Tutorial NPC

From HorizonXI Wiki

The tutorial NPCs will help new players on their first steps in the world of Vana'diel. This is done through a series of assignments, in which people will become familiar with battling, Signet, crafting, and some other basic actions.

Before each quest is given, the NPC will provide tutorial information about various aspects of the game which is worth reading if you've never played before.

Please note that the tutorial quests on Horizon are only implemented up to the point where you receive your free exp ring voucher. If you talk to the NPC after this point they will mention getting to level 4 as the next step in the tutorials, but you will not be able to complete this quest.

Tutorial NPC's are at the following locations:


Quest 1

  • Talk to Gulldago for a small introduction.
  • He asks you to get Signet from the gate guard located to the left hand side of the gate (Rabid Wolf, I.M.).
  • Once you have the Signet effect talk to Gulldago again.

Reward: Six strips of Meat Jerky.

Quest 2

Congratulations, you have just crafted a Sweet Lizard meal.

Quest 3

San d'Oria

Quest 1

  • Talk to Alaune.
  • She will ask you to talk to the guard Aravoge, T.K. (just to the right of the tutorial NPC in front of the gate).
  • Talk to him and ask him to cast Signet on you.
  • Once done, return to Alaune and talk to her.

Reward: 6 strips of Meat Jerky.

Quest 2

Congratulations, you just crafted a piece of Salted Hare.

Quest 3


Quest 1

  • Talk to Selele who will ask you to get Signet.
  • Go find Harara, W.W. (just to the right of Selele and to the right of the gate) and talk to her.
  • Ask her to cast Signet on you.
  • Once done, return to Selele and talk to her.

Reward: 6 strips of Meat Jerky

Quest 2

Congratulations, you have just crafted a Mug of Honeyed Egg.

Quest 3