Hitting the Marquisate

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This is the third Thief Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Hitting the Marquisate
Starting NPC Nanaa MihgoWindurst Woods (J-3)
- Cat Burglar's Lair
Required Fame None 
Items Needed Quake Grenade x 4 
Additional Requirements Thief 50+
Title Paragon of Thief Excellence
Repeatable Yes, after Memory reset 
Description Visit two of the eight active thieves gathered by the Tenshodo, and confirm the signatures of the people who originally wrote the documents in the "letter from the Tenshodo."
Rogue's Poulaines
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
As Thick as Thieves None


  • You can do the following two sections in either order, returning here once both are completed.
  • You no longer need to be on Thief past this point.

First Letter

Second Letter

Garlaige Citadel

Note: You will need at least 4 people for this part, just to get by the Banishing Gates. It is suggested to bring more, however, to help kill the mob you will have to fight. See Chandelier for information on beating the mob.

  • At this point you will be running around Garlaige and examining a number of ??? spots. Each ??? will direct you to another until you come to the final destination. Since your goal is to smoke a bomb out of the ceiling, you need to move your camera view so that it is pointing upwards in order to target the ???'s as well as stand close enough underneath the point.
  • Once you enter Garlaige, head to the south-east corner near the first Banishing Gate.

??? Checks In Order

  • Look around for a ??? at first dead end position (I-9). Examine and choose 'yes.'
  • Head west a bit and look around at second dead end position (H-9) for another ???.
  • Go through the first Banishing Gate to second map.
  • Head to the bottom left of the map, at the T-intersection go to the west side dead end at (F-9) for ???.
  • Go across the hall of the T-intersection to the east for another ??? at (G-9) dead end.
  • Go back the way you came to the open room that's just after the first Banishing Gate. Examine the ??? at the south Dead end at (G-9).
  • Head to the north of this area for another ??? at (G-7) dead end.

NM Fight

  • Head east to the final ??? at (I-6).
  • This last ??? you'll examine will spawn a rough bomb named Chandelier. When this mob is spawned, if he is not claimed before he aggros, he will immediately Self-Destruct.
Try to stand closer to the west side when examining as he tends to spawn facing the east wall so you have time to hit before he Self-Destructs.

For example he will Self-Destruct:

  • If the mob spawns and sees the puller before he is claimed
  • If the mob is spawned while a party member is casting magic
  • If the claim attempt is made with magic

Ways to prevent this include:

  • Have the party back out of sight aggro range while the player popping the NM approaches alone. When the pop cutscene ends, the player should immediately run back to the party so as not to aggro the NM. From here he can be pulled safely with a ranged attack or other non-magic distance method.
  • Have non-magic claim methods (i.e. Provoke, Steal, Chi Blast) ready to spam the instant the mob is popped so that it can be claimed before it aggros the puller.
  • You may want to build up TP on the skeletons in this area before spawning the bomb. Make sure you bring people who can Stun him so that he doesn't Self-Destruct.
  • Even if he uses Self-Destruct when near death, you may still obtain the item.
  • If the NM self-destructs, you need to wait 10 minutes before being able to make it pop again.
  • Once you have him beat, lot on the Chandelier Coal and make sure you have inventory space.

Finishing Up

  • Head to Windurst Woods and talk to Nanaa Mihgo again for some more information. There was no letter on the papers you delivered originally, it was blank.

Ordelle's Caves

Note: Make sure to bring a Pickaxe for this part!

  • Head east to (I-6) and move onto the next map, then down to (H-9) and head into the tunnel going up.
  • Follow this around to the hole at (H-12). Drop down this hole and head to the tunnel to the east (I-11)
  • do not fall off the cliff.
  • Follow the stairs to the first intersection (I-6) - take a left (south) and keep going. Keep your eyes open for a tunnel to the right that heads west (H-9) and take it (you know you're on the right track if you see some Napalms).