Evasion Down
From HorizonXI Wiki
Evasion Down is a harmful status effect that disorients players until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters have reduced evasion skill and are therefore easier for monsters to hit.
How to remove the effect
- The White Magic spell Erase will remove this effect.
- The Dancer ability Healing Waltz will remove this effect.
- Some forms of Evasion Boost can overwrite Evasion Down (however this applies almost exclusively to monsters)
How the effect is inflicted/gained
Blood Pacts
Job Abilities
- Feint
- Quickstep (Inflicts Lethargic Daze, which is its own unique Defense Down effect)
- Despoil (Will not always inflict this effect.)
- Adder Jambiya / Adder Jambiya +1
- Bayard's Sword
- Bravura
- Cruel Scythe
- Cruel Spear
- Dark Mezraq / Dark Mezraq +1
- Dotanuki
- Mezraq / Mezraq +1
- Thalassocrat / Thalassocrat +1
Weapon Skills
- Automatons - Knockout
- Clubs - Randgrith
- Daggers - Pyrrhic Kleos
- Great Axes - Shield Break, Full Break
Monster Abilities
- Beetle - Hi-Freq Field
- Bendigeit Vran - Additional effect on melee attacks
- Giant Bat - Ultrasonics
- Lizards - Infrasonics
- Phanduron the Condemned - Additional effect on melee attacks
- Ram - Rumble
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