Category:Horizon Changes/New Content

From HorizonXI Wiki

This is the starts of a compilation of all content that is exclusive to Horizon. Please feel free to include more information if is missing or as new content is released.



HENM was released with the 1.2.1 patch and is tiered endgame content where adventurers can form an alliance and take in increasingly difficult monsters as the tiers progress.

  • Currently only tiers 1 and 2 are available but it was stated that this will increase to a maximum of 4 eventually.


Horizon has a custom notorious monster called Highwind which can be found riding the airships of Vana'diel!



Released with the December 17th, 2024 update, this feature allows adventurers to change their appearances, at a price. The first cut is free, providing an adventurer has completed the 2nd year anniversary scavenger hunt and then prices start from 250,000g, increasing each time the service is used.


Anniversary Events

Anniversary events are unique to Horizon and while they were released on 17th December each year, they can be completed at any point.

Hardcore Mode

Hardcore can be enabled by brand new adventurers by speaking to either of these NPC's:

The longer a player can extended their adventure without dying, the more cosmetic rewards they will become eligible, along with the prestige of course!

Horizon Adventurer Programs


Horizon Adventuring Assistance Program or HAAP for short is a custom rewards program aimed at rewarding adventurers who help others to clear content that they themselves have previously done.


Horizon Adventurer Rewards Program was implemented to reward players who assisted in the beta testing of HorizonXI.


There are brand new monster type which have special requirements to damage/experience off.

There have been many new unique monsters added to the world:

Level Name Type Location Spawns Spawn Time Notes
15-18 Mineral Eater Worms La Theine Plateau ? 5 m
15-18 Mineral Eater Worms Konschtat Highlands ? 5 m
15-19 Canyon Wasp Bees Tahrongi Canyon 5 5 m
17-19 Snapper Crabs La Theine Plateau ? m?
17-20? Cactus Grub Crawlers Tahrongi Canyon ? 5 m?
17-20 Yellow Jacket Bees Konschtat Highlands (L-6) ? 5 m also F-3, G-3
19-20? Plateau Hare Rabbits La Theine Plateau ? m?
19-23 Eikon Worm Worms La Theine Plateau ? m? Magic Burst Monster
20-22 Cactus Bee Bees Tahrongi Canyon 5 5 m
20-22? Cape Coney Rabbits Buburimu Peninsula (G-6) ? m?
24-26? Cape Dhalmel Dhalmels Buburimu Peninsula (I-7) 6 5 m
24-27 Migrant Hawker Flies Meriphataud Mountains ? 5 m
26-28 Dust Lizard Lizards Meriphataud Mountains ? 5 m
26-28? Island Goop Slimes Qufim Island 5 5 m Magic Burst Monster
29-31 Ridge Lizard Lizards Meriphataud Mountains ? 5 m
29-33? Puma Coeurls Meriphataud Mountains (D-10) ? 5 m also G-10
30-34 Champaigne Coeurl Coeurls Sauromugue Champaign (L-9) 5 5 m
31-35 Drooling Hound Hounds Meriphataud Mountains ? 5 m Spawn time: 17:00 - 4:00
36-42 Young Uragnite Uragnites Sauromugue Champaign ? m?
39-42 Boreal Worm Worms Beaucedine Glacier (I-9) 6? m? LV40-43 goblins also in the area
41-44 Downslime Slimes Batallia Downs (I-10) 10 m? also J-10
44-48 Jungle Crawler Crawlers Yuhtunga Jungle (G-10) 8 m? uncharmable?
48-50 Diremite Diremites Beaucedine Glacier (F-7) ? m? also H-9 (Outpost),
48-50? Glacier Crab Crabs Beaucedine Glacier (J-8) ? m? Magic Burst Monster
49-52 Labyrinth Lizard Lizards Crawlers' Nest (H-7) ? 5 m? H-8 also; plentiful loot
51-53 Jungle Crab Crabs Yhoator Jungle ? m? Magic Burst Monster
51-53 Rime Lynx Coeurls Beaucedine Glacier (J-5) 8 m?
53-56? Bloody Beetle Beetles Western Altepa Desert (D-11) 7 5 m
55-57? Migrant Dobsonfly Flies Misareaux Coast 14 5 m
56-? Den Beetle Beetles Crawlers' Nest 8 8 m
56-59? Desert Gazer Hecteyes Western Altepa Desert 9 m? Magic Burst Monster
59-62 Mud Crab Crabs Eastern Altepa Desert 8 m?
61-64? Desert Slime Slimes Western Altepa Desert (H-10) ? m? Magic Burst Monster, non-aggro
62-64 Cauldron Eruca Crawlers Ifrit's Cauldron ? 10 m
63-65? Scorch Dhalmel Dhalmels Western Altepa Desert (E-11) ? m?
76-78? Arid Lizard Lizards Cape Teriggan 8 m?
76-79? Dust Bat Bats Cape Teriggan 5 m?
78-81? Coastal Slime Slimes Misareaux Coast ? m?
81-82? Icefallo Buffalo Xarcabard ? m? north of Beaucedine zoneline
81-82 Rancid Flesh Doomed Fei'Yin (H-5) ? 5 m also H-6
81-83 Apparition Shadows Fei'Yin (H-5) ? 5 m also H-6
81-83 Perdition Bat Giant Bats Fei'Yin (H-5) ? 5 m also H-6
82-84 Beast Bugard Bugards Misareaux Coast ? 5 m next to Tavnazian Safehold zoneline
82-84 Dromaeosaurus Raptors Meriphataud Mountains (J-9) ? 5 m
82-84 Toco Toucan Birds Bibiki Bay: Purgonorgo Isle 7 5 m


Here is a list of all known Horizon exclusive quests:


Retro Achievements

Found at Retro Achievements, linking your in-game character allows you to progress through a set of in-game achievements set by the Horizon staff.


Outpost Warping

Three new warp goblins have been added to Jeuno:

Warp Tarus

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