Windurst Waters
From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Category:Windurst Waters (South)/NPCs)
This massive district to the west of the Blacktea River, lies along the western edge the Federation of Windurst. Along with a variety of shops, the Culinarians' Guild is located in the northern half of the zone, next to the tavern and hostelry. Also contained within this district are a variety of official government departments, including the Aurastery (Magic School), the Optistery (The Library of Magic), and the Rhinostery (living organism research).
Table of Contents
Windurst Walls: L-9 North
Port Windurst: G-10 South
Windurst Woods: via Tonana: G-8 North
West Sarutabaruta: G-4 North
Zone Information | |
Area Name | Windurst Waters |
Type | City |
Maps | |
Map Acquisition | N/A |
Miscellaneous | None |
Hobbies | ![]() |
Weather | None |
Region | Windurst |
Expansion | Final Fantasy XI |
Requirements | None |
Restrictions | None |
Background music | "The Federation of Windurst" |
Notes | None |
Involved in Quests/Missions
Other Information
NPCs Found Here
Name | Location | Type |
Ahyeekih | North (H-10) | Regional Vend. |
Ajen-Myoojen | North (F-4) | --- |
Akee Yonji | South (K-8) | --- |
Akkeke | North (K-6) | --- |
Amagusa-Chigurusa | North (G-9) | --- |
Angelica | North (F-10) | --- |
Anja-Enja | North (F-12) | Adv. Assistant |
Aora-Uora | North (G-7) | --- |
Aramu-Paramu | North (F-10) | --- |
Arukoko | South (D-6) | --- |
Baehu-Faehu | North (G-5) | Regional Vend. |
Baren-Moren | South (H-7) | --- |
Bondada | South (H-7) | --- |
Buchi Kohmrijah | North (F-10) | --- |
Bulolo | North (E-8) | --- |
Caliburn | North (F-7) | --- |
Chamama | North (F-10) | --- |
Chomo Jinjahl | North (E-8) | Guild Vend. |
Chomoro-Kyotoro | North (K-6) | --- |
Churano-Shurano | North (F-8) | --- |
Chyuk-Kochak | South (C-11) | --- |
Clais | North (G-10) | --- |
Cochal-Monchal | North (F-8) | --- |
Dabido-Sorobido | North (E-10) | --- |
Dagoza-Beruza | North (F-5) | Mission Starter |
Damami-Karumi | North (G-10) | --- |
Dienger | North (F-5) | Event Replayer |
Diroku-Oroku | North (K-6) | --- |
Eight of Hearts | South (H-8) | --- |
Enrefort | North (G-10) | --- |
Ensasa | North (H-9) | Standard Vend. |
Five of Hearts | North (K-9) | --- |
Foi-Mui | North (K-6) | --- |
Fomina | South (D-8) | Regional Vend. |
Four of Hearts | North (F-7) | --- |
Fuepepe | North (L-6) | --- |
Funpo-Shipo | North (G-9) | --- |
Furakku-Norakku | North (G-8) | --- |
Furan-Furin | North (F-8) | Weather Reporter |
Gantineux | North (E-10) | --- |
Gevirun-Gabirun | South (E-5) | --- |
Gordias | North (F-9) | --- |
Hakeem | North (D-9) | Craftsman |
Hariga-Origa | North (F-8) | --- |
Hilkomu-Makimu | South (G-7) | Standard Vend. |
Hobibi | South (H-8) | --- |
Honoi-Gomoi | South (E-7) | --- |
Hororo | North (H-8) | --- |
Jack of Hearts | North (L-10) | Adv. Assistant |
Jacodaut | North (D-9) | Craftsman |
Janta-Jonta | North (E-9) | --- |
Jatan-Paratan | North (F-10) | --- |
Jourille | North (J-9) | Regional Vend. |
Karuru | North (F-8) | --- |
Kenapa-Keppa | South (J-9) | --- |
Kerutoto | South (J-8) | --- |
Khuta Colaara | North (H-9) | --- |
Kipo-Opo | North (E-9) | Head Craftsman |
Kirarara | North (K-6) | --- |
Kobite-Mojite | North (G-9) | --- |
Kogri-Nargri | North (F-10) | --- |
Koko Lihzeh | North (K-6) | --- |
Koowawa | North (E-9) | --- |
Kopopo | North (E-8) | Guild Vend. |
Kotan-Moritan | North (G-7) | --- |
Kuesoso | North (K-7) | --- |
Kyume-Romeh | North (F-10) | --- |
Kyokyo | D-5 | --- |
Lago-Charago | North (F-8) | Adv. Assistant |
Leepe-Hoppe | South (J-9) | --- |
Lumomo | North (F-10) | --- |
Machitata | North (L-11) | Moghouse Renter |
Name | Location | Type |
Majiji | North (K-6) | --- |
Maqu Molpih | South (H-8) | Regional Vend. |
Mashishi | South (D-10) | --- |
Mashuu-Ajuu | North (K-6) | --- |
Maysoon | North (E-9) | --- |
Mejina-Monjina | North (F-8) | --- |
Mimomo | North (L-6) | --- |
Miriri | North (H-10) | --- |
Moari-Kaaori | South (C-9) | --- |
Moitoto | North (G-8) | --- |
Mokyokyo | North (F-5) | Mission Starter |
Moreno-Toeno | North (L-6) | --- |
Myumimi | South (H-8) | --- |
Naiko-Paneiko | South (C-11) | --- |
Nasoh Joli | South (H-8) | --- |
Ness Rugetomal | North (F-10) | Standard Vend. |
Nine of Hearts | North (K-11) | --- |
Npopo | North (G-4) | --- |
Ohbiru-Dohbiru | South (J-9) | --- |
Okaka | North (H-10) | --- |
Olaky-Yayulaky | North (F-8) | Event Item Storer |
Orez-Ebrez | South (H-7) | Standard Vend. |
Orn | North (F-9) | --- |
Otete | South (J-8) | Regional Vend. |
Pakesse-Myukesse | North (K-6) | --- |
Paku-Nakku | North (K-6) | --- |
Panaa Fom | North (G-11) | --- |
Panna-Donna | North (F-5) | Mission Starter |
Pechiru-Mashiru | North (L-6) | --- |
Pia | South (I-7) | --- |
Piketo-Puketo | North (D-9) | Guild Master |
Pojimo-Rojimo | North (F-8) | --- |
Porupen-Kyurupen | North (H-9) | --- |
Prestapiq | North (G-7) | Regional Vend. |
Pulykiki | South (E-5) | --- |
Puroiko-Maiko, W.W. | North (G-5) | Conquest Overseer Windurst: National Guard |
Pursuivant (Windurst) | North (J-9) | Pursuivant |
Qhum Knaidjn | North (E-9) | Guild. Union Rep. |
Queo-Paeo | South (F-8) | --- |
Rabiri-Tabiri | North (E-9) | --- |
Ramasese | North (J-8) | --- |
Ranpi-Monpi | North (D-9) | --- |
Reh Hapli | North (F-10) | --- |
Ropunono | North (F-7) | --- |
Rukuku | North (K-6) | --- |
Sahgi Konchumih | South (I-8) | --- |
Serukoko | North (F-7) | --- |
Seven of Hearts | South (H-8) | --- |
Shanana | North (G-11) | --- |
Shante-Fante | North (F-8) | --- |
Shasha | South (D-6) | --- |
Shataru-Potaru | North (K-7) | --- |
Shatoto | North (G-7) | --- |
Shohrun-Tuhrun | South (G-7) | Standard Vend. |
Six of Hearts | North (K-9) | --- |
Sohdede | North (F-7) | --- |
Taajiji | North (F-10) | Standard Vend. |
Tauwawa | North (L-6) | --- |
Temoe-Amoe | South (D-7) | --- |
Ten of Hearts | North (F-5) | --- |
Tonana | North (G-8) | Warp NPC |
Torikoko | South (H-8) | --- |
Tosuka-Porika | North (G-8) | --- |
Tsuran-Botaran | South (H-8) | --- |
Upih Khachla | North (H-9) | Standard Vend. |
Yohra-Ora | North (G-8) | --- |
Yomotsutsu | South (H-8) | --- |
Yuli Yaam | North (F-10) | --- |
Yung Yaam | North (F-10) | --- |
Zabirego-Hajigo | North (F-10) | Reputation Checker |
Zelala | North (L-10) | Map Marker |
Places of Interest