From HorizonXI Wiki
Abbreviation: INT
- A stat that helps determine the effectiveness of Elemental Magic spells, Black Magic Enfeebling Magic spells, Black Magic Enhancing Magic spells, Ninjutsu and some Blue Magic magical spells.
- See Calculating Magic Damage for the precise calculations.
- INT reduces the base damage taken from Black Magic spells and Ninjutsu.
- Intelligence also determines the additional effect from Bloody Bolts, Earth Arrows, Water Arrows, and Wind Arrows.
- It is speculated that intelligence is a factor in the success of a Thief's lockpicking ability, reducing the chance of spawning a Mimic or the chance of failure.
Associated with the element of Ice. Many ice-based items add INT to a character's Stats. Example: Shiva's Claws
Breakdown of Intelligence by Race
1. Tarutaru
2. Hume
3. Mithra
4. Galka
5. Elvaan
INT Rankings Based on Job
1. Black Mage
2. Summoner
3. (Tied) Dark Knight, Corsair, Red Mage, Scholar, Thief,
8. (Tied) Bard, Blue Mage, Ninja, Rune Fencer
12. (Tied) Beastmaster, Puppetmaster, Ranger, Samurai, White Mage
17. (Tied) Dancer, Dragoon, Warrior
20. (Tied) Monk, Paladin
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