Bat Wing

From HorizonXI Wiki

Bat Wing


Bat wing
A thin, black wing.
Stackable: 12

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Used in Recipes

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy AH Black.png


Price: 300 gil
Name Location Type
Maymunah Bastok Mines (K-7) Guild Merchant

† Only if sold to the guild by players

Dropped From

Name Level Zone
Ding Bats 1 - 3 Zeruhn Mines
1 - 4 South Gustaberg
1 - 4 North Gustaberg
1 - 5 West Ronfaure
1 - 5 East Ronfaure
2 - 5 King Ranperre's Tomb
Spectacled Bats 1 - 5 Ghelsba Outpost
6 - 8 Fort Ghelsba
Battue Bats 1 - 5 Inner Horutoto Ruins
1 - 5 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Mouse Bat 2 - 4 Zeruhn Mines
3 - 6 East Ronfaure
3 - 6 West Ronfaure
3 - 6 King Ranperre's Tomb
Fledermaus 3 - 5 North Gustaberg
3 - 5 South Gustaberg
Wind Bats 3 - 5 Ranguemont Pass
9 - 11 King Ranperre's Tomb
Cheiroptera 3 - 6 Ghelsba Outpost
8 - 10 Fort Ghelsba
Blade Bat 4 - 6 Inner Horutoto Ruins
4 - 7 Outer Horutoto Ruins
4 - 7 Ranguemont Pass
Gale Bats 6 - 8 La Theine Plateau
Acro Bat 8 - 10 La Theine Plateau
Grotto Bats 8 - 11 Yughott Grotto
Plague Bats 9 - 11 La Theine Plateau
15 - 17 King Ranperre's Tomb
Grave Bat 11 - 13 King Ranperre's Tomb
Poison Bat 11 - 14 La Theine Plateau
Bat Battalion 12 - 15 Inner Horutoto Ruins
Sand Bats 12 - 15 Valkurm Dunes
Night Bats 12 - 15 Valkurm Dunes
13 - 16 Pashhow Marshlands
13 - 16 Meriphataud Mountains
Black Bat 15 - 18 Pashhow Marshlands
15 - 18 Meriphataud Mountains
Stealth Bat 15 - 18 Yughott Grotto
Stink Bats 15 - 18 Outer Horutoto Ruins
15 - 18 Maze of Shakhrami
15 - 18 Ordelle's Caves
Tomb Bat 17 - 19 King Ranperre's Tomb
Battle Bat 17 - 20 Inner Horutoto Ruins
Star Bat 17 - 20 Valkurm Dunes
Hognosed Bat 17 - 20 Ordelle's Caves
Bastion Bats 18 - 21 Castle Oztroja
Giant Bat 20 - 22 Valkurm Dunes
Midnight Wings 20 - 23 Sauromugue Champaign
20 - 23 Rolanberry Fields
Wood Bats 20 - 23 Davoi
Combat 20 - 23 Outer Horutoto Ruins
20 - 23 Maze of Shakhrami
27 - 30 Korroloka Tunnel
Seeker Bats 22 - 26 Korroloka Tunnel
23 - 26 Maze of Shakhrami
23 - 26 Ordelle's Caves
25 - 27 Qufim Island
25-27 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
25 - 28 Ranguemont Pass
Moon Bat 23 - 26 Sauromugue Champaign
23 - 26 Rolanberry Fields
Dark Bats 25 - 27 Qufim Island
31 - 35 Oldton Movalpolos
Mold Bats 25 - 27 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Wolf Bat 25 - 28 Davoi
Ancient Bat 26 - 28 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
26 - 28 Ordelle's Caves
26 - 29 Maze of Shakhrami
27 - 29 Qufim Island
27 - 29 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Glow Bat 27 - 29 Qufim Island
Stirge 27 - 29 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
30 - 33 Ranguemont Pass
33 - 36 Oldton Movalpolos
Tower Bats 27 - 29 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Bulwark Bat 29 - 31 Castle Oztroja
Big Bat 29 - 31 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Undead Bats 36 - 39 Sea Serpent Grotto
38 - 40 Fei'Yin
Lesser Gaylas 39 - 42 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
40 - 42 Behemoth's Dominion
Wingrats 40 - 42 Garlaige Citadel
41 - 44 Lufaise Meadows
Vampire Bat 40 - 42 Fei'Yin
42 - 44 Lufaise Meadows
42 - 45 Sea Serpent Grotto
Siege Bat 40 - 43 Garlaige Citadel
Canal Bats 41 - 46 Phomiuna Aqueducts
45 - 47 Toraimarai Canal
Greater Gayla 42 - 44 Behemoth's Dominion
46 - 48 Sacrarium
46 - 49 Gustav Tunnel
Hell Bat 44 - 48 Gustav Tunnel
47 - 49 Toraimarai Canal
Citadel Bats 46 - 48 Garlaige Citadel
Underworld Bats 50 - 52 Fei'Yin
Camazotz 51 - 54 Fei'Yin
52 - 57 Pso'Xja
Funnel Bats 51 - 55 Garlaige Citadel
52 - 55 Bostaunieux Oubliette
Werebat 55 - 59 Bostaunieux Oubliette
Impish Bats 58 - 60 Toraimarai Canal
Esbat 59 - 61 Uleguerand Range
Dire Bat 60 - 63 Den of Rancor
60 - 64 Ifrit's Cauldron
62 - 64 King Ranperre's Tomb
62 - 64 Toraimarai Canal
63 - 65 Newton Movalpolos
63 - 66 Sea Serpent Grotto
64 - 66 Upper Delkfutt's Tower
64 - 68 Pso'Xja
Incubus Bats 62 - 64 Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Succubus Bats 63 - 65 Newton Movalpolos
65 - 69 Den of Rancor
Nightmare Bats 66 - 69 Sea Serpent Grotto
68 - 72 Ifrit's Cauldron
69 - 72 Uleguerand Range
72 - 74 Newton Movalpolos
Purgatory Bat 72- 74 Newton Movalpolos
72 - 76 Pso'Xja
Black Triple Stars (NM) 26 - 27 Rolanberry Fields
Golden Bat (NM) 26 - 27 Valkurm Dunes
Baronial Bat (NM) 82 Gustav Tunnel


Name Zone Level Time Members
Wings of Fury Ghelsba Outpost 20 15 minutes 3