From HorizonXI Wiki
Sprig of mistletoe
This rare, parasitic plant
can be found on large trees.
can be found on large trees.
Stackable: 12
Other Uses
Used in Quest: Unexpected Treasure |
Resale Price: 471~482 gil |
Used in Recipes
69 Remedy
82 Chocolixir
88 Elixir Vitae
90 Elixir
41 Black Cotehardie
41 Blue Cotehardie
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy
Chocobo Digging
Item | Abundance |
Carpenters' Landing | Very Rare(1.4%) |
East Ronfaure | Extremely Rare(0.8%) |
Jugner Forest | Very Rare(4.6%) |
West Ronfaure | Very Rare(1.8%) |
● = Requires Burrow ● = Requires Egg Helm ● = Requires Bore ● = Obtainable only at Night |
Dropped From
Name | Level | Zone |
Walking Tree | 25-28 | Jugner Forest |
Treant | 35-37 | Batallia Downs |
Ahtu (NM) | 51-52 | Batallia Downs |
Leshy | 52-54 | Lufaise Meadows |
Historical Background
Although mistletoe is highly poisonous, historically when properly prepared it was used as a cure for poison and infertility. It is still used as popular herbal Remedy today in Northern Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistletoe
SPOILER WARNING: Details about the Final Fantasy XI in-game storyline follow.
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