Template:Monster Notes
From HorizonXI Wiki
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
Monster Notes
- NA = Non-Aggressive. These monsters are not known to attack characters due to Job abilities, Magic, or any form of character prowess other than physical damage.
- A = Aggressive. Monster is known to actively attack characters without provocation. Will attack characters of any level if they are using /heal or /sit.
- L = Linking. Other monsters in the same family will assist. Links can either be automatic (links no matter how they are pulled, pet pulling does not prevent links; usually happens in the case of monsters in a party), one-way (e.g., saplings link with treants but not the other way around), or normal (links can be erased with pet pulling).
- S = Detects by Sight. Monsters can either have night vision, clear vision, or see in one direction. In limited cases monsters can see 180° around them to the front.
- H = Detects by Hearing. These monsters detect sound 360° around them. Hearing range depends on the monster family.
- HP = Detects low HP. Character must have yellow or lower HP for the monster to detect. All undead detect low health naturally. HP detection is 360°.
- M = Detects on Magic. Monster becomes aggressive the moment casting begins. Magic detection is 360°. Arcana are known to detect magic, though other monsters can also display this behavior. Songs, Ninjutsu, Phantom Rolls and Blood Pacts do not count as magic.
- Sc = Follows by Scent. Certain sight and sound monsters detect by scent after they have been aggroed. Aggro may be shed by crossing a body of water. Rain (outdoor zones only) also hampers the monster's pursuit. Deodorize or Deodorizer will also stop the monster from pursuing, as long as the character is no longer within detection range.
- T(S) = True Sight. Sight monsters that can see through invisible. You can avoid detection by walking behind these monsters or staying out of their sight range.
- T(H) = True Hearing. Hearing monsters that can hear through sneak. It's much more difficult to avoid a true hearing monster because you cannot walk behind them without being detected (they detect 360° like any sound aggressive monsters).
- JA = Detects on Job Abilities. These monsters can detect the use of job abilities anywhere 360° around them and tend to detect them on a far greater distance than they would sight or sound. Only certain monsters in the Aht Urhgan zones can detect this way.
- WS = Detects on Weaponskills. These monsters can detect the use of Weapon Skills anywhere 360° around them and tend to detect them on a far greater distance than they would sight or sound. Only certain monsters in the Aht Urhgan zones can detect this way
- A(R) = Aggressive to Rieve participants. Reive Monsters become aggressive after a player takes one offensive action in Reive. They stay aggressive until all participating players are KO'd simultaneously, clearing all hate lists.
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