Weavers' Guild (Windurst)

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Weaver's Guild (Windurst) Workshop
Weaver's Guild (Windurst) Shop
Weavers' Guild (Windurst)
A Weavers' Guild located south of the Bomingo Round in Windurst Woods. The Weavers' Guild (Windurst) is open 6:00 - 21:00.
Closed for holiday on Firesday.


  • By speaking to Ponono, the Guild Master, you can sign up to the guild and get a free crystal.


Kuzah Hpirohpon & Meriri (Guild Shop)

Restocked Wares

The guild will restock some amount of these items every Vana'diel day.

Item Price [gil] Max Available Daily Restock
Silk Thread 710 - 3,856 48 24
Grass Thread 58 - 146 64 24
Cotton Thread 312 - 582 64 24
Silver Thread 685 - 3,000 48 24
Grass Cloth 240 - 588 64 24
Cotton Cloth 480 - 2,432 64 24
Moko Grass 15 - 90 64 24
Flax Flower 187 - 430 64 24
Linen Cloth 5,970 - 14,400 64 24
Sheep Wool 675 - 855 64 24
Saruta Cotton 80 - 200 64 24

Not Restocked Wares [toggle]

Items which are not restocked will not be available until a player has sold some of that item to the guild, and may not show up on the list of items to buy.

Hauh Colphioh

These items are bought using Clothcraft Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 200 High Quality Crystal Can be used to sign a crafted item. For available options see High Quality Crystals.
10,000 Key ItemSpin­ning This special weaving ability allows you to work fiber with a Spindle, making it easier to process more thread with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemFlet­ching This special weaving ability allows you to sew feathers with Zephyr Thread, making it easier to process more fletching with one crystal.
40,000 Key ItemCloth En­sorcell­ment This special weaving ability allows you to enchant cloth with the power of black magic.
40,000 Key ItemCloth Puri­fi­cation This special weaving ability allows you to enchant cloth with the power of white magic.
Appren­tice 10,000 Weaver's Belt A belt that has Ent­chant­ment: Syn­thesis Image Support
Jour­ney­man 70,000 Mag­ni­fy­ing Spec­ta­cles A pair of glasses that gives +1 to your Cloth­craft skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Arti­san 100,000 Weaver's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Cloth­craft skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Gilt Ta­pes­try A piece of Fur­ni­ture that gives Mog­hance­ment: Cloth­craft Skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
