From HorizonXI Wiki
Trion is the eldest son of King Destin. He and his brother Pieuje are fierce rivals, and will disagree on almost anything. His sister is Claidie.
Battle NPC
Trion fights alongside the party in the battle for San d'Oria Mission 9-2. He fights in the second half of the battle, against Warlord Rojgnoj, Rojgnoj's Left Hand, and Rojgnoj's Right Hand. Trion must be kept alive for this battle. If he dies, the battle is considered lost.
Trion is a Paladin in all aspects of his fighting style. He casts White Magic, fights with a sword and shield but has amazingly low defense with a gigantic HP supply, something that resembles more of a Monk.
Involved in Missions
- San d'Oria Mission 3-1: Infiltrate Davoi
- San d'Oria Mission 5-2: The Shadow Lord
- San d'Oria Mission 6-2: Ranperre's Final Rest
- San d'Oria Mission 9-2: The Heir to the Light
- Aht Urhgan Mission 4: Knight of Gold
- Aht Urhgan Mission 7: Westerly Winds
- Aht Urhgan Mission 39: Allied Rumblings
- Aht Urhgan Mission 40: Unraveling Reason
- A Crystalline Prophecy (Mission)
- The Voracious Resurgence: Dancing Prince
- The Voracious Resurgence: Altennia Burns Bright
Involved in Quests
SPOILER WARNING: Details about the Final Fantasy XI in-game storyline follow.
Battle Info
Zone | Level | Drops | Steal | Spawns |
Notes |
1 |
A | ||||
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants |
- Fought for the Hero's Combat Special BCNM.
- Special Attacks:
- Royal Bash an enhanced version of Shield Bash
- Royal Savior Protect on Trion only
- Will Skillchain with Volker
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