Brass Finger Gauntlets

From HorizonXI Wiki


Brass finger gauntlets
[Hands] All Races
DEF: 7
Lv. 27 WAR / RDM / PLD / DRK / BST / RNG /
View the entire Brass Scale Armor Set.

Other Uses

Guild Points Value: 736 / 4,000 (5.43 items) HorizonXI Correct
Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ~754 gil

Synthesis Recipes

{{Synthesis Recipes | recipe 1 =Goldsmithing (30)

Yield: Brass Finger Gauntlets x 1
HQ 1: Brass Finger Gauntlets +1 x 1
Earth Crystal

Desynthesis Recipes

Goldsmithing (30)

Yield: Grass Thread x 3
HQ 1: Cotton Thread x 1
HQ 2: Sheep Leather x 2
HQ 3: Brass Ingot x 2
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Brass Finger Gauntlets

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Armor > Hands AH Black.png


Price: 9,273 - 10,716 gil
Name Location Type
Brunhilde Bastok Markets (F-10) Standard Merchant

Dropped By

Treasure Casket