Poison (Status Effect)
From HorizonXI Wiki
File:Poison (Status Effect).png Poisoned is a harmful status effect that gradually damages the player until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters lose hit points at a certain rate, depending on the severity of the effect, and are unable to heal so long as their hit points continue to decrease. Damage dealt by the poison effect will wake characters under the effect of sleep.
How to remove the effect
- The White Magic spell Poisona will remove this effect.
- A Stoneskin effect will absorb the poison's damage, allowing the afflicted to heal, so long as the stoneskin barrier remains active. However, the effect will still wear away at the stoneskin effect.
- The Monk ability Chakra will remove this effect.
- The Dragoon Wyvern ability Remove Poison will remove this effect.
- A single dose of Antidote will remove this effect.
- Going in and out of your Mog House will remove this effect.
- The White Mage Job Ability Benediction will remove this effect.
- The Whispering Wind Blood Pact will remove this effect.
How the effect is inflicted
- Black Magic - Poison, Poison II, Poisonga, Poisonga II
- Ninjutsu - Dokumori: Ichi
- Blue Magic - Queasyshroom, Feather Storm, Poison Breath, Venom Shell, Bad Breath, Disseverment
Weapon Skills
Monster Abilities
- Aern (Dagger out) - Disseverment (18 HP/tick)
- Antlions - Venom Spray
- Anticans - Spike Ball
- Cockatrice - Poison Pick
- Crawlers - Poison Breath (1 HP/tick)
- Cravers - Poison Brume
- Dragons - Poison Breath
- Efts - Toxic Spit
- Flies - Venom (1 HP/tick)
- Funguar - Queasyshroom (3 HP/tick)
- Hounds - Poison Breath (1 HP/tick)
- Hpemde - Ichor Stream
- Lizard - Plague Breath (3 HP/tick)
- Mandragora - Leaf Dagger (1 HP/tick)
- Mimics - Death Trap
- Morbols - Bad Breath
- Opo-opo - Claw Storm
- Phuabo - Vapor Spray
- Raptors - Ripper Fang
- Scorpions - Poison Sting
- Spiders - Acid Spray (12 HP/tick)
- Taurus - Mow
- Uragnites - Gas/Venom Shell (12 HP/tick)
- Uragnites - Suctorial Tentacle
- Weepers - Vacuous Osculation
- Yagudo - Feather Storm
- Yovra - Vitriolic Barrage
- Zdei - Decayed Filament
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