King Ranperre's Tomb

From HorizonXI Wiki
Somewhere deep within this enormous expanse of catacombs lie the remains of the 24th heir to the throne of San d'Oria: Ranperre, the Dragon King. It is said that the king--who was a dragonslayer--had entrusted the protection of the tomb to a black dragon that had been spared in exchange for its services.
King Ranperre's Tomb.jpg
Interactive Map
Zone Information
Area Name King Ranperre's Tomb
Type Dungeon
Map Acquisition Quest or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Escape Able to call Adventuring Fellow Able to use Tractor

Ffxi hby 08.PNG

Weather None
Region Ronfaure
Expansion Final Fantasy XI
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music None
Notes None
Weather Forecast
VanaDays from Today Normal (50%) Common (35%) Rare (15%)
Clouds.png Clouds
No Change
No Change
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
No Change
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
No Change
No Change
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds

Involved in Quests/Missions

Quest Type Starter Location
Grave Concerns General Andecia    Southern San d'Oria M-7
Mission Nation Starter Location
San d'Oria Mission 1-2 San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard San d'Oria
San d'Oria Mission 6-2 San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard San d'Oria
San d'Oria Mission 9-2 San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard San d'Oria

Other Information

Item Abundance
Gil: 390 - 1300 (??? Gil)More data needed
47.4%More data needed.(47.4%)
Amber 1%More data needed.(1%)
Amethyst 0%More data needed.(0%)
Battle Gloves 43.3%More data needed.(43.3%)
Clear Topaz 1%More data needed.(1%)
Lapis Lazuli 0%More data needed.(0%)
Sardonyx 2.1%More data needed.(2.1%)
Tourmaline 3.1%More data needed.(3.1%)
War Beret 0%More data needed.(0%)

Ranperre Chest Key

Treasure Maps

Notorious Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Cemetery Cherry
72-73 Divine Log
Ebony Log
Living Rod
Mahogany Log
Petrified Log
Rosewood Log
Treants Cemetary Cherry Spawn Location

A, H

Assisted by: Airi, Iruci and Pey
95 Dragon Blood
Dragon Meat
Wyrm Horn
Cashmere Wool
Cashmere Thread
Damascene Cloth
Reviler's Helm
Wyrms Vrtra Spawn Location

A, L, T(S)

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Carrion Worm
02-05 Copper Ore
Flint Stone
Silver Ore
Zinc Ore
Pebble Worms 19 H
Ding Bats
Spawns: Night
02-05 Bat Wing
Orcish Mail Scales
Bat Trios 30 H
Mouse Bat
03-06 Bat Wing
Bat Fang
Fiend Blood
Giant Bats 19 L, H
Enchanted Bones
Spawns: Night
Black Mage and Warrior
04-08 Bone Chip Bone Chip Skeletons 28 A, H, HP
Goblin Thug
04-08 Bronze Cap
Bronze Leggings
Bronze Mittens
Bronze Subligar
Wild Onion
Beastcoin Goblins 22 A, L, S
Goblin Weaver
04-08 Circlet
Grass Thread
Cotton Thread
Cotton Cloth
Grass Thread Goblins 21 A, L, S
Stone Eater
05-07 Copper Ore
Flint Stone
Zinc Ore
Ascetic's Ring
Pebble Worms 6 A, H
Wind Bats
09-11 Bat Wing Bat Trios 11 L, H
Grave Bat
11-13 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Giant Bats 20 A, L, H
Spawns: Night
11-13 Cotton Cloth
Revival Tree Root
Traveler's Mantle
Ghosts 1 A, H, HP
Goblin Ambusher
12-16 Animal Glue
Leather Bandana
Leather Gloves
Leather Highboots
Leather Trousers
Orcish Armor Plate
Crossbow Bolt Goblins 13 A, L, S
Goblin Butcher
12-16 Faceguard
Ranperre Chest Key
Scale Cuisses
Scale Finger Gauntlets
Scale Greaves
Beastcoin Goblins 13 A, L, S
Goblin Tinkerer
12-16 Faceguard
Scale Cuisses
Scale Finger Gauntlets
Scale Greaves
Ranperre Chest Key
Beastcoin Goblins 13 A, L, S
Rock Eater
14-16 Copper Ore
Flint Stone
Silver Ore
Zinc Ore
Ranperre Chest Key
Ascetic's Ring
Pebble Worms 20 A, H
Plague Bats
Spawns: Night
15-17 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Ranperre Chest Key
Bat Trios 14 A, L, H
Warrior and Black Mage
15-18 Bone Chip
Ranperre Chest Key
Bone Chip Skeletons 20 A, H, HP
Tomb Bat
17-19 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Fiend Blood
Ranperre Chest Key
Giant Bats 3 A, L, H
Goblin Gruel
18-20 Ranperre Chest Key
Valor Earring
Slimes 2 A, H, Sc
Crypt Ghost
20-21 Cotton Cloth
Martial Slacks
Ranperre Chest Key
Revival Tree Root
Cotton Cloth Ghosts 1 A, H, HP
Goblin Gambler
21-23 Poison Flour Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Leecher
21-23 Linen Cuffs
Linen Slops
Poet's Circlet
Scroll of Barblind
Scroll of Barpoison
Scroll of Barsleep
Scroll of Deodorize
Scroll of Invisible
Scroll of Protectra
Scroll of Silence
Scroll of Sneak
Orcish Armor Plate
Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Mugger
21-23 Brass Cap
Brass Leggings
Brass Mittens
Brass Subligar
Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
Cherry Sapling
62-64 Fruit Seeds
Treant Bulb
Saplings 8 A, L, H
77-79 Revival Tree Root
Wolf Hide
Hounds 2 A, H, HP
Spartoi Warrior
78-80 Bone Chip
Revival Tree Root
Bone Chip Skeletons 2 A, H, HP
Spartoi Sorcerer
80-82 Bone Chip
Revival Tree Root
Scroll of Blizzaga II
Scroll of Blizzaga III
Scroll of Blizzard III
Scroll of Blizzard IV
Scroll of Freeze
Skeletons 2 A, H, HP
Armet Beetle
64-66 Beetle Jaw
Beetle Shell
Insect Wing
Beetles 5 S
Dire Bat
62-64 Giant Bats 13 H
Cutlass Scorpion
63-65 Scorpion Claw

Scorpion Shell

Scorpions 4 A, H
Thousand Eyes
60-62 Burning Hakutaku Eye

Hecteyes Eye
Scroll of Fire III

Hecteyes 5 A, H
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here

Name Family Spawns Notes

Corrupted Soffeil
Spawned Mission: San d'Oria Mission 6-2
Skeletons 1 A, H, HP

Corrupted Ulbrig
Spawned Mission: San d'Oria Mission 6-2
Skeletons 1 A, H, HP

Corrupted Yorgos
Spawned Mission: San d'Oria Mission 6-2
Skeletons 1 A, H, HP

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants