Lufaise Meadows

From HorizonXI Wiki
A field of peaceful meadows that are part of the Tavnazian Archipelago - a tiny island off the west coast of Quon which was once home to the proud nation of Tavnazia. Before the Great War, this region was actually a peninsula connected with the mainland. However, a devastating explosion believed to be caused by a secret weapon of the beastmen resulted in the disintegration of a large portion of the surrounding landscape. The explosion also sent the nation's capital, a city built on the profits of its thriving trade business, into ruin. The remnants of the beastmen army remain in control of the archipelago, and until now, it was thought that none of the former inhabitants had survived.
Table of Contents
Interactive Map
©Remapster |©Square Enix| ©FFXI-Atlas
Zone Information
Area Name Lufaise Meadows
Type Outdoor
Map Acquisition Quest or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor

Ffxi gld 01.png

Ffxi hby 04.png

Weather Gloom Thunder Winds
Region Tavnazian Archipelago
Expansion Chains of Promathia
Requirements The Mothercrystals
Restrictions None
Background music "A New Horizon - Tavnazian Archipelago"
Notes Every game day at 14:20 a small dragon swoops down and skims across the lagoon.
Weather Forecast
VanaDays from Today Normal (50%) Common (35%) Rare (15%)
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Winds Wind
Winds Wind
Thunder Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Winds Wind
Winds Wind
Clouds.png Clouds
Thunder Thunder
Thunder Thunder
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
No Change
Clouds.png Clouds

Involved in Quests/Missions

Other Information

Fish Cap Body of Water
Dark Bass
33 Leremieu Lagoon
Tavnazian Goby
Emperor Fish
1 Gil
Arrowwood Log
Gold Carp
56 Rafeloux River

Fishing Map

Possible Weather Weather Reporter
Resistance vs. Dark

Gennoue - Tavnazian Safehold (H-8)

Resistance vs. Lightning
Resistance vs. Wind

Elemental Map

[ edit ]
Item Abundance
Arrowwood Log Verification Needed 0%Unknown(0%)
Ash Log 0%Unknown(0%)
Maple Log 0%Unknown(0%)
Faerie Apple 0%Unknown(0%)
Walnut Log 0%Unknown(0%)
Acorn 0%Unknown(0%)
Elm Log 0%Unknown(0%)
Oak Log 0%Unknown(0%)
Petrified Log HorizonXI specific changes 0%Unknown(0%)
Logging Map

NPCs Found Here

Name Location Type
Jersey E-8 Outpost Merchant
Ghost Talker, I.M. K-8 Conquest Overseer: Bastok: Outland Guard
Yoram, I.M. E-8 Conquest Overseer: Bastok: Outpost Guard
Chilaumme, R.K. K-8 Conquest Overseer: San d'Oria: Outland Guard
Jemmoquel, R.K. E-8 Conquest Overseer: San d'Oria: Outpost Guard
Cotete, W.W. K-8 Conquest Overseer: Windurst: Outland Guard
Teldo-Moroldo, W.W. E-8 Conquest Overseer: Windurst: Outpost Guard

Notorious Monsters Found Here

Regular Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
80-83 Giant Bird Feather
Giant Bird Plume
Rocs 14 A, S
33-36 Beastman Blood
Carbuncle's Ruby
Fiend Blood
Leeches 4 L, H, Sc
Air Elemental
During wind weather
43-44 Wind Cluster Elementals 3 A, M
Fished up
40-42 Pugils 1
Atomic Cluster
Spawns: 3:00 - 8:00
44-46 Cluster Arm
Cluster Ash
Cluster Core
Cluster Core Clusters 2 A, S, M
34-37 Bugard Skin
Bugard Tusk
Giant Sheep Meat Bugards 18 A, H, Sc
Fished up
30-34 Crabs 1
Spawns: 3:00 - 8:00
38-40 Cluster Ash
Cluster Core
Cluster Core Clusters 3 A, S, M
Crimson Knight Crab
33-36 Crab Shell
Land Crab Meat
Rock Salt Crabs 3 H
Dark Elemental
During darkness weather
84-86 Dark Cluster Elementals 1 A, M
Death Jacket
37-40 Beehive Chip
Honey Bees 12 L, H, Sc
Fomor Bard
80-82 Fomors 2 A, L, H, HP
Fomor Beastmaster
Assisted by: Fomor's Bat (34-36)
41-43 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Beastmaster
Assisted by: Fomor's Bat (72-74)
80-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Black Mage
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Dark Knight
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Dragoon
Assisted by: Fomor's Wyvern (34-36)
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Monk
52-54 Extra-fine File
Revival Tree Root
Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Monk
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Ninja
52-54 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Ninja
80-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Paladin
80-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Ranger
41-43 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Ranger
80-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Red Mage
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Samurai
53-55 Extra-fine File
Revival Tree Root
Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Samurai
79-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Summoner
Assisted by: Fomor's Elemental (34-36)
41-43 Revival Tree Root Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Summoner
Assisted by: Fomor's Elemental (72-74)
79-81 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Thief
42-44 Revival Tree Root Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Thief
52-54 Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Warrior
42-44 Extra-fine File
Revival Tree Root
Fomors A, L, H, HP
Fomor Warrior
80-82 Fomors A, L, H, HP
40-43 Bugard Skin
Bugard Tusk
Giant Sheep Meat Bugards 21 A, H, Sc
Gigas Braver
41-44 Chameleon Diamond
Maple Shield
Gigas Necklace
Gigas 4 A, L, S
Gigas Catapulter
41-44 Chameleon Diamond
Gigas Necklace
Gigas Socks
Maple Shield
Gigas 3 A, L, S
Gigas Fighter
35-38 Chameleon Diamond
Gigas Necklace
Gigas 2 A, L, S
Gigas Martialist
41-44 Chameleon Diamond
Gigas Necklace
Gigas Socks
Maple Shield
Gigas 3 A, L, S
Gigas Slinger
35-38 Chameleon Diamond
Maple Shield
Gigas 4 A, L, S
Gigas Warwolf
Assisted by: Gigas's Sheep (34-36)
41-44 Chameleon Diamond
Gigas Socks
Gigas 2 A, L, S
Gigas Wrestler
35-38 Chameleon Diamond
Maple Shield
Gigas 3 A, L, S
Greater Pugil
Fished up
35-39 Pugils 1
Fished up
30-34 Crabs 1
49-53 Fruit Seeds
Grain Seeds
Treant Bulb
Grain Seeds Saplings 7 L, S
52-54 Dryad Root
Ebony Log
Mahogany Log
Petrified Log
Rosewood Log
Treants 8 H
Fished up
44-46 Pugils 1
Miner Bee
31-34 Beehive Chip
Giant Stinger
Insect Wing
Honey Bees 10 L, S, Sc
Orcish Beastrider
Dark Knight
35-38 Silver Beastcoin Orcs 4 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Bowshooter
41-44 Tavnazian Liver Silver Beastcoin Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Brawler
35-38 Tavnazian Liver Silver Beastcoin Orcs 4 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Footsoldier
41-44 Misareaux Garlic
Tavnazian Liver
Silver Beastcoin Orcs 4 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Gladiator
41-44 Tavnazian Liver Silver Beastcoin Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Impaler
35-38 Silver Beastcoin Orcs 4 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Nightraider
35-38 Silver Beastcoin Orcs 5 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Stonelauncher
37-40 Long Boomerang Orcish Warmachines 1 A, L, S, Sc
Orcish Trooper
41-44 Tavnazian Liver Silver Beastcoin Orcs 3 A, L, S, Sc
Tavnazian Ram
81-83 Lanolin Cube
Ram Horn
Ram Skin
Tavnazian Ram Meat
Rams 2 A, L, S, Sc
Tavnazian Sheep
33-37 Giant Sheep Meat
Selbina Milk
Sheep Tooth
Tavnazian Liver
Sheep Wool Sheep 23 L, S, Sc
Thunder Elemental
During lightning weather
43-44 Lightning Cluster Elementals 2 A, M
Thunder Elemental
During lightning weather
62-63 Lightning Cluster Elementals 2 A, M
Vampire Bat
42-44 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Fiend Blood
Giant Bats 2 L, H
41-44 Bat Wing Bat Trios 2 L, H
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here

Name Family Spawns Notes

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Pugils 1 A, H

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Flytraps 1 A, H

Spawned Quest: Petals for Parelbriaux
Flytraps 1 A, H

Blackbone Frazdiz
Spawned Quest: A Bitter Past
Orcs 1 A, L, S, Sc

Cetic Parasite
Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Leeches 1 A, H

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Crabs 1 A, H

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Doomed 1 A, H

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Crabs 1 A, H

Rainbringer Vjatvot
Spawned Quest: A Bitter Past
Orcs 1 A, L, S, Sc

Splinterspine Grukjuk
Spawned Quest: A Hard Day's Knight
Orcs 1 A, L, S, Sc

Spawned Quest: The Big One (Quest)
Sea Monks 1 A, H

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants