
From HorizonXI Wiki
Abbreviation: THF
Expansion Pack: Final Fantasy XI
How to Unlock: Starter Job
Page Contents: Abilities

Mandy THF noBG.png

The masters of the covert and guile, a Thief (THF) will always look to find the perfect opportunity to attack the enemy. With the use of Sneak Attack and Trick Attack, thieves can inflict massive amounts of damage while 'tricking' the enemy into thinking it was someone else. These abilities are the pefect way to direct an enemy's attention towards a party's tank, keeping the other members safe from harm. Thieves are the most proficient class in using daggers and players starting the game will start their adventure with an Onion Knife. Additionally they make good use of ranged attacks, which is a great way to gain the attention of enemies.

Thieves have many other skills at their disposal too. Possessing the highest Evasion rating in the game and having the ability to Flee or Hide, they're more than capable to escape the most sticky of situations! Combined with other abilities such as Steal, Mug, Gilfinder and Treasure Hunter, it makes them the perfect adventuring companion to bolster not only their own gil purses but their accomplices's too! With access to the unique ability to pick Treasure Chests and Treasure Coffers with their very own thief's tools, you'd be hard pressed to find loot that is out of their reach.

At present, Treasure Hunter maxes out at TH4 (Level 15, Level 45, Nanaa's Lucky Charm, Assassin's Armlets).

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • Major changes to the relic weapon Mandau including the new Adaptive Effect.
  • Treasure Hunter has been removed from Thief's Knife and has moved to the custom item Nanaa's Charm.
  • The player's Accuracy and Ranged Accuracy when using Perfect Dodge are increased by 999.
  • Many elemental type weapon skills have been changed to the "hybrid" type and will now stack with Sneak Attack.
  • Triple Attack unlocks at level 30 instead of 55.
  • Assassin is unlocked at level 50 instead of 60.
  • Accomplice was not available in the current era, can now be used on an alliance (it was party only on retail), has had its level reduced from 65 to 45 and no longer shares a recast timer with Collaborator.
  • Collaborator was not available in the current era, can now be used on an alliance (it was party only on retail), has had its level reduced from 65 to 45 and its recast time increased from 1 to 5 minutes. It no longer shares a recast timer with Accomplice and it now redirects 50% of the Thief's enmity to their chosen target. Note that the chat log will state that you stole the target's enmity per its retail effect, but its intended effect of redirecting enmity to the target is performed.
  • Bully was not available in the current era, has had its level reduced from 93 to 40, its recast has been lowered from 3 to 1 minute. The ability has been completely reworked, now giving a guaranteed status bolt additional effect proc on monsters within 15 levels of the Thief. On Notorious Monsters, the chance of landing a status effect bolt has been increased but not guaranteed. The omni-directional sneak attack portion has been removed.
  • Mug grants a critical hit rate bonus of 5% on the target monster for 30 seconds. Recast time reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes. This activates as a bewildered daze regardless of success of mug, its in-game message reads the "<target>'s Bewildered Daze effect wears off." after 30 seconds.

Melee Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Dagger A- 114 269
Sword D 101 210
Club E 94 200
Hand-to-Hand E 94 200

Ranged Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Marksmanship C+ 105 230
Archery C- 105 220
Throwing D 101 210

Defensive Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Evasion A+ 114 276
Parrying A- 114 269
Shield F 86 189

Group 1 Merits

Name Description
Flee Recast -10 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Hide Recast -10 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Sneak Attack Recast -2 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Trick Attack Recast -2 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Triple Attack Rate +1% increase per upgrade Verification Needed

Group 2 Merits

  • Currently unavailable on Horizon.

Job Specific Equipment

Horizon Specific Equipment

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Nanaa's Lucky Charm 70 Neck THF Accuracy +3 "Treasure Hunter"+1
  • This is a HorizonXI custom item.

Artifact Weapons

Name Level Damage Delay DPS Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Marauder's Knife 40 15 195 4.62 THF DEX +2 AGI +2

Artifact Armor

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Rogue's Armlets 52 Hands THF DEF: 15 HP +10 DEX +3 Ice +10 "Steal" +1
Rogue's Bonnet 54 Head THF DEF: 23 HP +13 INT +5 DEX +2 Parrying Skill +10 "Steal" +1
Rogue's Culottes 56 Legs THF DEF: 32 HP +15 AGI +4 Shield Skill +10 "Steal" +1
Rogue's Vest 58 Body THF DEF: 44 HP +20 STR +3 Accuracy +3 Earth +10 Increases "Hide" duration
Rogue's Poulaines 60 Feet THF DEF: 13 HP +12 DEX +3 Increases "Flee" duration "Steal" +2


Artifact Armor +1

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Rogue's Armlets +1 74 Hands THF DEF: 16 HP +10 DEX +3 "Steal" +1 Increases "Trick Attack" damage
Rogue's Bonnet +1 74 Head THF DEF: 24 HP +13 INT +5 DEX +3 Ranged Accuracy +8 Evasion +10 "Steal" +1
Rogue's Culottes +1 74 Legs THF DEF: 34 HP +15 DEX +2 AGI +4 "Steal" +1
Rogue's Poulaines +1 74 Feet THF DEF: 15 DEX +3 Ranged Accuracy +5 Extends duration of "Flee" ""Steal" +2
Rogue's Vest +1 74 Body THF DEF: 45 HP +20 STR +6 Accuracy +10 Extends duration of "Hide"

Relic Armor

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Assassin's Cape 70 Back THF DEF: 7 DEX +4 AGI +4 Enmity +5
Assassin's Bonnet 71 Head THF DEF: 24 HP +16 DEX +5 Enmity +2 Enhances "Mug" effect
Assassin's Vest 72 Body THF DEF: 45 HP +22 AGI +4 Enmity +3 Increases rate of critical hits
Assassin's Poulaines 73 Feet THF DEF: 15 HP +15 CHR +5 "Triple Attack" +1% Enmity +2
Assassin's Culottes 74 Legs THF DEF: 34 HP +19 Enmity +4 "Steal" +5 Enhances "Gilfinder" effect
Assassin's Armlets 75 Hands THF DEF: 16 HP +7 CHR +5 Enmity +3 "Treasure Hunter" +1

Relic Armor +1

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Assassin's Armlets +1 75 Hands THF DEF: 17 HP +26 CHR +5 Enmity +4 "Treasure Hunter" +1
Assassin's Bonnet +1 75 Head THF DEF: 25 HP +16 DEX +6 Enmity +3 Enhances "Mug" effect
Assassin's Culottes +1 75 Legs THF DEF: 35 HP +25 Enmity +3 "Steal" +5 Enhances "Gilfinder" effect
Assassin's Poulaines +1 75 Feet THF DEF: 16 HP +15 CHR +6 "Triple Attack" +1% Enmity +3
Assassin's Vest +1 75 Body THF DEF: 46 HP +22 AGI +5 Enmity +5 Increases rate of critical hits

Relic Weapon

Name Level Damage Delay DPS Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Mandau 75 39 176 13.3 RDM / THF / BRD Attack +20 "Adaptive" "Mercy Stroke" Additional effect: Gravity
