Chain Belt +1
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Other Uses
Guild Points Value: 1,340 / 4,560 (3.4 items) HorizonXI Correct |
Resale Price: ???~??? gil |
Synthesis Recipes
Goldsmithing (34)
- Yield: Chain Belt x 1
HQ 1: Chain Belt +1 x 1 - Earth Crystal
- 1 x Silver Ingot
- 3 x Silver Chain
Used in Recipes
- None
Desynthesis Recipes
Goldsmithing (Skill Cap at Synth Level)
- Yield: Silver Ingot x 4
- HQ 1: Silver Ingot x 5
- HQ 2: Silver Ingot x 6
- Lightning Crystal
- 1 x Chain Belt +1
Obtained from Desynthesis
- None
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Armor > Waist
Only obtainable through synthesis.
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