Blood Pact

From HorizonXI Wiki

Each Avatar has a set of Blood Pacts exclusive to that Avatar while summoned. They are triggered by the Summoner at the cost of his or her MP. These include damaging and/or debilitating physical abilities (a few of which may be Skillchained), Elemental Magic (which may be Magic Bursted), or valuable support abilities not found elsewhere. The Blood Pact ability has a 60 sec. recast timer which can be shortened or lengthened by equipping certain weapons and armor.
When Summoners use the ability Astral Flow, an additional class of Blood Pact abilities become available for the duration of its effect. These abilities will consume all of the Summoner's remaining MP in order to inflict massive AOE damage.

  • Blood Pact will receive different effects when the value added by equipment or merit points exceeds the skill cap for that level.
    • Players can experience increased accuracy when using Blood Pact: Rage or lengthened effect durations when using Blood Pact: Ward. The length of the duration increased varies depending on which Blood Pact is used.
    • A player whose summoning magic skill is lower than the skill cap will not experience any penalties, such as a decrease in accuracy or shortened effect durations.
  • Players will also experience increases in summoning skill when using the Blood Pact: Rage and Blood Pact: Ward pet commands.
  • CTR+B or ALT+B is the shortcut to the pet command window. (Only if you have a pet out.)
    • /pet "blood pact" <target/me>

In the tables below:

Astral Flow Blood Pacts

  • These Blood Pacts may only be used when the two-hour ability Astral Flow is active.
  • All Astral Flow Blood Pacts will consume all of the Summoner's MP when used.
  • All Astral Flow Blood Pacts require a minimum of an MP amount equal to twice the Summoner's level in order to use them.
(Example: A Level 20 Summoner requires a minimum of 40 MP to use an Astral Flow Blood Pact.)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the power of Astral Flow Blood Pacts are not altered by the amount of MP they consume.
  • All Astral Flow Blood Pacts can be Magic Bursted, but do not use TP.
  • All Astral Flow Blood Pacts are Rage commands.
Blood Pact Level of Summoner Base Element Description
Searing Light 1 Light Carbuncle initiates a massive Light-based area damage attack.
Howling Moon 1 Darkness Fenrir initiates a massive dark-based area damage attack.
Inferno 1 Fire Ifrit initiates a massive fire-based area damage attack.
Earthen Fury 1 Earth Titan initiates a massive earth-based area damage attack.
Tidal Wave 1 Water Leviathan initiates a massive water-based area damage attack.
Aerial Blast 1 Wind Garuda initiates a massive wind-based area damage attack.
Diamond Dust 1 Ice Shiva initiates a massive ice-based area damage attack.
Judgment Bolt 1 Lightning Ramuh initiates a massive lightning-based area damage attack.
Ruinous Omen 1 Darkness Diabolos reduces the HP of enemies within an area of effect by a random percentage.
Zantetsuken (ability) 75 Darkness Normal effect: Odin instantly defeats enemies within a fan-shaped area of effect. Accuracy varies by MP and number of targets.
Effect on NMs: deals dark-based damage to NMs within a fan-shaped area of effect. Amount of damage depends on the target's current HP, the summoner's MP, the enemy's resistances, and luck.
Perfect Defense 75 Light Alexander reduces damage taken and greatly increases resistance to most status effects for players within area of effect.

Blood Pact Color Codes:

Blood Pact: Ward Macro Example: /pet "Healing Ruby" <stpc>
Blood Pact: Rage Macro Example: /pet "Poison Nails" <t>

Carbuncle Blood Pacts

All of Carbuncle's Blood Pacts are Light-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Healing Ruby 1 6 Magic Restoring Restores target party member's HP by (8 + Level x 2).
Poison Nails 5 11 Transfixion Piercing Performs a melee attack and poisons target.
Shining Ruby 24 44 None Enhancing Boosts party's Defense and Magic Defense by 10% for three minutes.
Glittering Ruby 44 62 None Enhancing Carbuncle raises the party's stats randomly for a short duration.
Meteorite 55 108 Magic Light Carbuncle drops a meteorite onto a foe.
Healing Ruby II 65 124 Magic Restoring Carbuncle heals some of the party members' hit points by [(Level x 4) + 28].
Holy Mist 76 152 Magic Light Deals light damage to an enemy.
Soothing Ruby 94 74 Magic Restoring Removes multiple negative status effects from party members within the area of effect.

Fenrir Blood Pacts

Fenrir's Blood Pacts are Dark-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Moonlit Charge 5 17 Compression Blunt Delivers an attack that Blinds target.
Crescent Fang 10 19 Transfixion Piercing Delivers an attack that Paralyzes target.
Lunar Cry 21 41 None Enfeebling Lowers target's accuracy and evasion. The amounts vary based on the phase of the moon, but the penalty always add up to 32.
Accuracy lowered more ← 100% « moon phase » 0% → Evasion lowered more.
Lunar Roar 32 27 None Enfeebling Removes two beneficial magic effects from enemies within an area of effect.
Ecliptic Growl 43 46 None Enhancing Fenrir buffs party members' abilities for three minutes. The amounts vary based on the phase of the moon, but the two categories always add up to 8.
STR/DEX/VIT boost higher ← 100% « moon phase » 0% → AGI/INT/MND/CHR boost higher.
Ecliptic Howl 54 57 None Enhancing Fenrir buffs party members' accuracy and evasion for three minutes. The amounts vary based on the phase of the moon, but always add up to 26.
Accuracy boost higher ← 100% « moon phase » 0% → Evasion boost higher.
Eclipse Bite 65 109 Slashing Fenrir inflicts three melee attacks on the target.
Lunar Bay 78 174 Magic Dark Deals darkness damage to an enemy.
Heavenward Howl 96 96 None Enhancing Grants party members within area of effect Enaspir (New Moon) or EnDrain (Full Moon) depending on phases of the moon.

Ifrit Blood Pacts

All of Ifrit's Blood Pacts are Fire-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Punch 1 9 Liquefaction Hand-to-Hand Deals physical damage to the target.
Fire II 10 24 Magic Fire Deals fire elemental damage to the target.
Burning Strike 23 48 Impaction Hand-to-Hand Delivers an attack that deals fire elemental damage to the target.
Double Punch 30 56 Compression Hand-to-Hand Delivers a twofold attack to the target.
Crimson Howl 38 84 None Enhancing Ifrit enhances party's attack power by 15% for 30 seconds. Each summoning magic skill level over the current skill level cap will add one second to the duration.
Fire IV 60 118 Magic Fire Ifrit deals fire elemental damage to the target.
Flaming Crush 70 164 Hand-to-Hand Three fold attack that deal fire elemental damage to the target.
Meteor Strike 75 182 Magic Fire Deals Fire elemental damage to the target. (Merit only.)
Inferno Howl 88 72 None Enhancing Grants enfire to party members within area of effect.

Titan Blood Pacts

All of Titan's Blood Pacts are Earth-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Rock Throw 1 10 Scission Blunt Delivers a ranged attack that slows target.
Stone II 10 24 Magic Earth Deals earth elemental damage to the target.
Rock Buster 21 39 Reverberation Blunt Delivers an attack that Binds target.
Megalith Throw 35 62 Induration Blunt Delivers a ranged attack that slows target.
Earthen Ward 46 92 None Enhancing Titan casts Stoneskin on the party (absorbs 50+Levelx2 damage)
Stone IV 60 118 Magic Earth Titan deals earth elemental damage to the target.
Mountain Buster 70 164 Blunt Titan initiates an attack causing physical damage and Bind.
Geocrush 75 182 Magic Earth Deals earth elemental damage and stuns target. (Merit only.)
Earthen Armor 82 156 None Enhancing Mitigates the impact of severely damaging attacks for party members within area of effect.

Leviathan Blood Pacts

All of Leviathan's Blood Pacts are Water-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Barracuda Dive 1 8 Reverberation Slashing Deals physical damage to target.
Water II 10 24 Magic Water Deals water elemental damage to the target.
Tail Whip 26 49 Detonation Blunt Delivers an attack that Weighs target down.
Slowga 33 48 None Enfeebling Slows enemies within an area of effect.
Spring Water HorizonXI specific changes 47 99 Magic Restoring Grants Refresh to party members within area of effect.

2 MP/tic for 3 Minutes for a total of 120 MP.

Water IV 60 118 Magic Water Leviathan deals water elemental damage to the target.
Spinning Dive 70 164 Slashing Leviathan initiates a melee attack.
Grand Fall 75 182 Magic Water Deals Water elemental damage to the target. (Merit only.)
Tidal Roar 84 138 None Enfeebling Lowers attack for enemies within area of effect.

Garuda Blood Pacts

All of Garuda's Blood Pacts are Wind-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Claw 1 7 Detonation Piercing Deals physical damage to target.
Aero II 10 24 Magic Wind Deals wind elemental damage to the target.
Aerial Armor 25 92 None Enhancing Gives party members within an area of effect the effect of Blink.
Whispering Wind 36 119 Magic Restoring Restores (Level*2.5 + 16, rounded down.) hit points for party members within an area of effect.
Hastega 48 112 None Enhancing Garuda casts Haste on the party which lasts for 90 seconds. Each summoning magic skill level over the current skill level cap will add three seconds to the duration.
Aero IV 60 118 Magic Wind Garuda deals wind elemental damage to the target.
Predator Claws 70 164 Slashing Garuda inflicts three melee attacks on the target.
Wind Blade 75 182 Magic Wind Deals Wind elemental damage to the target. (Merit only.)
Fleet Wind 86 114 None Enhancing Gives party members within an area of effect the effect of Quickening.

Shiva Blood Pacts

All of Shiva's Blood Pacts are Ice-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Axe Kick 1 10 Induration Hand-to-Hand Deals physical damage to the target.
Blizzard II 10 24 Magic Ice Deals ice elemental damage to the target.
Frost Armor 28 63 None Enhancing Gives party members within an area of effect the effect of Ice Spikes which lasts for 90 seconds. Each summoning magic skill level over the current skill level cap will add three seconds to the duration.
Sleepga 39 56 None Enfeebling Shiva casts Sleepga.
Double Slap 50 96 Scission Hand-to-Hand Shiva inflicts two melee attacks on the target.
Blizzard IV 60 118 Magic Ice Shiva deals ice elemental damage to the target.
Rush 70 164 Hand-to-Hand Shiva inflicts five melee attacks on the target.
Heavenly Strike 75 182 Magic Ice Deals Ice elemental damage to the target. (Merit only.)
Diamond Storm 90 138 None Enfeebling AoE evasion down.

Ramuh Blood Pacts

All of Ramuh's Blood Pacts are Lightning-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Shock Strike 1 6 Impaction Blunt Delivers an attack that Stuns target.
Thunder II 10 24 Magic Lightning Deals lightning elemental damage to the target.
Thunderspark 19 38 Magic Lightning Deals lightning damage and paralyzes enemies within an area of effect.
Rolling Thunder 31 52 None Enhancing Gives party members within an area of effect the effect of Enthunder that lasts 60 seconds. Each summoning magic skill level over the current skill level cap will add two seconds to the duration.
Lightning Armor 42 91 None Enhancing Ramuh casts Shock Spikes on the party which lasts for 90 seconds. Each summoning magic skill level over the current skill level cap will add three seconds to the duration.
Thunder IV 60 118 Magic Lightning Ramuh deals lightning damage to the target.
Chaotic Strike 70 164 Blunt Ramuh inflicts three melee attacks on the target and stuns the target.
Thunderstorm 75 182 Magic Lightning Deals Lightning elemental damage to the target. (Merit only.)
Shock Squall 92 67 Magic Lightning AoE Stun.)

Diabolos Blood Pacts

Diabolos's Blood Pacts are Dark-based.

Blood Pact Level MP Attribute Type Description
Camisado 1 20 Compression Blunt Deals physical damage to the target.
Somnolence 20 30 Compression Dark Physical damage and Gravity.
Nightmare 29 42 Magic Dark Deals darkness elemental damage that puts all enemies within an area of effect to sleep and gradually reduces their HP.
Ultimate Terror 37 27 Magic Enfeebling Decreases attributes of enemies within an area of effect.
Noctoshield 49 92 None Enhancing Gives party members within an area of effect the effect of Phalanx that lasts three minutes.
Dream Shroud 56 121 None Enhancing Enhances magic attack and magic defense of party members within an area of effect for three minutes.
Nether Blast 65 109 Magic Dark Delivers a ranged attack that deals darkness elemental damage.
Night Terror 80 177 Magic Dark Deals darkness damage to an enemy.
Pavor Nocturnus 98 246 Magic Dark Attempts to inflict Death on the enemy.

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