
From HorizonXI Wiki
Family Information
Type: Vermin
Subfamilies: Arundimite
Common Behavior: A, H
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against: Resistance vs. Water
Strong against:
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Dark Knight (noncasting)
Uncommon Job(s): Samurai
Charmable: Able to be charmed
Pankration: Able to be captured
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
The diremite is a huge eight-legged tick with a taste for two-legged prey. It closes in without a sound, pinning creatures with its long legs or trussing them up in sticky threads before settling down to feast upon their blood. Even escaping a diremite's clutches does not guarantee safety from harm. If the mite managed to secrete an egg into a victim, the larva that hatches will eventually take control of the unfortunate person's brain.

These rare creatures carry a few rare items unique to the family which can be of value to adventurers, namely Avatar Blood, Bloodthread and Gray Chips. Often of considerable value, these items alone often make the diremite a sought after creature to kill.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Promathia Areas Aht Urhgan Areas Abyssea
Grapple - Fan-shaped damage CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Spinning Top - AoE damage CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Double Claw- Single target damage CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Filamented Hold - Cone AoE Slow CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Tarsal Slam - Cone AoE, reduces HP to 1. Only used by certain notorious monsters. XEks.png XEks.png CheckCheck.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Monsters in Family

Pages in category "Diremites"

This category contains only the following page.