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From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Moblin)
Family Information
Type: Beastmen
Common Behavior: A, L, S
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against: Resistance vs. Light
Strong against:
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Thief
Red Mage
White Mage
Black Mage
Uncommon Job(s): Warrior
Dark Knight
Charmable: Eks.png
Pankration: Eks.png
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir (Mage jobs only)
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
Notes: Link with Goblins and bugbears.
The Moblin are a tribe of Goblins. Most Moblins are troglodytes, preferring to live in the darkest parts of Vana'diel. Yet, there have been a few that have ventured out of Movalpolos, their subterranean city. The Moblins are known for their exceptional smithing and alchemy skills. Their achievements include complex drilling apparatuses and floodlights, as well as several advancements in exotic fields such as bionics. It is even rumored that their ability in these areas matches or exceeds that of the scientists in Bastok.

A faction of Moblins that sprung from Movalpolos are the current employers of the Troll Mercenaries in the Halvung Territory and the rest of the Near East. Known as the Halvung Moblins, their leader is the mad scientist known as Megomak.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Promathia Areas Aht Urhgan Areas
Goblin Rush: Single target triple attack with Knockback CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Frypan: 10' AoE damage and Stun CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Paralysis Shower: Cone Attack Paralysis.
Can backfire on a Moblin.
CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Crispy Candle: Cone Attack Fire damage.
Can backfire on a Moblin.
CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Smokebomb: Cone Attack Blind.
Can backfire on a Moblin.
CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.
    • It should be noted that Goblins in the past look like Moblins, use Moblin TP moves, and drop Moblin armor and sheepskin.
  • Notorious Monsters in Family

    Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
    Mythril Mouth Monamaq Spawns around (H-9) on the second map Unknown Halvung Volunteer's Earring
    Sword Sorcerer Solisoq Spawns around (H-11) Unknown Newton Movalpolos Aptant: Primus

    Quest NMs: Book Browser Bokabraq (Go! Go! Gobmuffin!), Chemical Cook Chemachiq (Go! Go! Gobmuffin!), Dread Dealing Dredodak (A Generous General?), Grimoire Guru Grimogek (A Generous General?), Moblin Clergyman (Return to the Depths), Moblin Wisewoman (Return to the Depths), Spell Spitter Spiluspok (Go! Go! Gobmuffin!), Twilotak (Return to the Depths)

    Mission NMs: Chekochuk (PM 5-3: Louverance Path), Martial Maestro Megomak (Bellerophon's Bliss), Movamuq (PM 5-3: Louverance Path), Swipostik (PM 5-3: Louverance Path), Trikotrak (PM 5-3: Louverance Path)

    Battlefield NMs: Moblin Fantocciniman (ENM - Pulling the Strings)

    Other NMs:

    Monsters in Family

    Name Level Zone
    Moblin Chapman 33-36 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Pickman 33-36 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Ragman 33-36 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Witchman 33-36 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Rodman 41-43 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Repairman 42-43 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Coalman 43-44 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Gasman 43-44 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Pikeman 43-44 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Ashman 45 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Gurneyman 46-47 Oldton Movalpolos
    Moblin Draftsman 66-69 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Tankman 66-69 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Workman 66-69 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Yardman 66-69 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Millionaire 70-78 Halvung
    Moblin Aidman 75-79 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Engineman 75-79 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Roadman 75-79 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Topsman 75-79 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Billionaire 76-77 Halvung
    Moblin Groundman 77 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Scalpelman 78-80 Newton Movalpolos
    Moblin Dustman Unknown Temenos - Northern Tower

    Pages in category "Moblins"

    The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.