Silver Beastcoin
From HorizonXI Wiki
Silver beastcoin
The Goblins mint this silver currency.
Widely used among beastmen.
Widely used among beastmen.
Stackable: 12
Other Uses
Used in Quest: Early Bird Catches the Bookworm |
Resale Price: 26~28 gil |
Synthesis Recipes
Used in Recipes
18 Silver Ingot
Desynthesis Recipes
Obtained from Desynthesis
- None
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Others > Beast-made
Chocobo Digging
Zone | Abundance |
Batallia Downs ● | Uncommon |
Sauromugue Champaign (S) | Uncommon |
Xarcabard (S) | Uncommon |
Sauromugue Champaign ● | Rare |
Tahrongi Canyon ● | Rare |
The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah ● | Very Rare |
Rolanberry Fields ● | Extremely Rare |
● = Requires Burrow ● = Requires Egg Helm ● = Requires Bore ● = Obtainable only at Night |
Dropped From
Name | Level | Zone |
Yagudo Mendicant | 11-18 | Giddeus |
12-16 | Tahrongi Canyon | |
16-20 | Meriphataud Mountains | |
Yagudo Persecutor | 11-18 | Giddeus |
16-20 | Meriphataud Mountains | |
Yagudo Piper | 12-16 | Tahrongi Canyon |
16-20 | Meriphataud Mountains | |
Goblin Leecher | 21-25 | Jugner Forest |
22-25 | Buburimu Peninsula | |
26-30 | Batallia Downs | |
26-30 | Valkurm Dunes | |
Goblin Mugger | 22-25 | Valkurm Dunes |
26-30 | Sauromugue Champaign | |
Yagudo Avatar (NM) | 75 | Altar Room |
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