse at Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) second floor for a cutscene. You will receive Key Item Raillefal's letter.
    • When you are asked by Raillefal "My secret? Explain yourself?," choose the third answer to proceed.
      • Choosing the other answers will return a response from Raillefal. You can still chose the third answer to proceed.
    • When guessing his identity (the prompt is "Raillefal is really..."), you may choose any response.
      • All three answers have been tested and will complete the mission.
