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From HorizonXI Wiki
Family Information
Type: Undead
Subfamilies: Draugar
Common Behavior: A, H, HP
Uncommon Behavior:
Weak against: Resistance vs. Light Resistance vs. Fire Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame-25%
Strong against: Resistance vs. Ice Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame+12.5% Resistance vs. Dark Piercing Weapons: Dagger, Polearm, Archery, Marksmanship, Shuriken, Sharpshot Frame+50%
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Warrior
Black Mage
Dark Knight
Uncommon Job(s):
Traits: Resist Sleep, Highly susceptible to Repose
Charmable: Eks.png
Pankration: {{{Pankration}}}
Aspir: Eks.png
Drain: Eks.png
EXP Bonus:
Notes: Will take reasonable damage from Cure,Cure II,Cure III,etc
Skeleton (Ghoul type)
Ghoul-type skeletons are found in nearly every region of Vana'diel. It is said that the souls of gluttons in life are doomed to an undeath of feeding on the flesh of mortals. The stomachs of ghouls are completely rotted away, and the inability to sate their hunger no matter how many corpses they consume causes these undead to be particularly violent.

Draugar-type skeletons are completely controlled by the curse of the Lamiae, and possess no emotion and feel no pain. They merely fight until they can no longer move, but are capable of little more than the most basic behavior. Their ranks are easily replenished, so Draugar are often used as a stalling tactic. The Ghoul-type warrior skeletons wield clubs and shields while the Black Mages carry scythes and cast mainly ice-based spells. The Draugar-type skeletons include the staff-wielding Black Mage, dagger-bearing Thief, polearm-sporting Dragoon, and Dark Knight with a curved blade.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Original and Zilart Areas Promathia Areas Aht Urhgan Areas Wings of the Goddess Areas Pankration
Blood Saber: Area drain effect. This affects all characters within the range. You do not have to be in a party or alliance that is fighting this undead to be hit with this attack. CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png Unknown
Black Cloud: Area blind and darkness damage effect CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png Unknown
Horror Cloud: Single target slow effect CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Marrow Drain: Single target Aspir attack. Based on TP. CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png Unknown
Hell Slash: Single target physical attack CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Malediction: AoE strong Drain (~300). Only used by draugar. XEks.png XEks.png CheckCheck.png XEks.png Unknown
Dereliction: AoE strong Drain and Aspir. Only used by draugar notorious monsters. XEks.png XEks.png CheckCheck.png XEks.png Unknown
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Ah Puch Lottery Spawn from the Ghouls at (G-6) in the Amaryllis Tower (map 2) 25 Outer Horutoto Ruins Spiro Staff
Ankou Timed spawn at (J-7) to (J-8) during the night (20:00-4:00), approximately every 1 to 2 hours. 21 King Ranperre's Tomb Astaroth Cane
Blackbeard Spawns on the ferry from Mhaura to Selbina during the pirate event on the ferry when the middle pirate on the enemy ship is wearing a Vermillion Cloak 67-68 Ship bound for Selbina Sea Robber Cudgel
Bloody Bones Lottery Spawn from the Draugar Servant with a sword (DRK) in (I-6) every 21-24 hours Unknown Arrapago Reef Blackjack
Ace's Locket
Brazen Bones Spawn at (H-9) near Full Moon Fountain 85 Toraimarai Canal Laran's Pendant
Lich C Magnus Forced Spawn during the quest Blue Ribbon Blues by trading a Purple Ribbon to the Hume Bones at (M-10) on the second map 58 Eldieme Necropolis Lilith's Rod
Namtar Lottery Spawn from the Black Mage Ghasts around (D-7) - (D-8) on the first map 40-41 Sea Serpent Grotto Namtar Bone
Silverhook Spawns on the ferry from Selbina to Mhaura during the pirate event when the middle pirate on the enemy ship is wearing a Vermillion Cloak 68-70 Ship bound for Mhaura Seawolf Cudgel
Skull of Envy Jointly Forced Spawned by trading 7 Flint Stones, 1 to each of the 7 Tallow Candles, at the same time 60 Eldieme Necropolis Envy Spear
Skull of Gluttony 60 Eldieme Necropolis Gluttony Sword
Skull of Greed 60 Eldieme Necropolis Greed Scimitar
Skull of Lust 60 Eldieme Necropolis Lust Dagger
Skull of Pride 60 Eldieme Necropolis Pride Staff
Skull of Sloth 60 Eldieme Necropolis Sloth Wand
Skull of Wrath 60 Eldieme Necropolis Wrath Tabar
Taxim Lottery Spawn of Doom Warlocks around (G-8) every 2 hours 78-79 Gustav Tunnel Cocytus Pole
Timeworn Warrior Lottery Spawn of Lost Souls around (G-9) & (G-10) 57-58 Xarcabard Jasper Tathlum
Velionis Forced Spawn by trading a Golden Teeth to the ??? at (G-11) in Arrapago Reef. Unknown Arrapago Reef White Joker
Corsair's Belt

Quest NMs: Ancient Sorcerer, Ancient Warrior, Bodach, Cailleach Bheur, Owl Guardian, Dog Guardian, Yum Kimil, Lost Soul (NM), Scythe Victim, Skeleton Esquire

Mission NMs: Archlich Taber'quoan, Ancient Sorcerer, Ancient Warrior, Azren Kuba, Azren Kuguza, Blest Bones, Corrupted Soffeil, Corrupted Ulbrig, Corrupted Yorgos, Skeleton Scuffler

Battlefield NMs: Cadaver Warrior (ENM), Cadaver Witch (ENM), Ghul-I-Beaban (BCNM) Campaign NMs: Ancient Royal Knight, Skeleton Escort Einherjar NMs: Rotting Huskarl, Vanquished Einherjar

Limbus NMs: Inhumer, Iruci

Other NMs: Assault Draugar (Besieged), Iruci (Assists: Vrtra), Lamia's Skeleton (Assists: Lamia No.19), Pey (Assists: Vrtra), Xolotl's Hound Warrior (Assists: Xolotl), Xolotl's Sacrifice (Assists: Xolotl)

Monsters in Family

Name Level Zone
Magicked Bones 3-8 East Sarutabaruta
3-8 Inner Horutoto Ruins
4-8 West Sarutabaruta
Enchanted Bones 4 - 8 East Ronfaure
4 - 8 King Ranperre's Tomb
4- 8 South Gustaberg
4 - 8 West Ronfaure
5 -8 North Gustaberg
28 - 30 North Gustaberg (S)
37 - 39 East Ronfaure (S)
Skeleton Warrior 10 - 12 Konschtat Highlands
10 - 12 La Theine Plateau
10 - 12 Tahrongi Canyon
15- 17 Gusgen Mines
Skeleton Sorcerer 11 - 13 Konschtat Highlands
11 - 13 La Theine Plateau
11 - 13 Tahrongi Canyon
Nachzehrer 15 - 18 King Ranperre's Tomb
Zombie 16 - 26 Jugner Forest
16 - 26 Meriphataud Mountains
16 - 26 Pashhow Marshlands
18 -22 Buburimu Peninsula
67 - 69 Pashhow Marshlands (S)
Ghoul 16 - 26 Jugner Forest
18 - 24 Valkurm Dunes
18 - 25 Pashhow Marshlands
20 - 24 Buburimu Peninsula
20 - 27 Gusgen Mines
21 - 27 Carpenters' Landing
22 - 26 Maze of Shakhrami
23 - 26 Outer Horutoto Ruins
43 - 46 Jugner Forest (S)
67 - 69 Pashhow Marshlands (S)
Wendigo 24 - 28 Maze of Shakhrami
25 - 28 Inner Horutoto Ruins
26 - 30 Gusgen Mines
28 - 33 Carpenters' Landing
Wight 26 - 36 Batallia Downs
26 - 36 Rolanberry Fields
26 - 36 Sauromugue Champaign
28 - 30 Qufim Island
28 - 33 Carpenters' Landing
30 - 33 Gusgen Mines
32 - 35 Maze of Shakhrami
38 - 40 Batallia Downs (S)
40 - 42 Rolanberry Fields (S)
66 Periqia - Wake the Puppet
Crossbones 28 - 31 Ship bound for Mhaura
Ghast 33 - 36 Gusgen Mines
35 - 40 Beaucedine Glacier
38 - 41 Sea Serpent Grotto
Ship Wight 36 - 39 Ship bound for Mhaura
Fallen Evacuee 42 - 43 Garlaige Citadel
Lost Soul 42 - 45 Xarcabard
45 - 47 Behemoth's Dominion
42 - 46 The Eldieme Necropolis
44 - 48 Eastern Altepa Desert
51 - 55 Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
67 - 69 The Eldieme Necropolis (S)
Fallen Soldier 47 - 49 Garlaige Citadel
Rot Prowler 49 - 53 Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
Lich 49 - 53 Western Altepa Desert
51 - 55 The Eldieme Necropolis
54 - 56 Sacrarium
54 - 57 Toraimarai Canal
62 - 64 Attohwa Chasm
67 - 69 The Eldieme Necropolis (S)
Fallen Knight 50 - 54 Western Altepa Desert
52 - 55 Toraimarai Canal
54 - 56 The Eldieme Necropolis
Mummy 50 - 52 The Eldieme Necropolis
54 - 56 Sacrarium
62 - 64 Attohwa Chasm
Fallen Officer 52 - 55 Garlaige Citadel
Fallen Mage 59 - 62 Garlaige Citadel
Fallen Major 59 - 62 Garlaige Citadel
Fleshcraver 60 - 62 Toraimarai Canal
Mindcraver 60 - 62 Toraimarai Canal
Tomb Mage 60 - 63 The Eldieme Necropolis
70 - 73 Attohwa Chasm
Tomb Warrior 60 - 63 The Eldieme Necropolis
70 - 73 Attohwa Chasm
Doom Mage 65 - 67 Gustav Tunnel
65 - 67 Toraimarai Canal
66 - 69 Grauberg (S)
67 - 71 Cape Teriggan
69 - 71 Vunkerl Inlet (S)
73 - 76 Uleguerand Range
Doom Soldier 65 - 67 Gustav Tunnel
65 - 67 Toraimarai Canal
66 - 69 Grauberg (S)
67 - 71 Cape Teriggan
69 - 71 Vunkerl Inlet (S)
73 - 76 Uleguerand Range
Draugar 66 - 69 Nyzul Isle
76 - 78 Ilrusi Atoll - Deserter
Guard Skeleton 66 - 69 Caedarva Mire
Skeleton Esquire 71 - 73 Jugner Forest (S)
Reserve Draugar 72 - 74 Arrapago Reef
73 - 74 Caedarva Mire
Frozen Bones 73 - 75 Leujaoam Sanctum - Escort Professor Chanoix
Darkling Draugar 75 - 76 Periqia - Requiem
Draconic Draugar 75 - 76 Periqia - Requiem
Doom Guard 75 - 77 Gustav Tunnel
Eschan Sorcerer 70 - 78 Escha - Zi'Tah
Doom Warlock 76 - 78 Gustav Tunnel
Thawed Bones 76 - 78 Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Spartoi Warrior 78 - 80 King Ranperre's Tomb
Draugar Servant 79 - 81 Arrapago Reef
Snow Wight 80 - 81 Xarcabard (S)
Spartoi Sorcerer 80 - 82 King Ranperre's Tomb
Accursed Soldier 86 - 89 Gusgen Mines
Accursed Sorcerer 86 - 89 Gusgen Mines
Schnitter Unknown Abyssea - Attohwa
Sensenmann Unknown Abyssea - Grauberg

Historical Background

Animated human skeletons are known to have personified death in Western culture since the Middle Ages. The Grim Reaper is often depicted as a hooded skeleton holding a scythe (and occasionally an hourglass), which has been attributed to Hans Holbein the Younger (1538). Death as one of the biblical horsemen of the Apocalypse has been depicted as a skeleton riding a horse.