Ensasa's Catalyst Shop

From HorizonXI Wiki
Ensasa's Catalyst Shop
Ensasa's Catalyst Shop
Shop (General Goods)
Ensasa owns this shop on the Waters. While her daughter runs around outside, advertising, Ensasa rakes in the gil selling goods, both general and unusual. Many common items can be found here, and some quite esoteric ones as well.



   Citizen: Windurst Only
   Conquest: Windurst - 1st

   Citizen: All
   Conquest: Windurst - 1st or 2nd

   Citizen: All
   Conquest: Any

Upih Khachla

   Citizen: Windurst Only
   Conquest: Windurst - 1st

   Citizen: All
   Conquest: Windurst - 1st or 2nd

   Citizen: All
   Conquest: Any

  • Living Key 5,520 - 6,240 (not available in 1st place) (only available in 3rd placeVerification Needed)
  • Thief's Tools 3,643 - 4,356 (available in 1st place) (available in 2nd & 3rd place Verification Needed)


Name Purpose
Khuta Colaara