Tuning Fork

From HorizonXI Wiki

Tuning Forks are Key Items used in the "Trial by..." series of quests, and actual items used in the "Trial Size Trial by..." series of quests. The NPCs for both quests are always together: one is a Tarutaru, and the other is a member of one of the taller races. In the mainlands the Tarutaru are females, and in the outlands the Tarutaru are males. Speaking to the Tarutaru will get you key item tuning forks for the level 65+ fights (Trial by <element>), and the taller NPC will give you the forks for the level 20 Summoner solo fights (Trial Size Trial by <element>).

Normal-Sized Tuning Forks

The normal tuning forks are temporary key items, and having one allows you to fight the Prime Avatar associated with the element of the fork. To initiate the fight, travel to the appropriate elemental Protocrystal and click on it to enter the battlefield. If you wish to fight with others, every member of your party must have the correct key item.

You do not have to have summoner unlocked to do this quest, but you cannot gain the ability to summon the avatar if you have not unlocked it.

When obtaining your key items, you must have an appropriate amount of fame in the city where the NPCs are located. You must have at least fame level 6 in Bastok, San d'Oria, Kazham, Mhaura, Windurst, level 5 in Rabao, and level 4 in Norg (also known as Tenshodo Fame). You can only obtain a particular fork once per Earth day (ie. after handing in your whisper, you must wait until Japanese midnight before you may obtain another fork. If the Whispers are used to get a Moon Bauble, this cool down period is ignored.).


Trial-Sized Tuning Forks

The trial-sized tuning forks are actual items that you need inventory space to hold. There are few requirements to obtain these forks: that you have Summoner at 15+, have level 2 fame in the city/town you want to acquire the fork for. When you are ready to fight, you must be a level 20+ Summoner, and trade your tuning fork to the NPC who gave it to you. They will then ask if you are ready before teleporting you to the appropriate Protocrystal. You can buff up before entering these fights, and you must fight these battles with only Carbuncle (no other avatars may be used). Each fight may only be attempted once per real life day (reset at Japanese Midnight).


If you succeed, you will be awarded with the ability to summon the avatar you defeated, and a Scroll of Instant Warp so you can return home. If you fail, you will have to find your own way home (most likely you will homepoint when the avatar defeats you). Whether you succeed or are defeated, you will still have the tuning fork in your inventory, which you must throw out to receive a new fork.

  • Once thrown out, the mini tuning fork can be acquired again on the next Vana'diel day.
    • Whispers cannot be obtained from Mini Tuning Fork fights.
    • A Summoner can utilize these forks for a form of teleportation to their respective protocrystals, and zone out into regions that typically take parties a long time to get to, such as Ifrit's Cauldron, however, if the level 20 fight is completed you lose this teleporting ability. (Even though you can still get the fork again to try the fight again, if desired.)
    • This is most convenient for acquiring certain Outposts, such as Cape Teriggan
Failed Trial Size Fights & Avoiding Cooldown
  • Warning: The warp NPC can still send you to the Cloister even if the fight is on cooldown from having failed it. If this occurs, you might be stuck at the Cloister, unable to enter the fight, with no other method of escape besides death warping.
  • Players have reported that discarding the Mini tuning fork after a failed fight will allow you to bypass the lockout period after a failed fight. Speak to the same NPC that gave you the failed fight's fork in order to get a new one.
  • On Horizon, you must throw out your used fork before receiving a new one to retry the fight.
Common Issues While Starting Trial Sized Quests

Each quest requires reputation for a certain region; make sure you meet this requirement! If the quest giver still won't start the quest, try discarding Mini tuning forks from all completed fights. (The Mini forks become useless after completing the appropriate Trial Sized fight, so it's okay to toss them after completing a battle.)