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Category:Chocobo Renters

From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Chocobo Renter)

NPCs which offer players the option to ride a Chocobo for an amount of gil based on the number of chocobos which have been rented out and how many are still out riding. There seems to be a 10% increase per chocobo that is out.

This caps at a maximum of 1,000 gil. Price cap unique to Horizonxi

At some points, players can be offered a chance to "race" a chocobo. This is the A Chocobo Riding Game. You do not have to pay for the ride if you accept the quest, and there is no penalty for not returning the Chocobo where it is supposed to end up. In essence, one can possibly get a free ride from this. This quest is not offered in Aht Urhgan or Wings of the Goddess areas. Verification Needed

All NPCs will allow you to trade a Chocobo Ticket to ride a chocobo. However, only the NPCs in San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst will allow you to trade a Chocopass.

Name Location
Azette Bastok Mines (J-9)
Eulaphe Bastok Mines (J-9)
Quelle Bastok Mines (J-9)
Camereine Southern San d'Oria (I-11)
Emoussine Southern San d'Oria (I-11)
Meuneille Southern San d'Oria (I-11)
Amimi Windurst Woods (K-12)
Orlaine Windurst Woods (K-12)
Sariale Windurst Woods (K-12)
Caffie Port Jeuno (I-8)
Narsha Port Jeuno (I-8)
Audee Lower Jeuno (G-11)
Fephita Lower Jeuno (G-11)
Couvoullie Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Mairee Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Pucotte Tahrongi Canyon (I-6)
Plaiaude Konschtat Highlands (J-6)
Coumaine La Theine Plateau (K-8)
Marilleune Norg (H-9)
Guinavie Rabao (G-10)
Tielleque Kazham (F-9)
Eulaclaire Eastern Altepa Desert (G-7)
Paurelde Yhoator Jungle (F-9)
Dahaaba Al Zahbi (G-9)
Watisa Wajaom Woodlands (G-8)
Chauxnatte Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-10)
Melina Bastok Markets (S) (H-5)
Yasmina Windurst Waters (S), North (G-5)
Helmyre Jugner Forest (S) (H-9)
Milloure Pashhow Marshlands (S) (J-9)
Lidaise Meriphataud Mountains (S) (I-8)

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