Blind (Status Effect)
From HorizonXI Wiki
Blind is a harmful status effect that obscures the player's nearsight until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters experience reduced melee accuracy while under its effect.
How to remove the effect
- The White Magic spell Blindna will remove this effect.
- Using a vial of Eye Drops will remove this effect.
- The Monk ability Chakra will remove this effect.
- The Summoner blood pact Spring Water will remove this effect.
- The Dragoon Wyvern ability Remove Blind will remove this effect.
- The White Magic spell Flash and Monster abilities that inflict Flash require Erase for removal, although usually this wears very quickly, not needing removal.
How the effect is inflicted
- Blinding Potion (Self)
- Kawahori Kabuto (Self)
Blood Pact
- Apocalypse
- Blind Bolt
- Blind Dagger / Blind Dagger +1
- Blind Knife / Blind Knife +1
- Bokuto / Bokuto +1
Weapon Skills
Monster Abilities
- Ahriman - Blindeye
- Antica - Sandstorm
- Antlions - Sandblast
- Bahamut - Impulsion
- Doomed - Abyss Blast
- Euvhi - Efflorescent Foetor
- Funguars - Dark Spore
- Ghost - Dark Sphere
- Hounds - Shadow Claw
- Kindred - Hecatomb Wave
- Leeches - Sand Breath
- Manticores - Great Sandstorm
- Moblins - Smokebomb
- Morbols - Bad Breath
- Opo-opo - Eye Scratch
- Orcish Warmachines - Tear Grenade
- Proto-Omega - Floodlight
- Qiqirn - Sandspray
- Rabbits - Dust Cloud
- Rocs - Scratch, Blind Vortex
- Sandworms - Aeolian Void
- Sea Monks - Ink Jet
- Skeletons - Black Cloud
- Tenzen - Amatsu: Yukiarashi
- Tonberries - Light of Penance
- Treants - Drill Branch
- Wyrms - Hurricane Wing, Typhoon Wing
- Worms - Sandspin
- Xzomit - Ink Cloud
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