Weavers' Guild (Windurst)

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Weaver's Guild (Windurst) Workshop
Weaver's Guild (Windurst) Shop
Weavers' Guild (Windurst)
A Weavers' Guild located south of the Bomingo Round in Windurst Woods. The Weavers' Guild (Windurst) is open 6:00 - 21:00.
Closed for holiday on Firesday.


  • By speaking to Ponono, the Guild Master, you can sign up to the guild and get a free crystal.


Kuzah Hpirohpon & Meriri (Guild Shop)

Restocked Wares

The guild will restock some amount of these items every Vana'diel day.

Item Price [gil] Max Available Daily Restock
Silk Thread 710 - 3,856 48 24
Grass Thread 58 - 146 64 24
Cotton Thread 312 - 582 64 24
Silver Thread 685 - 3,000 48 24
Grass Cloth 240 - 588 64 24
Cotton Cloth 480 - 2,432 64 24
Moko Grass 15 - 90 64 24
Flax Flower 187 - 430 64 24
Linen Cloth 5,970 - 14,400 64 24
Sheep Wool 675 - 855 64 24
Saruta Cotton 80 - 200 64 24

Not Restocked Wares [toggle]

Items which are not restocked will not be available until a player has sold some of that item to the guild, and may not show up on the list of items to buy.

Item Price [gil]
Linen Thread 750
Wool Thread 2,700 - 12,528
Slops 936
Bird Feather 14 - 40
Black Cape 15,190 - 42,134
Black Mitts 37,862 - 172,339
Zonure 5,175 - 36,225
Black Tunic 7,767 - 54,369
Bracers 29,406
Brais 4,093 - 5,486
Cape 318 - 1,683
Cloak 7,866 - 55,062
Cotton Brais 1,800 - 12,600
Cotton Cape 12,386
Cotton Doublet 66,992
Cotton Gaiters 2,316 - 16,212
Cotton Gloves 1,674 - 11,718
Cotton Headband 1,800 - 12,600
Cotton Headgear 35,315 - 35,135
Cuffs 246 - 644
Doublet 5,325 - 13,066
Feather Collar 372 - 2,604
Gaiters 2,538 - 5,188
Gambison 11,250 - 78,750
Giant Bird Feather 687 - 4,809
Gloves 2,787 - 7,391
Headgear 1,452 - 5,468
Hemp Gorget 972 - 4,838
Hose 7,875 - 55,125
Linen Cuffs 1,569 - 10,983
Linen Doublet 87,178
Item Price [gil]
Linen Mitts 3,726 - 26,082
Linen Slacks 8,487 - 59,409
Linen Slops 336 - 2,352
Rainbow Cloth 17,616 - 123,312
Rainbow Thread 5,940 - 41,580
Red Cap 23,200 - 39,400
Red Cape 94,960
Robe 424 - 1,046
Scarlet Ribbon 5,100
Silk Cloth 4,725 - 33,075
Slacks 4,562
Socks 21,000 - 147,000
Spider Web 9,438 - 34,557
Tunic 1,260 - 8,820
Velvet Cloth 25,520
Velvet Cuffs 36,192
Velvet Hat 12,852 - 89,964
Velvet Robe 19,152 - 134,064
Velvet Slops 15,624 - 109,368
Wing Earring 1,728 - 12,096
Wool Bracers 15,480 - 108,360
Wool Cap 18,720 - 131,040
Wool Cloth 21,492 - 52,704
Wool Cuffs 6,579 - 46,053
Wool Gambison 28,080 - 196,560
Wool Hat 7,803 - 54,621
Wool Hose 21,600 - 151,200
Wool Robe 11,628 - 81,396
Wool Slops 9,486 - 66,402
Wool Socks 14,400 - 100,800
Yagudo Feather 28 - 35

Hauh Colphioh

These items are bought using Clothcraft Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 200 High Quality Crystal Can be used to sign a crafted item. For available options see High Quality Crystals.
10,000 Key ItemSpin­ning This special weaving ability allows you to work fiber with a Spindle, making it easier to process more thread with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemFlet­ching This special weaving ability allows you to sew feathers with Zephyr Thread, making it easier to process more fletching with one crystal.
40,000 Key ItemCloth En­sorcell­ment This special weaving ability allows you to enchant cloth with the power of black magic.
40,000 Key ItemCloth Puri­fi­cation This special weaving ability allows you to enchant cloth with the power of white magic.
Appren­tice 10,000 Weaver's Belt A belt that has Ent­chant­ment: Syn­thesis Image Support
Jour­ney­man 70,000 Mag­ni­fy­ing Spec­ta­cles A pair of glasses that gives +1 to your Cloth­craft skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Arti­san 100,000 Weaver's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Cloth­craft skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Gilt Ta­pes­try A piece of Fur­ni­ture that gives Mog­hance­ment: Cloth­craft Skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
