Proto-Omega on all 4 feet
Zone |
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Drops |
Steal |
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Central Apollyon
A, T(S), T(H) ~26,000 HP
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound; HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
Armoury Crate
One of:
One of:
Zero to one of:
Spawn Conditions
- Pod Ejection spawns a Gunpod. Used only when entering its bipedal form, or at any time while it is in its 3rd and final form.
- The Gunpods have about 2000 HP, so two Tier IV nukes or Spirits Withins should kill them. They hit hard, and are capable of triple-attack, so a tank with shadows is recommended.
- They drop 5-6 Ancient Beastcoins, one AF+1 material, one chip you used to enter the battle, or one synthesis material.
Special Abilities
Passive Traits
- Hyper Pulse: AoE ~300 damage, GravityTemplate:Status Effect and short Bind Template:Status Effect.
- Rear Lasers: Damage and PetrificationTemplate:Status Effect, used when someone behind Omega gets hate.
- Ion Efflux: Cone Attack ParalysisTemplate:Status Effect
- Stun Cannon: Cone Attack ~300 damage and Paralysis Template:Status Effect
- Target Analysis: AoE Absorb-ALL, absorbed by Utsusemi Template:Status Effect.
- Floodlight: AoE ~300 damage, BlindTemplate:Status Effect and Silence Template:Status Effect, ignores Utsusemi Template:Status Effect.
- Pod Ejection: Spawns a Gunpod
- Colossal Blow: Throat Stab-like damage, knockback and hate reset, ignores Utsusemi.
- Laser Shower: Cone Attack Defense Down ~150-900 magic based damage. Tanking from off-center reduces damage similar to Wyrm breath attacks.
- Guided Missile: Targeted AoE ~500 damage (and Bind?), absorbed by Utsusemi.
- Guided Missile II: Targeted AoE ~400 damage (and Bind?), NOT absorbed by Utsusemi
- Pile Pitch: Reduces a single target to 10% hp, enmity loss, BindTemplate:Status Effect, ignores Utsusemi
Physical Qualities
Magical Qualities
Further Notes
*Proto-Omega has 3 forms or stances depending on its remaining HP:
- 100-70% HP: Quadrupedal stance. In this form, Omega is vulnerable to magical damage and extremely resistant to physical damage.
- 70-30% HP: Switches to bipedal stance, and will periodically alternate back to quadrupedal stance. In its bipedal form, Omega is vulnerable to physical damage and extremely resistant to magical damage.
- <30% HP: Final form. It will always remain in its bipedal form at this point, although it is different from the bipedal form used earlier, and employs different attacks and defenses. In this form Omega is resistant to both physical and magical damage, but the resistance is less potent than of the previous forms (approximately 50% damage taken from all attacks)
*The final chest will contain several Ancient Beastcoins and at least 2 Omega's Fragments (that are not Omega's Heart).
(see testimonials)
Historical Background
Omega is the 24th and final letter in the modern Greek alphabet. Because of this, the word is often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate limit of a set, in contrast to Alpha, the first letter of the modern Greek alphabet.
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