Abbreviation for Non-Player Character.
NPCs are the characters that are created by Square-Enix and are controlled by a computer, not a real person. This generally includes monsters (i.e. the beasts that one fights), and Town/city residents and nomads (i.e. those NPCs with green names).
This page lists all the NPCs that fall under the latter and their role in Final Fantasy XI.
For information on specific types of NPC's, see:
- Adventurer's Assistant
- Armor Storer
- Assault Mission Giver
- Campaign Arbiter
- Chocobo Renter
- Conquest Overseer
- Event Item Storer
- Gate Guard
- Guild Merchant
- Imperial Gate Guard
- Immigration NPC
- Item Deliverer
- Map Marker
- Outpost Merchant
- Outpost Teleporters
- Past Event Watcher
- Regional Merchant
- Standard Merchant
- Tactical Assessment
- Tenshodo Merchant
- Tutorial NPC
- Title Changer
- Warp NPC
- Weather Checker
Full List of the NPC categories by affiliation:
- Al Zahbi NPCs
- Bastok NPCs
- Battle NPCs
- Chocobo Circuit NPCs
- Cutscene NPCs
- Jeuno NPCs
- Kazham NPCs
- Lumoria NPCs
- Mhaura NPCs
- Nashmau NPCs
- Norg NPCs
- Outland NPCs
- Pankration NPCs
- Rabao NPCs
- Tavnazian Safehold NPCs
- San d'Oria NPCs
- Selbina NPCs
- Special Event NPCs
- Windurst NPCs
Wings of the Goddess (Shadowreign)
See also Player Character and Adventuring Fellow Guide for further information, as well as Characters for background stories and Vanadiel history.
Useful Tips
For keyboard users, you may hit F8 to select the nearest NPC. Repeated uses of F8 will not change the targeted NPC unless another NPC becomes closer.
A useful macro command for selecting only NPCs is <stnpc>, used in place of <t>. It allows you to tab between targetable NPCs before finishing the execution of the macro.
This category has the following 120 subcategories, out of 120 total.
Pages in category "NPCs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,729 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Abby Jalunshi
- Abd-al-Raziq
- Abeaule
- Abelard
- Abioleget
- Abobo
- Ace of Batons (Monster)
- Ace of Cups (Monster)
- Ace of Swords (Monster)
- Achantere, T.K.
- Achika
- Ada
- Adaunel
- Adelflete
- Adolie
- Aeka
- Aerec
- Aerec (Anniversary 2024)
- Aeshushu
- Agado-Pugado
- Agapito
- Ahko Mhalijikhari
- Ahyeekih
- Aigneis
- Ailbeche
- Aishah
- Aivedoir
- Aja-Panja
- Ajen-Myoojen
- Ajido-Marujido
- Ajimo-Majimo, W.W.
- Akamafula
- Akane, I.M. (Beaucedine Glacier)
- Akane, I.M. (Meriphataud Mountains)
- Akee Yonji
- Akkeke
- Akta
- Aladoverre
- Alaune
- Albinie
- Albiona
- Albrecht
- Aldo
- Aleria
- Alert Gaze
- Alfesar
- Aligi-Kufongi
- Alista
- Alivatand
- Alizabe
- Alois
- Alphollon C Meriard
- Alrauverat
- Altana
- Altiret
- Amagusa-Chigurusa
- Amaja-Kumaja
- Amalanbraux
- Amalasanda
- Amarefice
- Ambrosius
- Ambrotien
- Amhu Sabaroleka
- Amimi
- Amulya
- An Polaali
- An Shanaa
- Andecia
- Andelain
- Andreas
- Angelica
- Angry Goat
- Anguenet
- Anguysh
- Anieuvansand
- Anillah
- Anini
- Anja-Enja
- Anny Moogle
- Anoop
- Answald
- Antiqix
- Antonia
- Antonian
- Aora-Uora
- Apairemant
- Appollonia
- Apstaule
- Apururu
- Aquillina
- Arachagnon
- Aramu-Paramu
- Aravoge, T.K.
- Arawn
- Archanne
- Areebah
- Arenuel
- Argus (NPC)
- Aristaeus
- Arlenne
- Arminibit
- Arnau
- Aromu-Oromu
- Aroro
- Arpetion
- Arpevion, T.K.
- Arquil
- Artush
- Arukoko
- Ashene
- Asolmieu
- Atagei-Portagei
- Atarefaunet
- Attarena
- Aubejart
- Auchefort
- Audee
- Audia
- Augevinne
- Augu-Maugu
- Aulavia
- Aurege
- Authere
- Auvare
- Avandale
- Aveline
- Ayame
- Azalearoon
- Azima
- Baa
- Babenn
- Babubu
- Baehu-Faehu
- Bagnobrok
- Baha Mannohl
- Bahamut
- Baladanzo
- Balasiel
- Balih Chavizaai
- Balkehr
- Ballie, R.K.
- Bammiro, I.M.
- Banege, R.K.
- Banjanu
- Baraka
- Baran
- Baren-Moren
- Bartabaq
- Bartolomeo
- Basmus
- Battal
- Baudin
- Baunise
- Bebibi
- Belgidiveau
- Belka
- Benita
- Beriphaule
- Bertenont
- Beugungel
- Beyzen
- Bhagirath
- Bheem
- Bhi Telifahgo
- Bhoyu Halpatacco
- Bhukka Sahbeo
- Big Harvest
- Bihoro-Guhoro
- Billrox
- Bin Stejihna
- Biora
- Biyaada
- Bki Tbujhja
- Blabbivix
- Blandine
- Blank Card
- Blank Card (Woods)
- Blendare
- Bluffnix
- Bodaway
- Bogharg
- Boisterous Jackal
- Boizo-Naizo
- Bonbavour, R.K.
- Bonchacha
- Boncort
- Bondada
- Bonmaurieut
- Bopa Greso
- Borghertz
- Boris
- Boronene
- Boycoco
- Boytz
- Bozack
- Bozz
- Brave Ox
- Breanainn
- Bretta