Trial by Ice

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Trial by Ice
Starting NPC GulmamaNorthern San d'Oria (E-7)
Required Fame San d'Oria Level 6
Title Heir of the Great Ice
Repeatable Yes, after Japanese midnight after receiving your reward. 
Description Ring the tuning fork of ice upon the protocrystal in Fei'Yin. A path will open to the trial that awaits.
Ability to summon Shiva or
10,000g or
Rust 'B' Gone or
Ice Belt or
Ice Ring or
Shiva's Claws
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
None The Moonlit Path
Mama Mia
Waking the Beast


  • Speak to Gulmama in Northern San d'Oria (E-7). If you have sufficient fame, she will give you a Key ItemTuning fork of ice.
  • Travel to Fei'Yin and head to the Cloister of Frost.
    • To get to the Cloister of Frost, enter Fei'Yin from Beaucedine Glacier (J-4).
    • Follow the path to a large room and take the east passage. Ignore the branch south and pass through a small room, turn north and follow the path back west. Ignore the branch north and descend the stairs; leading you to the second map.
    • The path forces you north and east, again, and into a small room (H-8). Here, follow the left wall (north) until it opens into a large room (full of Utukkus, Golems and Bats); continue north.
    • The north exit (a short distance from where you entered) leads a winding path through several small rooms (populated by Specters, then Weapons), eventually leading to the Cloister of Frost.
  • Once you defeat Shiva Prime, you will acquire the Key ItemWhisper of Frost.
  • Return the Whisper to Gulmama for your reward.

The Fight

  • Everyone who is involved in the fight must have a tuning fork of the correct protocrystal.
  • There is no cap on this battle.
  • There is a 30-minute time limit.
  • You can buff up before entering the protocrystal, so feel free to do so and rest up while still outside.
  • Try to fight Shiva Prime on Firesday and do not fight her on Iceday.
  • Keep up Barblizzara at all times.
  • Do not use Ice-based spells, weaponskills, or weapons that have Additional effect: Ice damage, as they will heal Shiva Prime.
  • The battlefield is shaped like a long path up the side of hill, with a switchback about halfway to the top. This allows the mages to stand above the fight (and out of easy reach of the avatar) while still being able to cast spells upon the combatants.
  • See testimonials.

See Trial by Ice/Strategies for strategy and videos.

Related Quests

There are a total of 6 prime avatar quests for the main summons. Here is the relevant information on each:

Trial by Avatar Start NPC
Item Needed
Tuning fork of
closest zone
Reputation required
Earth Titan Juroro
Port Bastok (I-8)
Earth Cloister of Tremors
Quicksand Caves
Bastok - 6
Fire Ifrit Ronta-Onta
Kazham (J-9)
Fire Cloister of Flames
Ifrit's Cauldron
Kazham - 6
Water Leviathan Edal-Tahdal
Norg (H-9)
Water Cloister of Tides
Den of Rancor
Norg/Tenshodo - 4
Lightning Ramuh Ripapa
Mhaura (I-9)
Lightning Cloister of Storms
Boyahda Tree
Windurst - 6
Wind Garuda Agado-Pugado
Rabao (G-9)
Wind Cloister of Gales
Cape Teriggan
Selbina/Rabao - 5
Ice Shiva Gulmama
Northern San d'Oria (E-7)
Ice Cloister of Frost
San d'Oria - 6