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Animal Glue

From HorizonXI Wiki

Animal Glue


Animal Glue
This adhesive is made by boiling
the skin and bones of animals.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Alchemy (7)
Yield: Animal Glue x 1
HQ 1: Animal Glue x 2
HQ 2: Animal Glue x 3
HQ 3: Animal Glue x 4
Fire Crystal
Alchemy (7)
Yield: Animal Glue x 2
HQ 1: Animal Glue x 4
HQ 2: Animal Glue x 6
HQ 3: Animal Glue x 8
Fire Crystal
Key ItemTrituration

Used in Recipes

Obtained from Desynthesis

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy AH Black.png


Price: 45 - 276 gil
Name Location Type
Odoba Bastok Mines (K-6) Alchemists' Guild
Novice rank required.

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