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Materials contains all of the items used in synthesis recipes. It is important to note that many items used in quests can also be attributed to this category.
Pages in category "Materials"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 648 total.
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- Acid Bolt Heads
- Adaman Ingot
- Adaman Ore
- Adamantoise Shell
- Ahriman Lens
- Ahriman Tears
- Ahriman Wing
- Air Rider
- Airborne
- Alluring Cotton Cloth
- Amaltheia Hide
- Amaryllis
- Amethyst
- Ancient Lumber
- Animal Glue
- Antican Acid
- Antican Pauldron
- Antican Robe
- Antlion Jaw
- Apple Mint
- Apple Vinegar
- Aquamarine
- Aqueous Orichalcum
- Ardent Jadeite
- Arioch Fang
- Arnica Root
- Arrowwood Log
- Arrowwood Lumber
- Artificial Lens
- Ash Log
- Ash Lumber
- Baking Soda
- Balloon Cloth
- Bast Parchment
- Bat Fang
- Bat Wing
- Bay Leaves
- Beast Blood
- Beastcoin
- Beastman Blood
- Beaugreens
- Beehive Chip
- Beeswax
- Beetle Blood
- Beetle Jaw
- Beetle Shell
- Behemoth Hide
- Behemoth Leather
- Bird Blood
- Bird Feather
- Bittern
- Black Chocobo Feather
- Black Ink
- Black Pearl
- Black Pepper
- Black Rock
- Black Tiger Fang
- Blessed Mythril Sheet
- Blind Bolt Heads
- Bloodthread
- Bloodwood Lumber
- Bloody Bolt Heads
- Blue Peas
- Blue Rock
- Bomb Ash
- Bone Arrowheads
- Bone Chip
- Boyahda Moss
- Brass Chain
- Brass Ingot
- Brilliant Snow
- Brimsand
- Broken Bamboo Rod
- Broken Carbon Rod
- Broken Clothespole
- Broken Composite Rod
- Broken Fastwater Rod
- Broken Glass Rod
- Broken Halcyon Rod
- Broken Hume Rod
- Broken Lu Shang's Rod
- Broken Single Hook Rod
- Broken Tarutaru Rod
- Broken Willow Rod
- Broken Yew Rod
- Bronze Ingot
- Bronze Scales
- Bronze Sheet
- Bronze Sword
- Buffalo Leather
- Bugard Leather
- Bugbear mask
- Bugbear Mask
- Bundling Twine
- Burning Hakutaku Eye
- Cactuar Needle
- Caliginous Wolf Hide
- Cantarella
- Carapace Powder
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Fiber
- Carnation
- Casablanca
- Cassia Lumber
- Catoblepas Leather
- Cattleya
- Cermet Chunk
- Chestnut Log
- Cheviot Cloth
- Chicken Bone
- Chimera Blood
- Chocobo Feather
- Chocobo Fletchings
- Chronos Tooth
- Cibol
- Cilice
- Cinnamon
- Clot Plasma
- Cockatrice Meat
- Coeurl Leather
- Coeurl Meat
- Coeurl Whisker
- Coffee Beans
- Coffee Cherries
- Coffee Powder
- Cold Bone
- Colibri Beak
- Colored Rocks
- Colossal Skull
- Copper Ingot
- Copper Nugget
- Copper Ore
- Coral Fragment
- Coral Fungus
- Cornstarch
- Corse Bracelet
- Corse Robe
- Cotton Cloth
- Cotton Thread
- Crab Shell
- Cracker
- Crawler Cocoon
- Crying Mustard
- Damascene Cloth
- Damascus Ingot
- Damp Hakutaku Eye
- Danceshroom
- Dark Adaman
- Dark Anima
- Dark Scales
- Darksteel Ingot
- Darksteel Ore
- Darksteel Sheet
- Date
- Deathball
- Deathstone
- Demon Arrowheads
- Demon Blood
- Demon Horn
- Derfland Pear
- Dhalmel Hide
- Dhalmel Leather
- Dhalmel Meat
- Distilled Water
- Divine Log
- Dogwood Lumber
- Dragon Blood
- Dragon Bone
- Dragon Scales
- Dragon Talon
- Dried Marjoram
- Dried Mugwort
- Dryad Root
- Dull Gold Thread
- Dyer's Woad
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