The Moonlit Path

From HorizonXI Wiki
The Moonlit Path
Starting NPC Leepe-Hoppe
Required Fame Windurst Level >5 
Items Needed First time only:
Key ItemWhisper of Flames
Key ItemWhisper of Frost
Key ItemWhisper of Gales
Key ItemWhisper of Storms
Key ItemWhisper of Tides
Key ItemWhisper of Tremors
Key ItemMoon Bauble
Key ItemWhisper of the Moon
Title Heir of the New Moon
Repeatable Yes, After JP midnight. 
Description Leepe-Hoppe wants you to take on Carbuncle's request to gather the six "whispers," then pay a visit to the Full Moon Fountain...
The avatar Fenrir or
Ancients' Key or
Fenrir's Cape or
Fenrir's Earring or
Fenrir's Stone or
Fenrir's Torque or
15,000 Gil
Under certain conditions:
Key ItemDark Mana Orb


Composite map to Full Moon Fountain
  • Talk to Leepe-Hoppe (located on the roof) and answer his question affirmatively for a cutscene.
    • If Leepe-Hoppe gives you the cutscene for Tuning In, zone and talk to him again to get the cutscene for this quest.
  • Defeat each of the six prime avatars and collect their whispers. Do not return to the original NPC who gave you the fork or you will lose the whisper.
  • Take all six whispers back to Leepe-Hoppe for another cutscene. You will lose your six whispers and receive a Key ItemMoon Bauble.
    • You keep your Key ItemMoon Bauble if Fenrir Prime defeats you, so you do not have to get all the whispers again if you lose.
    • If you are repeating this quest, you do not need to have all 6 whispers to get a new Key ItemMoon Bauble; simply talk to Leepe-Hoppe after JP midnight following your previous completion.
  • Head to Inner Horutoto Ruins and go through the Three Mage Gate.
    • Have a Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage stand on the corresponding colored circles, or have someone who has the Key ItemPortal Charm open it.
    • Alternately, if you have started the Windurst Waters quest, Toraimarai Turmoil, you may enter Toraimarai Canal from Windurst Walls. From the T-intersection at (H-7) on the second map, go west and take the steps down into the water. Then go north and then west putting you back on the first map. Go north then west (in the water) until the T-intersection at (H-7) on the first map. Now head south then up the steps at (G-8) and make your way toward the fountain.
  • Take the Moon Bauble to Full Moon Fountain, enter the battlefield, and defeat Fenrir Prime to receive the Key ItemWhisper of the Moon.
  • Return to Leepe-Hoppe for a cutscene and your reward.


  • To fight Fenrir again, simply talk to Leepe-Hoppe for another Moon Bauble after JP midnight following your previous completion of this quest; you do not need to fight the six avatars again.
  • The Key ItemDark Mana Orb is received as an additional award if you have attained Rank 10 in Windurst. It is used to obtain an additional cutscene tying together the Star Onion Brigade quests with the Windurst storyline, after also completing The Promise.


See the The Moonlit Path Strategies page.