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Goldsmithing is a craft that works with precious gems and metals to create beautiful jewelry and glittering armor, as well as some weapons and various other little items. The Goldsmiths' Guild headquarters is located in the Republic of Bastok, though guild representatives can be found elsewhere. There you can obtain Synthesis Image Support to assist your crafting, as well as buy and sell guild related items. Guild members beyond the rank of Novice can earn Guild Points, used to purchase items exclusive to crafters.

Goldsmiths' Guild - Guild Merchants - Sythesis Image Support NPCs - Guild Test Items - Guild Points Items - Items That Enhance Goldsmithing Skill - Goldsmithing Guides - Goldsmithing Recipes

Goldsmiths' Guild

The Goldsmiths' guilds of Bastok and Mhaura are open 8:00 - 23:00.
They are closed for holiday on Iceday.

By speaking to Reinberta, the Guild Master, you can sign up to the guild and get a free crystal.

Guild Merchants

Guild Merchants buy and sell craft related goods during the guild's hours of operation. Prices can vary greatly depending on supply and demand, and unlike Standard Merchants, they can sell out of inventory.

Synthesis Image Support NPCs

Synthesis image support temporarily raises your skill by 1 point. Advanced support raises your skill by 3 points, and requires a small fee based on your crafting rank. Synthesis Image Support can be obtained from the following Guild representatives:

Guild Test Items

Every ten skill levels, you are required to prove to the guild that you "have what it takes" by crafting (or buying) an item of the guild's choosing. This item can be turned in once you have reached an "8" in skill (8, 28, 48, etc.), or higher skill (up to the cap). Once you have the requisite skill, speak with the Guild Master, Reinberta at Bastok Markets (I-8), in the Goldsmiths' Guild (Bastok).

Level Item Requested Rank Acquired
8-10 Copper Hairpin Recruit
18-20 Brass Hairpin Initiate
28-30 Silver Hairpin Novice
38-40 Chain Gorget Apprentice
48-50 Mythril Ring Journeyman
58-60 Mythril Gorget Craftsman
68-70 Mythril Breastplate Artisan
78-80 Torque Adept
88-90 Colichemarde Veteran

Items That Enhance Goldsmithing Skill

Goldsmithing Guides

To add Guides, tag them with Category:Guides and Category:Goldsmithing and they will appear here.

Guild Points Items

Once you have attained the rank of Novice, you may begin to earn Guild Points with the Guild. Note that you may only accumulate Guild Points for one guild at a time. The "Item of the Day" that the guild will accept changes every day at Japanese Midnight, and varies by crafting rank. Speak with Ellard at Bastok Markets (H-8), in the Goldsmiths' Guild (Bastok). To find out what the item is, determine the limit to how many points can be earned, turn in items for points, and to spend points on Guild Points Items.

These items are bought using Goldsmithing Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 10,000 Key ItemChain­work This special smithing ability allows you to shape ingots with a Mandrel, making it easier to process more chains with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemShee­ting This special smithing ability allows you to shape ingots on a Workshop Anvil, making it easier to process more sheets with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemClock­making This special gold­smithing ability allows you to augment an automaton using the same techniques used to build time­pieces.
40,000 Key ItemGold Ensorcell­ment This special gold­smithing ability allows you to enchant gold and other precious metals with the power of black magic.
40,000 Key ItemGold Puri­fication This special gold­smithing ability allows you to enchant gold and other precious metals with the power of white magic.
Appren­tice 10,000 Gold­smith's Belt A belt that has Enchant­ment: Synthesis Image Support.
Journey­man 70,000 Shaded Spec­tacles A pair of glasses that gives +1 to your Gold­smithing skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Artisan 100,000 Gold­smith's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Gold­smithing skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Fool's Gold A piece of Furni­ture that gives Moghance­ment: Gold­smithing.
Title obtained: Information Needed

Pages in category "Goldsmithing"

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