
From HorizonXI Wiki



Square of cilice
Cloth woven from
wool and dhalmel hair.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

HorizonXI specific changesClothcraft (Information Needed)

Yield: Cilice x 1
Earth Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Clothcraft AH Black.png


NM Name Level Cap Zone
Brummbar 75 Meriphataud Mountains (S)

Historical Background

Traditionally, the cilice or sackcloth was a shirt or tunic made of coarse cloth or animal hair. Its name derives from the Latin "cilicium", a coat made of goat hair from Cilicia, a Roman province of southeastern Anatolia. Used in some religious traditions to induce some degree of discomfort or pain as a sign of repentance and atonement.