
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Upon completion of some quests, missions, events, or upon defeating certain Notorious Monsters, your title may change.

  • You can view your title by looking at your profile from the in-game menu.
  • Others will see your title when they check you.
See also: Title Changer

Middle Lands Titles

Moozo-Koozo - Southern San d'Oria (K-6)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
New Adventurer Start FFXI None 200gil
Bean Cuisine Salter Lufet's Lake Salt Nogelle 200gil
Daybreak Gambler Exit the Gambler Aurege 200gil
Entrance Denied Rosel the Armorer Rosel 200gil
Rabbiter A Taste For Meat Antreneau 200gil
Royal Grave Keeper Grave Concerns Andecia 200gil
Courier Extraordinaire The Brugaire Consortium Fontoumant 200gil
Ronfaurian Rescuer A Sentry's Peril Glenne 200gil
Pickpocket Pincher The Pickpocket Altiret 200gil
The Pure One Waters of the Cheval Miageau 200gil
Lost Child Officer Father and Son Ailbeche 200gil
Silencer of the Lambs The Seamstress Hanaa Punaa 200gil
Lost & Found Officer The Dismayed Customer Gulemont 200gil
Green Grocer The Trader in the Forest Abeaule 200gil
The Benevolent One The Vicasque's Sermon Abioleget 200gil
Knight in Training A Squire's Test Balasiel 200gil
Advertising Executive Flyers for Regine Regine 200gil
Family Counselor Father and Son Ailbeche 200gil
Mog's Master Talk to your Moogle None 200gil
Vermillion Venturer Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) Norejaie 200gil
Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Eddy 200gil
Very Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Eddy 200gil
Extremely Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Eddy 200gil
Sheep's Milk Deliverer Sleepless Nights Paouala 300gil
The Pious One Gates to Paradise Olbergieut 300gil
Apiarist The Sweetest Things Raimbroy 300gil
Faith like a Candle Undying Flames Pagisalis 300gil
Lizard Skinner Lizard Skins Hanaa Punaa 300gil
Bug Catcher Thick Shells Vounebariont 300gil
Spelunker A Squire's Test II Balasiel 300gil
Arms Trader A Purchase of Arms Helbort 300gil
Third-rate Organizer Introduction To Teamwork Vilatroire 300gil
Royal Wedding Planner Fit for a Prince Halver 300gil
Consort Candidate Fit for a Prince (By being the candidate) Halver 300gil
Certified Adventurer Journey Abroad (Journey Abroad) San d'Orian Gate Guard 300gil
Vampire Hunter D-Minus Warding Vampires Maloquedil 300gil
A Moss Kind Person To Cure a Cough Nenne 300gil
Fang Finder Tiger's Teeth Taumila 300gil
Traveling Medicine Man The Medicine Woman Abeaule 300gil
Cat Skinner Black Tiger Skins Hanaa Punaa 300gil
Carp Diem The Competition
The Rivalry
Second-rate Organizer Intermediate Teamwork Vilatroire 300gil
Mog's Kind Master Give a Moogle a Break Moogle 300gil
First-rate Organizer Advanced Teamwork Vilatroire 400gil
Pilgrim to Holla Healing the Land Eperdur 400gil
Tried and Tested Knight A Knight's Test Balasiel 400gil
Heir to the Holy Crest The Holy Crest Arminibit 400gil
Obsidian Storm A Timely Visit Deraquien 400gil
Talks with Tonberries Tea with a Tonberry? Sobane 400gil
Shadow Banisher The Shadow Lord (The Shadow Lord) San d'Orian Gate Guard 400gil
Mog's Exceptionally Kind Master The Moogle's Picnic! Moogle 400gil
Love is Alive Curilla Unleashed Halver 400gil
The Awakener Of Knights and Orcs Fei'Yin 400gil
Paragon of Red Mage Excellence Peace for the Spirit Curilla 600gil
Paragon of White Mage Excellence Pieuje's Decision Pieuje 600gil
Paragon of Paladin Excellence Under Oath Trion 600gil
Paragon of Dragoon Excellence Knight Stalker Rahal 600gil
Heir of the Great Ice Trial by Ice Gulmama 600gil
Mog's Loving Master Moogles in the Wild Moogle 600gil
San d'Orian Royal Heir The Heir to the Light (Heir to the Light) San d'Orian Gate Guard 600gil
Dynamis San d'Oria Interloper Clearing Dynamis - San d'Oria Trail Markings 600gil
Royal Archer Purchase a rank 1 Conquest Points item.
(1,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Royal Spearman Purchase a rank 2 Conquest Points item.
(2,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Royal Squire Purchase a rank 3 Conquest Points item.
(4,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Royal Swordsman Purchase a rank 4 Conquest Points item.
(8,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Royal Cavalier Purchase a rank 5 Conquest Points item.
(16,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Royal Guard Purchase a rank 6 Conquest Points item.
(24,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Grand Knight of the Realm Purchase a rank 7 Conquest Points item.
(32,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Grand Temple Knight Purchase a rank 8 Conquest Points item.
(40,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Reserve Knight Captain Purchase a rank 9 Conquest Points item.
(48,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Elite Royal Guard Purchase a rank 10 Kingdom Aketon.
(56,000 CP)
San d'Orian Gate Guard 700gil
Anvil Advocate Purchase the Smithy's Mitts.
(Smithing Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Macuillie 700gil
Forge Fanatic Purchase the Blacksmith's Apron.
(Smithing Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Macuillie 700gil
Accomplished Blacksmith Purchase the Mastersmith Anvil.
(Smithing Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Macuillie 700gil
Armory Owner Purchase the Blacksmith's Signboard.
(Smithing Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Macuillie 700gil
Wood Worshiper Purchase the Carpenter's Gloves.
(Woodworking Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Andreas 700gil
Lumber Lather Purchase the Carpenter's Apron.
(Woodworking Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Andreas 700gil
Accomplished Carpenter Purchase the Drawing Desk.
(Woodworking Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Andreas 700gil
Furniture Store Owner Purchase the Carpenter's Signboard.
(Woodworking Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Andreas 700gil
Hide Handler Purchase the Tanner's Gloves.
(Leathercraft Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Alivatand 700gil
Leather Lauder Purchase the Tanner's Apron.
(Leathercraft Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Alivatand 700gil
Accomplished Tanner Purchase the Golden Fleece.
(Leathercraft Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Alivatand 700gil
Shoeshop Owner Purchase the Tanner's Signboard.
(Leathercraft Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Alivatand 700gil
Mog House Handyperson Smash! A Malevolent Menace Throne Room 700gil

Burute-Sorute - Windurst Walls (H-10)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
New Adventurer Start FFXI None 200gil
Cat Burglar Groupie Mihgo's Amigo Nanaa Mihgo 200gil
Crawler Culler Creepy Crawlies Illu Bohjaa 200gil
Star Onion Brigade Member Truth, Justice, and the Onion Way! Kohlo-Lakolo 200gil
S.O.B. Super Hero Know One's Onions Kohlo-Lakolo 200gil
Editor's Hatchet Man Making Headlines Naiko-Paneiko 200gil
Super Model A Pose by Any Other Name
(timed correct, modeling)
Angelica 200gil
Fast Food Deliverer Food for Thought Kerutoto 200gil
Cardian Tutor The All-New C-2000 Kopuro-Popuro 200gil
Kisser Make-upper Paying Lip Service Tapoh Lihzeh 200gil
Lower than the Lowest Tunnel Worm A Pose by Any Other Name
(refuse modeling)
Angelica 200gil
Fresh "North Winds" Recruit Accept first Mission from Windurst Waters Guardhouse. 200gil
Heavens Tower Gatehouse Recruit Accept first Mission from Windurst Walls Guardhouse. 200gil
New "Best of the West" Recruit Accept first Mission from Port Windurst Guardhouse. 200gil
New "Buuma's Boomers" Recruit Accept first Mission from Windurst Woods Guardhouse. 200gil
Mog's Master Talk to your Moogle 200gil
Emerald Exterminator Eco-Warrior (Windurst) Lumomo 200gil
Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Pygmalion 200gil
Very Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Pygmalion 200gil
Extremely Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Pygmalion 200gil
Babban's Traveling Companion Babban Ny Mheillea Khoto Rokkorah 200gil
Savior of Knowledge Chasing Tales / Early Bird Catches the Bookworm Tosuka-Porika 300gil
Star Onion Brigadier Onion Rings Kohlo-Lakolo 300gil
Quick Fixer Making Amends Hakkuru-Rinkuru 300gil
Fake-moustached Investigator Inspector's Gadget! Kohlo-Lakolo 300gil
Cupid's Florist Say It with Flowers Moari-Kaaori 300gil
Tarutaru Murder Suspect Curses, Foiled...Again!? Shantotto 300gil
Hexer Vexer Curses, Foiled...Again!? Shantotto 300gil
Great Grappler Scorpio!? The Amazin' Scorpio Soni-Muni 300gil
Certified Adventurer The Three Kingdoms (The Three Kingdoms) Windurst Gate Guard 300gil
Bond Fixer Twinstone Bonding Gioh Ajihri 300gil
Fossilized Sea Farer Blast from the Past Koru-Moru 300gil
Mog's Kind Master Give a Moogle a Break Moogle 300gil
Hakkuru-Rinkuru's Benefactor Making Amens! Kuroido-Moido 400gil
Spoilsport Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Mashuu-Ajuu 400gil
Pilgrim to Mea Acting in Good Faith Gantineux 400gil
Total Loser Curses, Foiled A-Golem!? Shantotto 400gil
Doctor Shantotto's Flavor of the Month Curses, Foiled A-Golem!? Shantotto 400gil
The Fanged One The Fanged One Perih Vashai 400gil
Rainbow Weaver I Can Hear a Rainbow Ajido-Marujido 400gil
Fine Tuner Tuning In Leepe-Hoppe 400gil
Doctor Shantotto's Guinea Pig Wonder Wands Hakkuru-Rinkuru 400gil
Ghostie Buster Blue Ribbon Blues Roberta 400gil
Night Sky Navigator Heaven Cent Ropunono 400gil
Deliverer of Tearful News Can Cardians Cry? Apururu 400gil
Down Piper Pipe-upperer Wondering Minstrel Jatan-Paratan 400gil
Doctor Yoran-Oran Supporter The Three Magi Chumimi 400gil
Doctor Shantotto Supporter The Three Magi Chumimi 400gil
Professor Koru-Moru Supporter The Three Magi Chumimi 400gil
Star-ordained Warrior The Shadow Awaits 400gil
Shadow Banisher The Shadow Awaits Windurst Gate Guard 400gil
Mog's Exceptionally Kind Master The Moogle's Picnic! Moogle 400gil
Friend of the Helmed Tuning Out Leepe-Hoppe 400gil
Deed Verifier One Good Deed? Chipmy-Popmy 400gil
Fully-Baked Hero Kupipi's Dilemma Kupipi 400gil
Paragon of Thief Excellence Hitting the Marquisate Nanaa Mihgo 500gil
Paragon of Black Mage Excellence The Root of the Problem Chumimi 500gil
Paragon of Ranger Excellence Unbridled Passion Perih Vashai 500gil
Paragon of Summoner Excellence Carbuncle Debacle Ripapa 500gil
Certified Rhinostery Venturer Toraimarai Turmoil Ohbiru-Dohbiru 500gil
Dream Dweller Wild Card Honoi-Gomoi 500gil
Hero on Behalf of Windurst Saintly Invitation Windurst Gate Guard 500gil
Victor of the Balga Contest Saintly Invitation Windurst Gate Guard 500gil
Mog's Loving Master Moogles in the Wild Moogle 500gil
Heir of the New Moon The Moonlit Path Leepe-Hoppe 500gil
Seeker of Truth Nothing Matters Koru-Moru 500gil
Fugitive Minister Bounty Hunter Vain Windurst Gate Guard 500gil
Guiding Star Doll of the Dead Windurst Gate Guard 500gil
Vestal Chamberlain Moon Reading Windurst Gate Guard 500gil
Dynamis-Windurst Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Windurst Trail Markings 500gil
Heir to the Realm of Dreams Waking Dreams Kerutoto 500gil
Freesword Purchase a rank 1 Conquest Points item.
(1,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Mercenary Purchase a rank 2 Conquest Points item.
(2,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Mercenary Captain Purchase a rank 3 Conquest Points item.
(4,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Combat Caster Purchase a rank 4 Conquest Points item.
(8,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Tactician Magician Purchase a rank 5 Conquest Points item.
(16,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Wise Wizard Purchase a rank 6 Conquest Points item.
(24,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Patriarch Protector Purchase a rank 7 Conquest Points item.
(32,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Caster Captain Purchase a rank 8 Conquest Points item.
(40,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Master Caster Purchase a rank 9 Conquest Points item.
(48,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Mercenary Major Purchase a rank 10 Federation Aketon.
(56,000 CP)
Windurst Gate Guard 600gil
Knitting Know-It-All Purchase the Magnifying Spectacles.
(Clothcraft Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Hauh Colphioh 600gil
Loom Lunatic Purchase the Weaver's Apron.
(Clothcraft Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Hauh Colphioh 600gil
Accomplished Weaver Purchase the Gilt Tapestry.
(Clothcraft Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Hauh Colphioh 600gil
Boutique Owner Purchase the Weaver's Signboard.
(Clothcraft Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Hauh Colphioh 600gil
Bone Beautifier Purchase the Protective Spectacles.
(Bonecraft Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Samigo-Pormigo 600gil
Shell Scrimshander Purchase the Boneworker's Apron.
(Bonecraft Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Samigo-Pormigo 600gil
Accomplished Boneworker Purchase the Drogaroga's Fang.
(Bonecraft Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Samigo-Pormigo 600gil
Curiosity Shop Owner Purchase the Boneworker's Signboard.
(Bonecraft Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Samigo-Pormigo 600gil
Fastriver Fisher Purchase the Waders.
(Fishing Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Fennella 600gil
Coastline Caster Purchase the Fisherman's Apron.
(Fishing Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Fennella 600gil
Accomplished Angler Purchase the Fishing Hole Map.
(Fishing Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Fennella 600gil
Fishmonger Owner Purchase the Fisherman's Signboard.
(Fishing Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Fennella 600gil
Gourmand Gratifier Purchase the Chef's Hat.
(Cooking Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Qhum Knaidjn 600gil
Banquet Bestower Purchase the Culinarian's Apron.
(Cooking Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Qhum Knaidjn 600gil
Accomplished Chef Purchase the Cordon Bleu Set.
(Cooking Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Qhum Knaidjn 600gil
Restaurant Owner Purchase the Culinarian's Signboard.
(Cooking Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Qhum Knaidjn 600gil
Mog House Handyperson Smash! A Malevolent Menace Throne Room 700gil
Arrester of the Ascension A Shantotto Ascension Windurst Walls 700gil

Styi Palneh - Port Bastok (I-7)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
New Adventurer Start FFXI 200gil
Bastok Welcoming Committee Welcome to Bastok Powhatan 200gil
Bucket Fisher Buckets of Gold Foss 200gil
Pursuer of the Past Hearts of Mythril Elki 200gil
Mommy's Helper Gourmet Salimah 200gil
Hot Dog Smoke on the Mountain Hungry Wolf 200gil
Stampeder Stamp Hunt Arawn 200gil
Ringbearer Mom, the Adventurer? Nbu Latteh 200gil
Zeruhn Sweeper Minesweeper Gerbaum 200gil
Tearjerker The Siren's Tear Wahid 200gil
Crab Crusher The Cold Light of Day Malene 200gil
Brygid-approved Brygid the Stylist Brygid 200gil
Gustaberg Tourist The Gustaberg Tour Izabele 200gil
Mog's Master Talk to your Moogle Mog House 200gil
Cerulean Soldier Eco-Warrior (Bastok) Raifa 200gil
Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Grin 200gil
Very Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Grin 200gil
Extremely Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Grin 200gil
Apostate for Hire Better the Demon You Know Oldton Movalpolos 200gil
Shell Outer Out of One's Shell Ronan 300gil
Pursuer of the Truth The Eleventh's Hour Elki 300gil
Qiji's Friend Forever to Hold Qiji 300gil
Treasure Scavenger The Signpost Marks the Spot Nbu Latteh 300gil
Sand Blaster Bite the Dust Yazan 300gil
Drachenfall Ascetic Drachenfall Black Mud 300gil
Assassin Reject Faded Promises Ayame 300gil
Certified Adventurer The Emissary Bastok Gate Guard 300gil
Qiji's Rival Till Death Do Us Part Romilda 300gil
Contest Rigger Rivals Detzo 300gil
Kulatz Bridge Companion The Return of the Adventurer Gwill 300gil
Avenger Vengeful Wrath Goraow 300gil
Airship Denouncer Fear of Flying Kurando 300gil
Star of Ifrit The Stars of Ifrit Agapito 300gil
Purple Belt Silence of the Rams Paujean 300gil
Mog's Kind Master Give a Moogle a Break Moogle 300gil
Trash Collector Out of the Depths Ayame 300gil
Beadeaux Surveyor Beadeaux Smog High Bear 400gil
Pilgrim to Dem Altana's Sorrow Virnage 400gil
Black Death Blade of Death Gumbah 400gil
Dark Sider Blade of Darkness Gumbah 400gil
Shadow Walker Ayame and Kaede Ensetsu 400gil
Sorrow Drowner Love and Ice Carmelo 400gil
"Steaming Sheep" Regular The Usual Hilda 400gil
Shadow Banisher Xarcabard, Land of Truths Bastok Gate Guard 400gil
Mog's Exceptionally Kind Master The Moogle's Picnic! Moogle 400gil
Hyper Ultra Sonic Adventurer The Naming Game Raibaht 400gil
Goblin in Disguise Return to the Depths Ayame 400gil
Bastok's Second Best Dressed Brygid the Stylist Returns Brygid 400gil
Destiny Destroyer...Destroyer The Destiny Destroyers Gumbah 400gil
Get Over Here! Cornelia's Call to Action Iron Eater 400gil
Paragon of Monk Excellence True Strength Ayame 500gil
Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence Blade of Evil Zeid 500gil
Paragon of Warrior Excellence The Talekeeper's Gift Deidogg 500gil
Heir of the Great Earth Trial by Earth Juroro 500gil
Mog's Loving Master Moogles in the Wild Moogle 500gil
Hero Among Heroes Where Two Paths Converge Bastok Gate Guard 500gil
Dynamis Bastok Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Bastok Trail Markings 500gil
Master of Manipulation Achieving True Power Shamarhaan 500gil
Legionnaire Purchase a rank 1 Conquest Points item.
(1,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Decurion Purchase a rank 2 Conquest Points item.
(2,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Centurion Purchase a rank 3 Conquest Points item.
(4,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Junior Musketeer Purchase a rank 4 Conquest Points item.
(8,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Senior Musketeer Purchase a rank 5 Conquest Points item.
(16,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Musketeer Commander Purchase a rank 6 Conquest Points item.
(24,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Gold Musketeer Purchase a rank 7 Conquest Points item.
(32,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Praefectus :Purchase a rank 8 Conquest Points item.
(40,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Senior Gold Musketeer Purchase a rank 9 Conquest Points item.
(48,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Praefectus Castrorum Purchase a rank 10 Republic Aketon.
(56,000 CP)
Bastok Gate Guard 600gil
Anvil Advocate Purchase the Smithy's Mitts.
(Smithing Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Lorena 700gil
Forge Fanatic Purchase the Blacksmith's Apron.
(Smithing Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Lorena 700gil
Accomplished Blacksmith Purchase the Mastersmith Anvil.
(Smithing Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Lorena 700gil
Armory Owner Purchase the Blacksmith's Signboard.
(Smithing Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Lorena 700gil
Trinket Turner Purchase the Shaded Spectacles.
(Goldsmithing Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Ellard 700gil
Silver Smelter Purchase the Goldsmith's Apron.
(Goldsmithing Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Ellard 700gil
Accomplished Goldsmith Purchase the Fool's Gold.
(Goldsmithing Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Ellard 700gil
Jewelry Store Owner Purchase the Goldsmith's Signboard.
(Goldsmithing Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Ellard 700gil
Formula Fiddler Purchase the Caduceus.
(Alchemy Journeyman rank, 70,000 GP)
Hemewmew 700gil
Potion Potentate Purchase the Alchemist's Apron.
(Alchemy Artisan rank, 100,000 GP)
Hemewmew 700gil
Accomplished Alchemist Purchase the Emeralda.
(Alchemy Veteran rank, 150,000 GP)
Hemewmew 700gil
Apothecary Owner Purchase the Alchemist's Signboard.
(Alchemy Veteran rank, 200,000 GP)
Hemewmew 700gil
Mog House Handyperson [Smash! A Malevolent Menace]] Throne Room 700gil

Tuh Almobankha - Lower Jeuno (I-8)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Brown Mage Guinea Pig Brown Magic Side Quest Parike-Poranke 200 gil
Brown Magic By-Product Brown Magic Side Quest Parike-Poranke 200 gil
Researcher of Classics The Old Monument Mertaire 400 gil
Torchbearer Community Service Zauko 400 gil
Fortune-teller in Training Your Crystal Ball Kurou-Morou 400 gil
Chocobo Trainer Chocobo's Wounds Brutus 400 gil
Clock Tower Preservationist Save the Clock Tower Derrick 400 gil
Life Saver Save My Son Dietmund 400 gil
Card Collector Collect Tarut Cards Chululu 400 gil
Two's Company The Lost Cardian Panta-Putta 400 gil
Trader of Antiquities The Antique Collector Imasuke 400 gil
Goblin's Exclusive Fashion Mannequin The Goblin Tailor Guttrix 400 gil
Tenshodo Member Tenshodo Membership Silver Owl 400 gil
Observer of Fateful Cubes To Kill Mocking Birds Nantoto 400 gil
Activist for Kindness A Candlelight Vigil Ilumida 500 gil
Envoy to the North Northward Radeivepart 500 gil
Exorcist in Training Save My Sister Baudin 500 gil
Fool's Errand Runner The Wonder Magic Set Panta-Putta 500 gil
Street Sweeper Rubbish Day Chululu 500 gil
Mercy Errand Runner Cook's Pride Naruru 500 gil
Believer of Altana Candle-making Rouliette 500 gil
Trader of Mysteries Child's Play Karl 500 gil
Wandering Minstrel A Minstrel in Despair Mertaire 500 gil
Animal Trainer Save My Son Dietmund 500 gil
Have Wings, Will Fly Magicite (All Nations-Mission 4) Varies 500 gil
Rod Retriever Hook, Line, and Sinker Omer 500 gil
Destined Fellow Mirror, Mirror Luto Mewrilah 500 gil
Troupe Brilioth Dancer Lakeside Minuet Laila 500 gil
Promising Dancer The Unfinished Waltz Laila 500 gil
Stardust Dancer The Road to Divadom Laila 500 gil
Timekeeper The Clockmaster Galmut 600 gil
Bringer of Bliss The Kind Cardian Panta-Putta 600 gil
Professional Loafer A Clock Most Delicate Galmut 600 gil
Trader of Renown Deal with Tenshodo Garnev 600 gil
Horizon Breaker In Defiant Challenge Maat 600 gil
Summit Breaker Atop the Highest Mountains Maat 600 gil
Brown Belt Fistful of Fury Vola 600 gil
Ducal Dupe Ducal Hospitality Taillegeas 600 gil
Chocobo Love Guru A Chocobo's Tale Nevela 600 gil
Pick-up Artist In the Mood for Love Odasel 600 gil
Worthy of Trust Regaining Trust Luto Mewrilah 600 gil
A Friend Indeed Mixed Signals Luto Mewrilah 600 gil
Chocorookie Chocobo Racing Various Chocobo Racing NPCs 600 gil
Crystal Stakes Cupholder Chocobo Racing Various Chocobo Racing NPCs 600 gil
Winning Owner Chocobo Racing Various Chocobo Racing NPCs 600 gil
Victorious Owner Chocobo Racing Various Chocobo Racing NPCs 600 gil
Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence A New Dawn Dietmund 700 gil
Paragon of Bard Excellence The Circle of Time Mertaire 700 gil
Sky Breaker Whence Blows the Wind Maat 700 gil
Black Belt Beat Around the Bushin Vola 700 gil
Greedalox The Gobbiebag Part V Bluffnix 700 gil
Cloud Breaker Riding on the Clouds Maat 700 gil
Star Breaker Shattering Stars Maat 700 gil
Ultimate Champion of the World Beyond the Sun Maat 700 gil
Grimoire Bearer Survival of the Wisest Gunther 700 gil
Dynamis - Jeuno Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Jeuno Trail Markings 700 gil
Dynamis - Beaucedine Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Beaucedine Trail Markings 700 gil
Dynamis - Xarcabard Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Xarcabard Trail Markings 700 gil
Dynamis - Qufim Interloper Clearing Dynamis - Qufim Hieroglyphics 700 gil
Conqueror of Fate Storms of Fate Esha'ntarl 700 gil
Superhero Hero's Combat 700 gil
Superheroine Heroine's Combat 700 gil
Elegant Dancer Comeback Queen Laila 700 gil
Dazzling Dance Diva A Furious Finale Laila 700 gil
Fellow Fortifier Clash of the Comrades Luto Mewrilah 700 gil
Grand Greedalox The Gobbiebag Part X Bluffnix 800gil
Silencer of the Echo Ode of Life Bestowing 800gil

Yulon-Polon - Selbina (I-9)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Cordon Bleu Fisher Inside the Belly
(Giant Catfish/Ogre Eel)
Zaldon 200 gil
Ecologist Donate to Recycling Romeo 200 gil
Li'l Cupid Under the Sea Yaya 200 gil
Ace Angler Inside the Belly
(Silver Shark)
Zaldon 200 gil
Copper Hook Placing 4th through 10th in a Fish Ranking contest Chenon 200 gil
Silver Hook Placing 3rd in a Fish Ranking contest. Chenon 200 gil
Mythril Hook Placing 2nd in a Fish Ranking contest. Chenon 200 gil
Gold Hook Placing 1st in a Fish Ranking contest. Chenon 200 gil
Savior of Love The Gift Oswald 300 gil
Honorary Citizen of Selbina The Rescue Thunder Hawk 300 gil
The Love Doctor The Real Gift Oswald 300 gil
Lu Shang-like Fisher King Inside the Belly
Zaldon 300 gil
Orcish Serjeant An Understanding Overlord? Loo Kohor 300 gil

Bronze Quadav

An Affable Adamantking? Raptorlegs Gedwad 300 gil - Yagudo Initiate A Moral Manifest? Hooknox 300 gil
Moblin Kinsman A Generous General? Gu'Zho Thunderblade 300 gil
Team Player Picture Perfect Diederik 300 gil
Dynamis-Valkurm Interloper Dynamis - Valkurm Hieroglyphics
Interrupter of Dreams Waking the Beast with "No" as choice ??? La Theine Plateau (G-6) 300 gil
Disturber of Slumber Waking the Beast with "Yes" as choice ??? La Theine Plateau (G-6) 300 gil
Fodderchief Flayer Fodderchief Vokdek Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Warchief Wrecker Warchief Vatgit Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Dread Dragon Slayer Dread Dragon Horlais Peak 400gil
Dark Dragon Slayer Dark Dragon Waughroon Shrine 400gil
Black Dragon Slayer Black Dragon Balga's Dais 400gil
Behemoth's Bane Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 400gil
Archmage Assassin Archlich Taber'quoan Qu'Bia Arena 400gil
Hellsbane Count Bifrons/Viscount Morax/Baronet Romwe/Baron Vapula Castle Zvahl Keep 400gil
Lich Banisher Lich C Magnus Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Jellybane Ichorous Ire Maze of Shakhrami 400gil
Skullcrusher Skull of Envy/Skull of Lust

Skull of Gluttony/Skull of Pride
Skull of Greed/Skull of Sloth
Skull of Wrath

The Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Bogeydowner Awd Goggie Crawlers' Nest 400gil
Beakbender Skewer Sam Garlaige Citadel 400gil
Morbolbane Morbolger Ordelle's Caves 400gil
Goliath Killer Goliath Fei'Yin 400gil
Mary's Guide Stray Mary Konschtat Highlands 400gil
Simurgh Poacher Simurgh Rolanberry Fields 500gil
Roc Star Roc Sauromugue Champaign 500gil
Serket Breaker Serket Garlaige Citadel 500gil
Cassienova Capricious Cassie Fei'Yin 500gil
The Hornsplitter Bloodtear Baldurf/Steelfleece Baldarich La Theine Plateau/Konschtat Highlands 500gil
Tortoise Torturer Adamantoise Valley of Sorrows 500gil
Mon Cherry Cemetery Cherry King Ranperre's Tomb 500gil
Behemoth Dethroner King Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 500gil
The Vivisector Voluptuous Vivian The Boyahda Tree 500gil
Dragon Asher Ash Dragon Ifrit's Cauldron 500gil
Expeditionary Trooper Complete an Expeditionary Force run. Home Nation's Conquest Overseer 500gil
Adamantking Usurper Za'Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 600gil
Deity Debunker Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 600gil
Overlord Overthrower Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 600gil
Fafnir Slayer Fafnir Dragon's Aery 600gil
Aspidochelone Sinker Aspidochelone Valley of Sorrows 600gil
Nidhogg Slayer Nidhogg Dragon's Aery 600gil
Maat Masher Maat again after Shattering Stars BCNM 600gil
Kirin Captivator Kirin Shrine of Ru'Avitau 600gil
Cactrot Desacelerador Cactrot Rapido Eastern Altepa Desert 600gil
Lifter of Shadows Dynamis Lord Dynamis - Xarcabard 600gil
Tiamat Trouncer Tiamat Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Vrtra Vanquisher Vrtra King Ranperre's Tomb 600gil
World Serpent Slayer Jormungand Uleguerand Range 600gil
Xolotl Xtrapolator Xolotl Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Ouryu Overwhelmer Ouryu (BCNM Ouryu Cometh) Monarch Linn 600gil
Vinegar Evaporator King Vinegarroon Western Altepa Desert 600gil
Bye-bye, Taisai Taisaijin Ranguemont Pass 600gil
Boroka Beleaguerer Boroka Riverne - Site #B01 600gil
Virtuous Saint Absolute Virtue Al'Taieu 600gil
Temenos Liberator Proto-Ultima Central Temenos - 4th Floor 600gil
Apollyon Ravager Proto-Omega Central Apollyon 600gil
Nightmare Awakener Diabolos Spade/Diabolos Heart

Diabolos Diamond/Diabolos Club

Dynamis - Tavnazia 600gil
Wyrm Astonisher The Wyrmking Descends (BCNM) Riverne - Site #B01 600gil

Willah Maratahya - Mhaura (I-8)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Purveyor in Training Rycharde the Chef Rycharde 200gil
One-star Purveyor Way of the Cook Rycharde 200gil
Two-star Purveyor Unending Chase Rycharde 200gil
Three-star Purveyor Expertise Take 200gil
Four-star Purveyor The Clue Rycharde 300gil
Five-star Purveyor The Basics Rycharde 300gil
Heir of the Great Lightning Trial by Lightning Ripapa 300gil
Dynamis-Buburimu Interloper Dynamis - Buburimu Hieroglyphics 300gil
Fodderchief Flayer Fodderchief Vokdek Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Warchief Wrecker Warchief Vatgit Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Dread Dragon Slayer Dread Dragon Horlais Peak 400gil
Dark Dragon Slayer Dark Dragon Waughroon Shrine 400gil
Black Dragon Slayer Black Dragon Balga's Dais 400gil
Behemoth's Bane Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 400gil
Archmage Assassin Archlich Taber'quoan Qu'Bia Arena 400gil
Hellsbane Count Bifrons/Viscount Morax/Baronet Romwe/Baron Vapula Castle Zvahl Keep 400gil
Lich Banisher Lich C Magnus Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Jellybane Ichorous Ire Maze of Shakhrami 400gil
Skullcrusher Skull of Envy/Skull of Lust

Skull of Gluttony/Skull of Pride
Skull of Greed/Skull of Sloth
Skull of Wrath

The Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Bogeydowner Awd Goggie Crawlers' Nest 400gil
Beakbender Skewer Sam Garlaige Citadel 400gil
Morbolbane Morbolger Ordelle's Caves 400gil
Goliath Killer Goliath Fei'Yin 400gil
Mary's Guide Stray Mary Konschtat Highlands 400gil
Simurgh Poacher Simurgh Rolanberry Fields 500gil
Roc Star Roc Sauromugue Champaign 500gil
Serket Breaker Serket Garlaige Citadel 500gil
Cassienova Capricious Cassie Fei'Yin 500gil
The Hornsplitter Bloodtear Baldurf/Steelfleece Baldarich La Theine Plateau/Konschtat Highlands 500gil
Tortoise Torturer Adamantoise Valley of Sorrows 500gil
Mon Cherry Cemetery Cherry King Ranperre's Tomb 500gil
Behemoth Dethroner King Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 500gil
The Vivisector Voluptuous Vivian The Boyahda Tree 500gil
Dragon Asher Ash Dragon Ifrit's Cauldron 500gil
Expeditionary Trooper Complete an Expeditionary Force run. Home Nation's Conquest Overseer 500gil
Adamantking Usurper Za'Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 600gil
Deity Debunker Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 600gil
Overlord Overthrower Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 600gil
Fafnir Slayer Fafnir Dragon's Aery 600gil
Aspidochelone Sinker Aspidochelone Valley of Sorrows 600gil
Nidhogg Slayer Nidhogg Dragon's Aery 600gil
Maat Masher Maat again after Shattering Stars BCNM 600gil
Kirin Captivator Kirin Shrine of Ru'Avitau 600gil
Cactrot Desacelerador Cactrot Rapido Eastern Altepa Desert 600gil
Lifter of Shadows Dynamis Lord Dynamis - Xarcabard 600gil
Tiamat Trouncer Tiamat Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Vrtra Vanquisher Vrtra King Ranperre's Tomb 600gil
World Serpent Slayer Jormungand Uleguerand Range 600gil
Xolotl Xtrapolator Xolotl Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Ouryu Overwhelmer Ouryu (BCNM Ouryu Cometh) Monarch Linn 600gil
Vinegar Evaporator King Vinegarroon Western Altepa Desert 600gil
Bye-bye, Taisai Taisaijin Ranguemont Pass 600gil
Boroka Beleaguerer Boroka Riverne - Site #B01 600gil
Virtuous Saint Absolute Virtue Al'Taieu 600gil
Temenos Liberator Proto-Ultima Central Temenos - 4th Floor 600gil
Apollyon Ravager Proto-Omega Central Apollyon 600gil
Nightmare Awakener Diabolos Spade/Diabolos Heart

Diabolos Diamond/Diabolos Club

Dynamis - Tavnazia 600gil
Wyrm Astonisher The Wyrmking Descends (BCNM) Riverne - Site #B01 600gil

Quntsu-Nointsu - Norg (G-7)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Honorary Doctorate, Majoring in Tonberries Everyone's Grudge Magephaud 200 Gil
Bushido Blade Forge Your Destiny Jaucribaix 200 Gil
Black Marketeer Black Market Muzaffar 200 Gil
Cracker of the Secret Code Secret of the Damp Scroll Shivivi 200 Gil
Looks Sublime in a Subligar Like a Shining Subligar Heiji 200 Gil
Looks Good in Leggings Like Shining Leggings Heizo 200 Gil
The Fated Volto Oscuro Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Abyssal Purveyor Somber Dreams Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Banisher of the Profane Pretender to the Throne Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Spirit Seeker Both Paths Taken Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
The Decider Penance Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
The Ascended Way to Divinity Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
The Savior of Vana'diel Nary a Cloud in Sight Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Blessed by the Avatars Guardians Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Seer of Songs The Orb's Radiance Rhapsodies of Vana'diel 200 Gil
Apprentice Sommelier Stop Your Whining Washu 300 Gil
Treasure-house Ransacker The Sahagin's Stash Laisrean 300 Gil
Heir of the Great Water Trial by Water Edal-Tahdal 300 Gil
Paragon of Samurai Excellence A Thief in Norg!? Jaucribaix 300 Gil
Paragon of Ninja Excellence True Will Ryoma 300 Gil
Guider of Souls to the Sanctuary Soul Searching Cermet Headstone 300 Gil
Bearer of Bonds Beyond Time Wandering Souls Cermet Headstone 300 Gil
Friend of the Opo-opos Wrath of the Opo-opos Cermet Headstone 300 Gil
Pentacide Perpetrator Ark Angels

(Ark Angels Divine Might BCNM only)

Cermet Headstone 300 Gil
Bearer of the Wisewoman's Hope The Temple of Uggalepih The Temple of Uggalepih 400 Gil
Bearer of the Eight Prayers Headstone Pilgrimage Grav'iton 400 Gil
Lightweaver The Chamber of Oracles Chamber of Oracles 400 Gil
Destroyer of Antiquity Return to Delkfutt's Tower Upper Delkfutt's Tower 400 Gil
Sealer of the Portal of the Gods The Temple of Desolation Hall of the Gods 400 Gil
Burier of the Illusion The Celestial Nexus Celestial Nexus 400 Gil
Blazewing Berater Blazewing Escha - Zi'Tah 500 Gil
Pazuzu Perplexer Pazuzu Escha - Zi'Tah 500 Gil
Azi Dahaka Annihilator Azi Dahaka Escha - Zi'Tah 500 Gil
Naga Raja Nullifier Naga Raja Escha - Ru'Aun 500 Gil
Genbu Cracker Genbu Escha - Ru'Aun 500 Gil
Seiryu Clipper Seiryu Escha - Ru'Aun 500 Gil
Suzaku Plucker Suzaku Escha - Ru'Aun 500 Gil
Pakecet Pacifier Pakecet Escha - Ru'Aun 600 Gil
Duke Vepar Vanquisher Duke Vepar Escha - Ru'Aun 600 Gil
Vir'ava Vegetator Vir'ava Escha - Ru'Aun 600 Gil

Eron-Tomaron - Kazham (G-7)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Swift 200gil
Very Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Swift 200gil
Extremely Discerning Individual A Discerning Eye Swift 200gil
Heir of the Great Fire Trial by Fire Ronta-Onta 300gil
Gullible's Travels Gullible's Travels Magriffon 300gil
Kazham Caller Greetings to the Guardian Hari Pakhroib 300gil
Even More Gullible's Travels Even More Gullible's Travels Magriffon 300gil
King of the Opo-opos The Opo-opo and I Lulupp 300gil
Excommunicate of Kazham Everyone's Grudging Jakoh Wahcondalo 300gil
Ya Done Good You Call That a Knife? Mhebi Juhbily 300gil
Fodderchief Flayer Fodderchief Vokdek Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Warchief Wrecker Warchief Vatgit Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Dread Dragon Slayer Dread Dragon Horlais Peak 400gil
Dark Dragon Slayer Dark Dragon Waughroon Shrine 400gil
Black Dragon Slayer Black Dragon Balga's Dais 400gil
Behemoth's Bane Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 400gil
Archmage Assassin Archlich Taber'quoan Qu'Bia Arena 400gil
Hellsbane Count Bifrons/Viscount Morax/Baronet Romwe/Baron Vapula Castle Zvahl Keep 400gil
Lich Banisher Lich C Magnus Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Jellybane Ichorous Ire Maze of Shakhrami 400gil
Skullcrusher Skull of Envy/Skull of Lust

Skull of Gluttony/Skull of Pride
Skull of Greed/Skull of Sloth
Skull of Wrath

The Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Bogeydowner Awd Goggie Crawlers' Nest 400gil
Beakbender Skewer Sam Garlaige Citadel 400gil
Morbolbane Morbolger Ordelle's Caves 400gil
Goliath Killer Goliath Fei'Yin 400gil
Mary's Guide Stray Mary Konschtat Highlands 400gil
Simurgh Poacher Simurgh Rolanberry Fields 500gil
Roc Star Roc Sauromugue Champaign 500gil
Serket Breaker Serket Garlaige Citadel 500gil
Cassienova Capricious Cassie Fei'Yin 500gil
The Hornsplitter Bloodtear Baldurf/Steelfleece Baldarich La Theine Plateau/Konschtat Highlands 500gil
Tortoise Torturer Adamantoise Valley of Sorrows 500gil
Mon Cherry Cemetery Cherry King Ranperre's Tomb 500gil
Behemoth Dethroner King Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 500gil
The Vivisector Voluptuous Vivian The Boyahda Tree 500gil
Dragon Asher Ash Dragon Ifrit's Cauldron 500gil
Expeditionary Trooper Complete an Expeditionary Force run. Home Nation's Conquest Overseer 500gil
Adamantking Usurper Za'Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 600gil
Deity Debunker Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 600gil
Overlord Overthrower Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 600gil
Fafnir Slayer Fafnir Dragon's Aery 600gil
Aspidochelone Sinker Aspidochelone Valley of Sorrows 600gil
Nidhogg Slayer Nidhogg Dragon's Aery 600gil
Maat Masher Maat again after Shattering Stars BCNM 600gil
Kirin Captivator Kirin Shrine of Ru'Avitau 600gil
Cactrot Desacelerador Cactrot Rapido Eastern Altepa Desert 600gil
Lifter of Shadows Dynamis Lord Dynamis - Xarcabard 600gil
Tiamat Trouncer Tiamat Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Vrtra Vanquisher Vrtra King Ranperre's Tomb 600gil
World Serpent Slayer Jormungand Uleguerand Range 600gil
Xolotl Xtrapolator Xolotl Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Ouryu Overwhelmer Ouryu (BCNM Ouryu Cometh) Monarch Linn 600gil
Vinegar Evaporator King Vinegarroon Western Altepa Desert 600gil
Bye-bye, Taisai Taisaijin Ranguemont Pass 600gil
Boroka Beleaguerer Boroka Riverne - Site #B01 600gil
Virtuous Saint Absolute Virtue Al'Taieu 600gil
Temenos Liberator Proto-Ultima Central Temenos - 4th Floor 600gil
Apollyon Ravager Proto-Omega Central Apollyon 600gil
Nightmare Awakener Diabolos Spade/Diabolos Heart

Diabolos Diamond/Diabolos Club

Dynamis - Tavnazia 600gil
Wyrm Astonisher The Wyrmking Descends (BCNM) Riverne - Site #B01 600gil

Shupah Mujuuk - Rabao (G-8)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
The Immortal Fisher, Lu Shang The Immortal Lu Shang Irmilant 200gil
Indomitable Fisher Indomitable Spirit Irmilant 200gil
Exalted Fisherman Fish Favors the Bold Irmilant 200gil
Kuftal Tourist The Kuftal Tour Datta 200gil
Acquirer of Ancient Arcanum The Missing Piece Alfesar 200gil
Desert Hunter Don't Forget the Antidote Edigey 200gil
Rookie Hero Instructor The Search for Goldmane Zoriboh 200gil
Heir of the Great Wind Trial by Wind Agado-Pugado 300gil
Fodderchief Flayer Fodderchief Vokdek Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Warchief Wrecker Warchief Vatgit Ghelsba Outpost 400gil
Dread Dragon Slayer Dread Dragon Horlais Peak 400gil
Dark Dragon Slayer Dark Dragon Waughroon Shrine 400gil
Black Dragon Slayer Black Dragon Balga's Dais 400gil
Behemoth's Bane Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 400gil
Archmage Assassin Archlich Taber'quoan Qu'Bia Arena 400gil
Hellsbane Count Bifrons/Viscount Morax/Baronet Romwe/Baron Vapula Castle Zvahl Keep 400gil
Lich Banisher Lich C Magnus Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Jellybane Ichorous Ire Maze of Shakhrami 400gil
Skullcrusher Skull of Envy/Skull of Lust

Skull of Gluttony/Skull of Pride
Skull of Greed/Skull of Sloth
Skull of Wrath

The Eldieme Necropolis 400gil
Bogeydowner Awd Goggie Crawlers' Nest 400gil
Beakbender Skewer Sam Garlaige Citadel 400gil
Morbolbane Morbolger Ordelle's Caves 400gil
Goliath Killer Goliath Fei'Yin 400gil
Mary's Guide Stray Mary Konschtat Highlands 400gil
Simurgh Poacher Simurgh Rolanberry Fields 500gil
Roc Star Roc Sauromugue Champaign 500gil
Serket Breaker Serket Garlaige Citadel 500gil
Cassienova Capricious Cassie Fei'Yin 500gil
The Hornsplitter Bloodtear Baldurf/Steelfleece Baldarich La Theine Plateau/Konschtat Highlands 500gil
Tortoise Torturer Adamantoise Valley of Sorrows 500gil
Mon Cherry Cemetery Cherry King Ranperre's Tomb 500gil
Behemoth Dethroner King Behemoth Behemoth's Dominion 500gil
The Vivisector Voluptuous Vivian The Boyahda Tree 500gil
Dragon Asher Ash Dragon Ifrit's Cauldron 500gil
Expeditionary Trooper Complete an Expeditionary Force run. Home Nation's Conquest Overseer 500gil
Adamantking Usurper Za'Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 600gil
Deity Debunker Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 600gil
Overlord Overthrower Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 600gil
Fafnir Slayer Fafnir Dragon's Aery 600gil
Aspidochelone Sinker Aspidochelone Valley of Sorrows 600gil
Nidhogg Slayer Nidhogg Dragon's Aery 600gil
Maat Masher Maat again after Shattering Stars BCNM 600gil
Kirin Captivator Kirin Shrine of Ru'Avitau 600gil
Cactrot Desacelerador Cactrot Rapido Eastern Altepa Desert 600gil
Lifter of Shadows Dynamis Lord Dynamis - Xarcabard 600gil
Tiamat Trouncer Tiamat Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Vrtra Vanquisher Vrtra King Ranperre's Tomb 600gil
World Serpent Slayer Jormungand Uleguerand Range 600gil
Xolotl Xtrapolator Xolotl Attohwa Chasm 600gil
Ouryu Overwhelmer Ouryu (BCNM Ouryu Cometh) Monarch Linn 600gil
Vinegar Evaporator King Vinegarroon Western Altepa Desert 600gil
Bye-bye, Taisai Taisaijin Ranguemont Pass 600gil
Boroka Beleaguerer Boroka Riverne - Site #B01 600gil
Virtuous Saint Absolute Virtue Al'Taieu 600gil
Temenos Liberator Proto-Ultima Central Temenos - 4th Floor 600gil
Apollyon Ravager Proto-Omega Central Apollyon 600gil
Nightmare Awakener Diabolos Spade/Diabolos Heart

Diabolos Diamond/Diabolos Club

Dynamis - Tavnazia 600gil
Wyrm Astonisher The Wyrmking Descends (BCNM) Riverne - Site #B01 600gil

Aligi-Kufongi - Tavnazian Safehold (H-9)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Tavnazian Squire A Hard Day's Knight Quelveuiat 200gil
Putrid Purveyor of Pungent Petals Petals for Parelbriaux Chemioue 200gil
Monarch Linn Patrol Guard Uninvited Guests Justinius 200gil
Sin Hunter Hunter Tango with a Tracker Despachiaire 200gil
Disciple of Justice Requiem of Sin Despachiaire 200gil
Dynamis-Tavnazia Interloper Dynamis - Tavnazia Hieroglyphics 200gil
Confronter of Nightmares Examine the Hieroglyphics, after beating Dynamis - Tavnazia Hieroglyphics 200gil
Dead Body An Invitation West Tavnazian Safehold 300gil
Frozen Dead Body Desires of Emptiness Spire of Vahzl 300gil
Dreambreaker Darkness Named The Shrouded Maw 300gil
Mist Melter The Savage Monarch Linn 300gil
Delta Enforcer Promathia Mission 5-3/Louverance Path Mine Shaft #2716 300gil
Omega Ostracizer Omega Sealion's Den 300gil
Ultima Undertaker Ultima Sealion's Den 300gil
Ulmia's Soulmate Promathia Mission 5-3/Ulmia Path Boneyard Gully 300gil
Tenzen's Ally Promathia Mission 5-3/Tenzen Path Pso'Xja 300gil
Companion of Louverance Promathia Mission 5-3/Louverance Path :Mine Shaft #2716 300gil
True Companion of Louverance Promathia Mission 5-3/Ulmia Path Boneyard Gully 300gil
Prishe's Buddy Fire in the Eyes of Men Cid 300gil
Nag'molada's Underling The Savage Monarch Linn 300gil
Esha'ntarl's Comrade in Arms Flames in the Darkness Upper Jeuno 300gil
The Chebukkis' Worst Nightmare The Warrior's Path Tenzen 300gil
Unquenchable Light The Warrior's Path Sealion's Den 300gil
Warrior of the Crystal When Angels Fall The Garden of Ru'Hmet 300gil
Ancient Flame Follower The Mothercrystals Shattered Telepoint 400gil
Tavnazian Traveler Ancient Vows Monarch Linn
Transient Dreamer Darkness Named The Shrouded Maw
The Lost One Slanderous Utterings Sealion's Den
Treader of an Icy Past Promathia Mission 5-3 Cid
Branded by Lightning One to be Feared Sealion's Den
Seeker of the Light Garden of Antiquity Al'Taieu
Averter of the Apocalypse Dawn Empyreal Paradox
Banisher of Emptiness Dawn Empyreal Paradox
Breaker of the Chains Apocalypse Nigh Empyreal Paradox

Aht Urhgan Titles

Koyol-Futenol - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (E-9)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Dark Resistant Fear of the Dark II Suldiran 200gil
Bearer of the Mark of Zahak An Empty Vessel Waoud 200gil
Seagull Phratrie Crew Member Luck of the Draw Ratihb 200gil
Proud Automaton Owner No Strings Attached Iruki-Waraki 200gil
Wildcat Publicist Lure of the Wildcat (All Nations) Naja Salaheem 200gil
Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence Transformations Waoud 200gil
Paragon of Corsair Excellence Against All Odds Ratihb 200gil
Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence Puppetmaster Blues Iruki-Waraki 200gil
Skyserpent Aggrandizer Saga of the Skyserpent Fari-Wari 200gil
Galeserpent Guardian When the Bow Breaks Gaweesh 200gil
Stoneserpent Shocktrooper Fist of the People Talhaal 200gil
Springserpent Sentry Soothing Waters Fari-Wari 200gil
Flameserpent Facilitator Embers of His Past Fari-Wari 200gil
Scenic Snapshotter Get the Picture Balakaf 200gil
Photopticator Operator Five Seconds of Fame Balakaf 200gil
Branded by the Five Serpents Beginnings Waoud 200gil
Private Second Class Aht Urhgan Mission 2: Immortal Sentries None 300gil
Private First Class Promotion: Private First Class Naja Salaheem 300gil
Superior Private Promotion: Superior Private Naja Salaheem 300gil
[[Lance Corporal ] Promotion: Lance Corporal Abquhbah 300gil
Corporal Promotion: Corporal Naja Salaheem 300gil
Sergeant Promotion: Sergeant Naja Salaheem 300gil
Sergeant Major Promotion: Sergeant Major Naja Salaheem 300gil
Chief Sergeant Promotion: Chief Sergeant Abquhbah 300gil
Second Lieutenant Promotion: Second Lieutenant Abquhbah 300gil
First Lieutenant Promotion: First Lieutenant Abquhbah 300gil
Captain Promotion: Captain Abquhbah 300gil
Agent of the Allied Forces Aht Urhgan Mission 7: Westerly Winds Naja Salaheem 300gil
Ovjang's Errand Runner Aht Urhgan Mission 17: Guests of the Empire Naja Salaheem 300gil
Karababa's Tour Guide Aht Urhgan Mission 20: Teahouse Tumult Naja Salaheem 300gil
Karababa's Bodyguard Aht Urhgan Mission 22: Shield of Diplomacy Naja Salaheem 300gil
Karababa's Secret Agent Aht Urhgan Mission 24: Foiled Ambition Naja Salaheem 300gil
Aphmau's Mercenary Aht Urhgan Mission 28: Bastion of Knowledge None 300gil
Nashmeira's Mercenary Aht Urhgan Mission 31: Shades of Vengeance None 300gil
Salaheem's Risk Assessor Aht Urhgan Mission 33: Sentinels' Honor Naja Salaheem 300gil
Treasure Trove Tender Aht Urhgan Mission 34: Testing the Waters None 300gil
Gessho's Mercy Aht Urhgan Mission 35: Legacy of the Lost None 300gil
Emissary of the Empress Aht Urhgan Mission 36: Gaze of the Saboteur None 300gil
Endymion Paratrooper Aht Urhgan Mission 40: Unraveling Reason Pherimociel 300gil
Naja's Comrade-In-Arms Aht Urhgan Mission 42: Path of Darkness None 300gil
Nashmeira's Loyalist Aht Urhgan Mission 43: Fangs of the Lion Naja Salaheem 300gil
Preventer of Ragnarok Aht Urhgan Mission 44: Nashmeira's Plea None 300gil
Champion of Aht Urhgan Aht Urhgan Mission 47: The Empress Crowned None 300gil
Eternal Mercenary Aht Urhgan Mission 48: Eternal Mercenary Naja Salaheem 300gil
Subduer of the Mamool Ja Mamook Incursion Mamook 400 gil
Subduer of the Trolls Halvung Invasion Halvung 400 gil
Subduer of the Undead Swarm Lamia Reprisal Arrapago Reef 400 gil
Elite Einherjar Einherjar - Clear Odin's chamber Odin 400 gil
Star Charioteer Battleclad Chariot Zhayolm Remnants 400 gil
Sun Charioteer Armored Chariot Arrapago Remnants 400 gil
Comet Charioteer Long-Bowed Chariot Bhaflau Remnants 400 gil
Moon Charioteer Long-Armed Chariot Silver Sea Remnants 400 gil
Heir of the Blighted Gloom The Rider Cometh Hazhalm Testing Grounds 400 gil
The Sixth Serpent Complete the Mercenary Camp BC. None 400 gil
Oupire Impaler Oupire Alzadaal Undersea Ruins 400 gil
Cerberus Muzzler Cerberus Mount Zhayolm 400 gil
Hydra Headhunter Hydra Wajaom Woodlands 400 gil
Shining Scale Rifler Gulool Ja Ja Mamook 400 gil
Troll Subjugator Gurfurlur the Menacing Halvung 400 gil
Gorgonstone Sunderer Medusa Arrapago Reef 400 gil
Khimaira Carver Khimaira Caedarva Mire 400 gil
Pandemonium Queller Pandemonium Warden Aydeewa Subterrane 400 gil
Master of Ambition The Beast Within Waoud 500gil
Master of Chance Breaking the Bonds of Fate ??? (H-10) 500gil
Immortal Lion Omens Waoud 500gil

Shadowreign Titles

Tamba-Namba - Southern San d'Oria (S) (L-8)

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Lady Killer Seeing Spots Wyatt 200gil
Knight of the Iron Ram Steamed Rams Mainchelite 200gil
Seasoning Connoisseur Beans Ahoy! Thierride (S) 200gil
Fine Young Griffon Wrath of the Griffon Rholont 200gil
Knight of the Swiftwing Griffin Perils of the Griffon Rholont 200gil
Wyrmsworn Protector Beast from the East Nichais 200gil
Honorary Knight of the Cardinal Stag Bonds That Never Die Pashhow Marshlands (S) 200gil
House Aurchiat Retainer Blood of Heroes Xarcabard (S) 200gil
Fangmonger Forestaller Face of the Future Jugner Forest 200gil
Cait Sith's Assistant Cait Sith (Mission) Southern San d'Oria (S) 300gil
Traverser of Time Purple, The New Black La Vaule (S) 300gil
Battle of Jeuno Veteran A Nation on the Brink Batallia Downs (S) 300gil
Bestrider of Futures The Will of the World Raustigne 300gil
Wanderer of Time :Darkness Descends Throne Room (S) 300gil
Vanquisher of Spite When Wills Collide Grauberg (S) 300gil
Mender of Wings Whispers of Dawn Grauberg (S) 300gil
Sandworm Wrangler Sandworm Varies 400gil
Ixion Hornbreaker Dark Ixion Varies 400gil
Lambton Worm Desegmentor Lambton Worm Varies 400gil
Debaser of Dynasties The Blood-bathed Crown La Vaule (S) 400gil
Disperser of Darkness The Buried God Beadeaux (S) 400gil
Ender of Idolatry A Malicious Manifest Castle Oztroja (S) 400gil
Lugh Exorcist Lugh Crawlers' Nest (S) 400gil
Elatha Exorcist Elatha Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Ethniu Exorcist Ethniu The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Tethra Exorcist Tethra The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Buarainech Exorcist Buarainech Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Scylla Skinner Scylla Beaucedine Glacier (S) 400gil
Zirnitra Wingclipper Zirnitra Xarcabard (S) 400gil
Dawon Trapper Dawon La Theine Plateau
Konschtat Highlands
Tahrongi Canyon
Krabkatoa Steamer Krabkatoa East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
Orcus Trophy Hunter Orcus West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Verthandi Ensnarer Verthandi Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
Ruthven Entomber Lord Ruthven Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Xarcabard (S)
Yilbegan Hideflayer Yilbegan Xarcabard
Xarcabard (S)
Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
North Gustaberg
North Gustaberg (S)
Pashhow Marshlands
Pashhow Marshlands (S)
West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Smiter of the Shadow Fiat Lux Throne Room (S) 400gil
Light of Dawn None None 400gil
Summa Cum Laude Seeing Blood-red Erlene 500gil
Torchbearer of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Heir of Eternity 500gil
Illuminator of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil

Windurst Waters (S) - Cattah Pamjah

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Cobra Unit Mercenary Snake on the Plains Miah Riyuh 200gil
Ajido-Marujido's Minder The Tigress Strikes Dhea Prandoleh 200gil
Friend of Lehko Habhoka A Manifest Problem Rotih Moalghett 200gil
Jewel of the Cobra Unit A Feast for Gnats Ghoyu's Reverie 200gil
Karaha-Baruha's Research Assistant The Forbidden Path Lehko Habhoka 200gil
The Moon's Companion Howl from the Heavens Robel-Akbel 200gil
Star in the Azure Sky At Journey's End Lehko Habhoka 200gil
Cait Sith's Assistant Cait Sith (Mission) Southern San d'Oria (S) 300gil
Traverser of Time Purple, The New Black La Vaule (S)
Battle of Jeuno Veteran A Nation on the Brink Batallia Downs (S)
Bestrider of Futures The Will of the World Raustigne
Wanderer of Time Darkness Descends Throne Room (S)
Vanquisher of Spite When Wills Collide Grauberg (S)
Mender of Wings Whispers of Dawn Grauberg (S)
Sandworm Wrangler Sandworm Varies 400gil
Ixion Hornbreaker Dark Ixion Varies 400gil
Lambton Worm Desegmentor Lambton Worm Varies 400gil
Debaser of Dynasties The Blood-bathed Crown La Vaule (S) 400gil
Disperser of Darkness The Buried God Beadeaux (S) 400gil
Ender of Idolatry A Malicious Manifest Castle Oztroja (S) 400gil
Lugh Exorcist Lugh Crawlers' Nest (S) 400gil
Elatha Exorcist Elatha Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Ethniu Exorcist Ethniu The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Tethra Exorcist Tethra The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Buarainech Exorcist Buarainech Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Scylla Skinner Scylla Beaucedine Glacier (S) 400gil
Zirnitra Wingclipper Zirnitra Xarcabard (S) 400gil
Dawon Trapper Dawon La Theine Plateau
Konschtat Highlands
Tahrongi Canyon
Krabkatoa Steamer Krabkatoa East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
Orcus Trophy Hunter Orcus West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Verthandi Ensnarer Verthandi Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
Ruthven Entomber Lord Ruthven Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Xarcabard (S)
Yilbegan Hideflayer Yilbegan Xarcabard
Xarcabard (S)
Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
North Gustaberg
North Gustaberg (S)
Pashhow Marshlands
Pashhow Marshlands (S)
West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Smiter of the Shadow Fiat Lux Throne Room (S) 400gil
Light of Dawn None None 400gil
Summa Cum Laude Seeing Blood-red Erlene 500gil
Torchbearer of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Heir of Eternity 500gil
Illuminator of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil

Bastok Markets (S) - Bhio Fehriata

Title Quest NPC/Area Price
Windtalker Message on the Wind Romualdo 200gil
Schultz Scholar A Little Knowledge Erlene 200gil
Fourth Divison Soldier The Fighting Fourth Adelbrecht 200gil
Assistant Detective Burden of Suspicion Gentle Tiger (S) 200gil
Mythril Musketeer No. 6 Fire in the Hole Gentle Tiger (S) 200gil
Detector of Deception Honor Under Fire Gentle Tiger (S) 200gil
Presidential Protector What Price Loyalty Gentle Tiger (S) 200gil
Temperor of Mythril Bonds of Mythril Volker (S) 200gil
Cait Sith's Assistant Cait Sith (Mission) Southern San d'Oria (S) 300gil
Traverser of Time Purple, The New Black La Vaule (S) 300gil
Battle of Jeuno Veteran A Nation on the Brink Batallia Downs (S) 300gil
Bestrider of Futures The Will of the World Raustigne 300gil
Wanderer of Time Darkness Descends Throne Room (S) 300gil
Vanquisher of Spite When Wills Collide Grauberg (S) 300gil
Mender of Wings Whispers of Dawn Grauberg (S) 300gil
Sandworm Wrangler Sandworm Varies 400gil
Ixion Hornbreaker Dark Ixion Varies 400gil
Lambton Worm Desegmentor Lambton Worm Varies 400gil
Debaser of Dynasties The Blood-bathed Crown La Vaule (S) 400gil
Disperser of Darkness The Buried God Beadeaux (S) 400gil
Ender of Idolatry A Malicious Manifest Castle Oztroja (S) 400gil
Lugh Exorcist Lugh Crawlers' Nest (S) 400gil
Elatha Exorcist Elatha Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Ethniu Exorcist Ethniu The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Tethra Exorcist Tethra The Eldieme Necropolis (S) 400gil
Buarainech Exorcist Buarainech Garlaige Citadel (S) 400gil
Scylla Skinner Scylla Beaucedine Glacier (S) 400gil
Zirnitra Wingclipper Zirnitra Xarcabard (S) 400gil
Dawon Trapper Dawon La Theine Plateau
Konschtat Highlands
Tahrongi Canyon
Krabkatoa Steamer Krabkatoa East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
Orcus Trophy Hunter Orcus West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Verthandi Ensnarer Verthandi Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
Ruthven Entomber Lord Ruthven Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Xarcabard (S)
Yilbegan Hideflayer Yilbegan Xarcabard
Xarcabard (S)
Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs (S)
Meriphataud Mountains
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Rolanberry Fields
Rolanberry Fields (S)
Sauromugue Champaign
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure (S)
Jugner Forest
Jugner Forest (S)
North Gustaberg
North Gustaberg (S)
Pashhow Marshlands
Pashhow Marshlands (S)
West Sarutabaruta
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Smiter of the Shadow Fiat Lux Throne Room (S) 400gil
Light of Dawn None None 400gil
Summa Cum Laude Seeing Blood-red Erlene 500gil
Torchbearer of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Torchbearer of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 500gil
Heir of Eternity 500gil
Illuminator of the 1st Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 2nd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 3rd Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 4th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 5th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 6th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 7th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 8th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 9th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 10th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 11th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 12th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 13th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 14th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil
Illuminator of the 15th Walk None Walk of Echoes 600gil

Abyssea Titles

Port Jeuno - Zuah Lepahnyu

200 gil

400 gil

500 gil

600 gil

700 gil

Moblin Maze Mongers

Title How To Get NPC/Area Price
Maze Wanderer 10 mazes cleared, then buy from Chatnachoq for 10 marbles Chatnachoq 1 marble
Maze Navigator 50 mazes cleared, then buy from Chatnachoq for 100 marbles Chatnachoq 1 marble
Maze Scholar ~100 mazes cleared, then buy from Chatnachoq for 500 marbles Chatnachoq 1 marble
Maze Artisan ~500 mazes cleared, then buy from Chatnachoq for 1000 marbles Chatnachoq 1 marble
Maze Overlord ???, then buy from Chatnachoq for ??? marbles Chatnachoq 1 marble

Seekers of Adoulin Titles

Debadle-Levadle - Western Adoulin (H-8)=

Entries in italics may not be in the correct position in this list compared with Debadle-Levadle's dialogue
200 gil

300 gil

400 gil

500 gil

600 gil

700 gil


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