From HorizonXI Wiki
Kam'lanaut is the Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Jeuno, and the one who introduced the art of crystal synthesis to Vana'diel as well as the brother of Eald'narche. Kam'lanaut is one of very few characters that are left-handed.
Involved in Missions
Involved in Quests
Battle Info
Zone | Level | Drops | Steal | Spawns | Notes |
Stellar Fulcrum | 1 | A, T(H) 12,307~12,725 HP ??? MP | |||
Empyreal Paradox | 1 | A, L, T(H) ??? HP ??? MP | |||
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants |
Return to Delkfutt's Tower
- Casts Silencega, Slowga, Paralyga, Dispelga, Graviga.
- Casts en-spells that also have an additional effect of absorb-element, similar to the Puk's absorb Aero ability.
- Uses Great Wheel (AOE damage and hate reset, removes shadows).
- Multiple times in the ZM8 fight this only removed 2 Shadows (leaving 1), Thief evasion perhaps?
- Cannot be silenced or slept. Can be gravitied, paralyzed, flashed, stunned, and slowed. Has ~13,000 HP.
Apocalypse Nigh
- Second version is immune to Gravity, Bind, Paralyze, Slow, Silence, and Sleep. Can be Stunned and Flashed.
- Light Blade is a single target attack that has a max range of 30' and causes high amounts of damage (~1000) to anyone without shadows. Blinkable with 1 shadow.
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