Nothing Matters

From HorizonXI Wiki
Nothing Matters
Starting NPC Koru-MoruWindurst Walls (E-7)
- in Koru Moru's Manor
Required Fame Windurst Level 8 
Items Needed Cold Bone
Warm Egg
Title Seeker of Truth
Repeatable No 
Description Professor Koru-Moru is currently engrossed in an experiment to create "something" out of "nothing." To get closer to the truth of alchemy, he wants you to track down an old "Thesis on Alchemy" for him.
10,000 Gil
Vile Elixir (possible mid-quest reward)
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
Blast from the Past None


  • This quest appears to be currently bugged and inaccessible.
  • If you have just completed the previous quest, Blast from the Past, you will need to zone before this quest will be given to you. Also, if you have started another quest involving Koru-Moru (such as Carbuncle's Debacle) and not completed it yet, he might not give you the following dialogue. In that case, complete the other quest first.
  • Koru-Moru asks you to find someone practiced in the art of Alchemy.
  • Talk to Shantotto at Windurst Walls (K-7) who will tell you that she remembers that there was a student who was formerly in the school who had interests in alchemy. Yoran-Oran, found in his manor at Windurst Walls (E-5) also gives additional dialogue.
  • Head over to the Aurastery in Windurst Waters, North (L-6) and speak to Fuepepe, who will tell you to search in the Acolyte Hostel for a record.
  • Head north, past the Aurastery, and note the door on the left side of the front of the building. Run between the two sides of the building, and go to each of the doors on the left. Answer the trivia questions correctly, and move to the next door. There are 3 doors, and 3 more to the right side of the building. After answering all the questions correctly (they will ask 2 or 3 other questions if you fail, then begin to loop back to the first), go back to the door on the left side of the front of the Acolyte Hostel to get Key ItemThesis on Alchemy.
  • If you answer all 6 questions correctly you will receive a Vile Elixir.
  • If you already have a Vile Elixir, and therefore cannot obtain this one, you also cannot receive the Key ItemThesis on Alchemy, and will have to in some way dispose of the Vile Elixir you have and then come back to get the cutscene again.

There is a pool of questions. They include:

Question Answer
A Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud increases... AGI
After Firesday comes... Earthsday
All kids in Windurst love the... Agatha Crystalie mystery series
An Airship Pass costs... 500,000 gil
Bag of Herb Seeds cannot be used... a Marguerite
Bastok is watched over by... the Titan constellation
Cardians in Windurst Waters are... hearts
Curilla's hair is covering her... left eye
Delkfutt's Tower has... thirteen floors
Facing north, the waterwheels in Bastok... turn counter clockwise
Galka can eat raw... meat
In Kazham, you cannot learn... the weather in Sarutabaruta
In Rabao Oasis there are... Six springs
Karaha-Baruha was the Minister of... the Optistery
M & P's Market is found in... Kazham or Upper Jeuno
Mithra can eat raw... fish
Musketeer Ayame's sister is... Kaede
Musketeer Iron Eater's master was... Werei
Naji is... The 5th Musketeer
Not found on Elshimo is... The Cloister of Storms
Prince Trion lost... An entire company
The Quadav do not possess a... Quadav hand fetich
The quarry for the great Autumn Hunt was... A Giant Sheep
Rhinostery minister Rukususu likes... Peanuts
San d'Oria's younger Prince is... Pieuje
The archduke of Jeuno is... Kam'lanaut
The armorer in Bastok Markets is on... Kulatz Bridge
The auction house in Bastok has... 5 Counters
The constellation map was written by... Lago-Charago
The dragon that appears at Balga's Dais is... Black Dragon
The ex-Minister of the Manustery... Zonpa-Zippa
The falls in N. Gustaberg are called... Drachenfall
The Galka that lived with Werei is... Gumbah
The girl who wants a red flower... Valah Molkot
The Goldsmiths' Guild is closed... from 23:00 to 8:00
The highest producer of mythril is... Palborough Mines
The kid in N. San d'Oria is looking for... Exoroche
The Konschtat Highlands houses... the Crag of Dem
The lost kid in San d'Oria is looking for... a Willow Fishing Rod
The map of Mindartia was drawn by... Enid Ironheart
The Mithra Chieftainness is... Perih Vashai
The monster that does not belong... Zu
The Norg auction clerk on the far left is... Atrevaux
The President of Bastok... Karst
The President of Bastok sleeps in... the Presidential Suite
The principal of the Aurastery is... Koru-Moru
The restaurant in Port Bastok is... The Steaming Sheep
The river near San d'Oria is... Cheval River
The San d'Orian delivery boy's mom has... Davoi Fever
The San d'Orian papsque's name is... Shamonde P Grauche
The San d'Orian Royal Knight general is... Rahal
The sea to the east of Mindartia is... Gugru Blue
The Tenshodo leader's cape is... black
The Troupe Valeriano is made up of... five members
The war 20 years ago was the... Crystal War
The Windurstian flag has... five stars
The Windurstian weapon shop's greeting is... Hohbiba-Mubiba
West of Zulkheim is... Vollbow
You can catch Crystal Bass in... Maiden's Spring