
From HorizonXI Wiki
Family Information
Type: Plantoids
Common Behavior: L, H
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against: Resistance vs. Dark Resistance vs. Fire
Strong against:
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Warrior
Uncommon Job(s):
Charmable: Able to be charmed
Pankration: {{{Pankration}}}
Aspir: Eks.png
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
Notes: Links with Treants
Often found in large numbers, these diminutive plants can pack quite a wallop, especially when they assist each other to bring down larger prey. With their quick attacks and ability to put whole parties of attackers asleep, they are not to be taken lightly, despite their size. They can be found all over Vana'diel, although not surprisingly are most often found in outdoor, wooded areas.

They are often found surrounding - and will come to the assistance of - their larger treant brethren.

Being fairly typical plants, when killed they drop a variety of seeds, including Grain Seeds, Herb Seeds and Vegetable Seeds.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Original and Zilart Areas Promathia Areas Aht Urhgan Areas Wings of the Goddess Areas Abyssea Pankration
Sprout Smack: Single target damage and slow CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png Unknown
Sprout Spin: 15' AOE Damage and knock back CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png Unknown
Slumber Powder: 15' AOE Sleep CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Abatwa Information Needed at (H-7) Unknown Crawlers' Nest (S) Aptant: Secan
Ghillie Dhu Timed Spawn every 60-70 minutes from (J-9) - (J-11) 15-16 Konschtat Highlands Estramacon
Leshonki Lottery Spawn from the Boyahda Saplings around (G-9) near Dragon's Aery 79-81 Boyahda Tree Leshonki Bulb
Maighdean Uaine Lottery Spawn from the Walking Saplings around (J-5) - (I-6) 5-8 North Gustaberg Optical Earring
Sappy Sycamore Information Needed at (H-6) 55 Jugner Forest Seeker Earring
Tottering Toby Lottery Spawn from the Stalking Saplings around (G-6) to (G-7) approximately every 3 hours 27-28 Batallia Downs Stumbling Sandals
Yara Ma Yha Who Forced Spawn by trading a Distilled Water to the ??? at (J-10) 15-20 Tahrongi Canyon Fasting Ring

Quest NMs: Dryad (Class Reunion), Sentry Sapling (Succor to the Sidhe), Yallery Brown (Axe the Competition)

Mission NMs: None

Battlefield NMs: Metsanhaltija (BCNM - Grove Guardians), Metsanneitsyt (BCNM - Grove Guardians)

Other NMs: Apollyon Sapling (Limbus - SW Apollyon), Duessa (Assists: Fradubio), Staggering Sapling (Salvage - Arrapago Remnants)

Monsters in Family

Pages in category "Saplings"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.