Culinarians' Guild (Windurst)

From HorizonXI Wiki
Culinarians' Guild
Culinarians' Guild
This guild shop is the center of the Vana'diel cooking world. Chefs from across the lands make the pilgrimage at one time or another. The Culinarians' Guild (Windurst) is open 5:00 - 20:00.
Closed for holiday on Darksday.



Chomo Jinjahl & Kopopo (Guild Shop)

Restocked Wares

The guild will restock some amount of these items every Vana'diel day.

Item Price [gil] Max Available Daily Restock
Beaugreens 75 - 460 64 24
Watermelon 158 - 760 64 24
Pamamas 148 - 384 64 24
Thundermelon 287 - 1,235 64 24
Mithran Tomato 78 - 195 64 24
San d'Orian Carrot 60 - 157 64 24
Smoked Salmon 165 - 924 64 24
Selbina Milk 57 - 264 64 24
Batagreens 36 - 238 64 24
La Theine Cabbage 18 - 43 64 24
Faerie Apple 39 - 220 64 24
Vanilla 530 - 540 64 24
Soy Stock 525 - 530 64 24
Fish Stock 457 - 530 64 24
Semolina 1,500 - 2,800 64 24
Holy Basil 536 - 680 64 24
Coriander 1,061 - 1,188 64 24
Turmeric 431 - 438 64 24
Millioncorn 36 - 182 64 24
Cinnamon 195 - 572 64 24
Apple Vinegar 66 - 334 64 24
Dried Marjoram 36 - 220 64 24
Crying Mustard 21 - 40 64 24
Tarutaru Rice 45 - 276 84 36
Blue Peas 21 - 50 64 24
Pie Dough 60 - 368 64 24
Mhaura Garlic 60 - 631 64 24
Kazham Peppers 45 - 194 64 24
Rye Flour 30 - 60 64 24
San d'Orian Flour 52 - 252 64 24
Bird Egg 48 - 188 255 48
Kazham Pineapple 115 - 261 255 48
Popoto 36 - 40 255 48
Rock Salt 25 - 73 255 48
San d'Orian Grape 63 - 367 255 48
Saruta Orange 58 - 152 255 48

Not Restocked Wares [toggle]

Items which are not restocked will not be available until a player has sold some of that item to the guild, and may not show up on the list of items to buy.

Qhum Knaidjn

These items are bought using Cooking Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 200 High Quality Crystal* Can be used to sign a crafted item. For available options see High Quality Crystals.
8,000 Key ItemPa­tiss­ier This special cooking ability allows you to prepare tasty sweets and cakes.
30,000 Key ItemNoo­dle Knea­ding This special cooking ability allows you to prepare flour and water into tasty pasta.
30,000 Key ItemRaw Fish Hand­ling This special cooking ability allows you to prepare raw fish while maintaining your ingredients' freshness.
30,000 Key ItemStew­pot Ma­stery This special cooking ability allows you to prepare hearty stews.
Ap­pren­tice 10,000 Culi­narian's Belt A belt that has Ent­chant­ment: Syn­thesis Image Support
Journey­man 70,000 Chef's Hat A hat that gives +1 to your Coo­king skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Artisan 100,000 Culi­narian's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Coo­king skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Cordon Bleu Set A piece of Fur­ni­ture that gives Mog­hance­ment: Coo­king Skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
*Note: HQ crystals cannot be used to sign stackable food.
