
From HorizonXI Wiki
Gender: Female
Race: Hume
Bestiary: [[:Category: NPCs|]]
Affiliation: Bastok


The Goldsmiths' Guild (Bastok) is open 8:00 - 23:00.
Closed for holiday on Iceday.

Restocked Wares

The guild will restock some amount of these items every Vana'diel day.

Item Price [gil] Max Available Daily Restock
Copper Ore 9 - 18 128 64
Zinc Ore 595 - 620 24 12
Mythril Ore 1,500 - 9,800 24 12
Silver Ore 315 - 1,260 24 12
Red Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Blue Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Yellow Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Green Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Translucent Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Purple Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Black Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
White Rock 1,288 - 6,440 48 16
Mandrel 75 - 242 48 12
Workshop Anvil 75 48 12
Tufa 20,400 255 255
Mythril Chain 10,500 - 55,440 30 6

Not Restocked Wares [toggle]

Items which are not restocked will not be available until a player has sold some of that item to the guild, and may not show up on the list of items to buy.