Mine Shaft

From HorizonXI Wiki

Situated deep within the beastmen lair of Movalpolos, this is the deepest shaft dug by the moblins and appears to go on forever...
Table of Contents
Interactive Map
©Remapster |©Square Enix| ©FFXI-Atlas
Zone Information
Area Name Mine Shaft #2716
Type Battlefield
Maps No Map
Map Acquisition N/A
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to use Escape
Hobbies None
Weather None
Region Movalpolos
Expansion Chains of Promathia
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "Turmoil"
Notes This area is the entrance to multiple ENM battles, as well as several battles for quests and missions. You must use the Shaft Entrance to do battle.
Weather Forecast
Error: Forecast for ' Mine_Shaft_#2716 ' not found. Please report to Wiki devs on Discord.

Involved in Quests/Missions

Quest Type Starter Location
Return to the Depths General Ayame    Metalworks K-7
Mission Nation Starter Location
Past Sins (Louverance's Path) Promathia --- ---
Fire in the Eyes of Men Promathia --- ---

Gaining Access

There are four ways to reach the Mine Shaft #2716 entrance:

  1. There is now a Home Point at Newton Movalpolos (M-9)
  2. FREE: Trade a Snow Lily to Tarnotik at (K-10) of Oldton Movalpolos and you will be warped to the entrance.
  3. PAY: Gamble with Twinkbrix, win, and trade him an additional 2,000 gil.
    • To gamble with Twinkbrix, trade him an amount between 1-10,000 gil.
      • The amount traded will affect your chances of winning his dice game.
      • You have a 1-in-2 chance with 10,000 gil and a 1-in-2500 chance at 1g.
      • If 2716 gil is traded (corresponding to the number in Mine Shaft #2716) a secret message will be displayed. By trading this amount on a certain day, the chances of winning increase.
    • Winning the dice game against Twinkbrix only rewards you with the ENM item.
      • After winning his game, trading him an additional 2,000 gil will prompt the Moblin to warp you to the shaft entrance.
  4. TRAVEL: Have several party members zone through Newton Movalpolos and manipulate the timed levers to allow you to pass through. Then you must do the same for them, and navigate Newton Movalpolos by trading firesands to various gates to rotate furnaces. At (L-8) of Newton Movalpolos, you will find the Mine Shaft #2716 entrance.
    • NOTE: Option 3 is the the most time consuming; and may be problematic if not done correctly.

Battlefield Events

Entrance: Shaft Entrance
Name Type Item Level Members Time
Bionic Bug ENM Shaft 2716 Operating Lever -- 6 people 30 minutes
Automaton Assault ENM Shaft Gate Operating Dial 60 3 people 15 minutes
Pulling the Strings ENM Shaft Gate Operating Dial 60 1 person 15 minutes
A Century of Hardship Mission -- 60 6 people 30 minutes
Return to the Depths Quest -- Information Needed 6 people 30 minutes