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Ranged Accuracy

From HorizonXI Wiki

The information on this page needs to be verified to be accurate on HorizonXI. Please remove this if you can verify it. Determines the accuracy of Ranged Attack. Adding 2 points to a character's AGI will increase this stat by one point.
Total ranged accuracy calculation is assumed to be the same as that of melee accuracy.

  • When combat skill is <=200
Ranged Accuracy = ( Combat Skill + 3AGI/4 + (+Ranged accuracy from gear) + (+Ranged accuracy from trait/ability) ) * (1+ (percentage from food effect/100))
  • When combat skill is beyond 200
Ranged Accuracy = ( 200+ ((Combat Skill-200)*0.9) + 3AGI/4 + (+Ranged accuracy from gear) + (+Ranged accuracy from trait/ability) ) * (1+ (percentage from food effect/100))

For example @Archery skill 200 with AGI of 86 and ranged accuracy plus gear of 76 and Accuracy Bonus IV, it would look like this:

200+64+76+48= 388

The same equation but with Archery of skill level 260 looks like this:

200+54(because combat skill above 200 has a diminished effect shown by the *0.9)+64+76+48= 442

Both these examples are before adding food effect and use easy numbers that don't have remainders involved. Actual calculations are likely to be more complicated with this added factor.

Equipment that modifies Ranged Accuracy