Parrying Skill

From HorizonXI Wiki

Parrying Skill determines your ability to Parry (i.e. block) an Attack with your Weapon, negating all Damage. The higher your Parrying Skill, the more often it will activate (relative to mob level).

To activate parrying skill you must:

  • Face the mob (within a ~60 degree angle).
  • Have your weapon drawn.
  • Fail your evasion check.

Parrying skill can activate while casting spells. Parry can activate during a ranged attack so long as you are facing your auto-attack target. Parry can activate even if you have the effect of of Third Eye, Utsusemi, or Blink (Status Effect) active.

Note: Once your parrying skill is 175 you can gain parry skill from any level mob.

Job Ratings

Job Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 37 Cap at Level 75
align="center"Corsair A- 6 114 269
Ninja A- 6 114 269
Thief A- 6 114 269
Samurai A- 6 114 269
Dancer B 5 109 250
Paladin C 5 105 225
Beastmaster C 5 105 225
Dragoon C 5 105 225
Warrior C- 5 105 220
Blue Mage D 4 101 210
Puppetmaster D 4 101 210
Bard E 4 94 200
Dark Knight E 4 94 200
Monk E 4 94 200
Red Mage E 4 94 200
Scholar E 4 94 200