Castle Oztroja

From HorizonXI Wiki

The birdlike Beastmen known as the Yagudo spent decades carving this stronghold out of the mountains in the Meriphataud Range. In addition to being strictly guarded, the interior of the castle is extremely complex and littered with traps and curses that only members of the Yagudo Theomilitary have been informed of.
Interactive Map
©Remapster |©Square Enix| ©FFXI-Atlas
Zone Information
Area Name Castle Oztroja
Type Dungeon
Map Acquisition Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to call Adventuring Fellow Able to use Escape

Ffxi hby 08.PNG

Ffxi hby 09.PNG

Ffxi gld 01.png

Weather Winds Hot Spells
Region Aragoneu
Expansion Final Fantasy XI
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music None
Notes Brass Statue
Weather Forecast
VanaDays from Today Normal (50%) Common (35%) Rare (15%)
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
Dust Storms Dust Storm
Dust Storms Dust Storm
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change

Involved in Quests/Missions

Other Information

Item Abundance
Gil: 3,200 - 6,320 (??? Gil)More data needed
44%More data needed.(44%)
Ametrine 0%More data needed.(0%)
Beast Collar 101%Received with quest active
Electrum Hairpin 48%More data needed.(48%)
Garnet 0%More data needed.(0%)
Goshenite 0%More data needed.(0%)
Light Opal 4%More data needed.(4%)
Peridot 4%More data needed.(4%)
Sardonyx 0%More data needed.(0%)
Sphene 0%More data needed.(0%)
Turquoise 0%More data needed.(0%)

Oztroja Chest Key

Treasure Chests
CastleOztrojaChests1.png CastleOztrojaChests2.png CastleOztrojaChests3.png CastleOztrojaChests4.png

Possible Weather Weather Reporter
Resistance vs. Fire Information Needed
Resistance vs. Earth

Elemental Map
CastleOztrojaElementals1.png CastleOztrojaElementals2.png

Item Abundance
Gil: 7,320 - 29,400 (??? Gil)More data needed
67.7%More data needed.(67.7%)
Aquamarine 0%More data needed.(0%)
Astral Ring 0%Unknown(0%)
Chaos Cuirass 101%Received with quest active
Choral Cannions 101%Received with quest active
Chrysoberyl 3.2%More data needed.(3.2%)
Fluorite 0%More data needed.(0%)
Jadeite 0%More data needed.(0%)
Moonstone 0%More data needed.(0%)
Painite 0%More data needed.(0%)
Rogue's Culottes 101%Received with quest active
Safeguard Ring 25.8%More data needed.(25.8%)
Sunstone 3.2%More data needed.(3.2%)
Warlock's Tabard 101%Received with quest active
Zircon 0%More data needed.(0%)

Oztroja Coffer Key

Treasure Coffers
CastleOztrojaCoffers1.png CastleOztrojaCoffers2.png CastleOztrojaCoffers3.png

Fish Cap Body of Water
Crayfish 7 All

Fishing Maps
Information Needed

NPCs Found Here

Name Location Type
Antiqix F-8 Dynamis Vendor
Brass Statue H-7 Passageway Machine
Daa Bola the Seer I-7 Quest NPC
Kaa Toru the Just H-5 Mission NPC
Tebhi Unknown Quest NPC

Notorious Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade
30 Barbarian's Sword
Demonic Sword
Yagudo Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade Spawn Location

A, L, S

Mee Deggi the Punisher
Respawn: 1-6 hours
35-36 Impact Knuckles
Ochimusha Kote
Yagudo Mee Deggi the Punisher Spawn Location

A, L, S

Quu Domi the Gallant
Respawn: 1-6 hours
35-36 Fuma Kyahan
Strider Sword
Yagudo Quu Domi the Gallant Spawn Location

A, L, S

Yaa Haqa the Profane
42-43 Earth Doublet
Frost Robe
Yagudo Yaa Haqa the Profane Spawn Location

A, L, S

Yagudo High Priest
Respawn: 24 minutes
72-74 Scroll of Cure V
Scroll of Raise II
Scroll of Regen III
Scroll of Reraise III
Scroll of Shellra IV
White Mage's Testimony
Beastcoin Yagudo Yagudo High Priest Spawn Location

A, L, T(S)

Yagudo Templar
Respawn: 24 minutes
72-74 Samurai's Testimony Beastcoin Yagudo Yagudo Templar Spawn Location

A, L, T(S)

Yagudo Avatar
Respawn: 21-24 hours
75 Air Spirit Pact
Oak Staff
Platinum Beastcoin
Walrus Staff
Summoner's Testimony
Beastcoin Yagudo Yagudo Avatar Spawn Location

A, L, T(S)

Tzee Xicu the Manifest
Respawn: 3-5 days
85 Astral Signa
Damascene Cloth
Damascus Ingot
Demon Horn
Daylight Dagger
Mythril Ore
Philosopher's Stone
Phoenix Feather
Platinum Beastcoin
Ram Horn
Summoner's Testimony
Wool Cloth
Vile Elixir
Wyvern Scales
Platinum Beastcoin Yagudo Tzee Xicu the Manifest Spawn Location

A, L, T(S)
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Bastion Bats
18-21 Bat Wing Bat Trios 16 A, H
Yagudo Votary
22-26 Cotton Brais
Cotton Gaiters
Cotton Gloves
Cotton Hachimaki
Cotton Headband
Cotton Kyahan
Cotton Sitabaki
Cotton Tekko
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 17 A, L, S
Yagudo Theologist
23-27 Cotton Brais
Holly Clogs
Linen Cuffs
Linen Slops
Poet's Circlet
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 19 A, L, S
Yagudo Priest
24-28 Holly Clogs
Linen Slops
Poet's Circlet
Scroll of Barparalyzra
Scroll of Barpoisonra
Scroll of Deodorize
Scroll of Invisible
Scroll of Protectra
Scroll of Silence
Scroll of Sneak
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 19 A, L, S
Bulwark Bat
29-31 Bat Wing Giant Bats 22 A, H
Meat Maggot
29-31 Silk Thread
White Rock
Crawlers 16
Respawn: 12 min
A, L, H, Sc
29-31 Crab Shell
Land Crab Meat
Rock Salt
Rock Salt Crabs 11
Respawn: 12 min
A, H
Yagudo Herald
32-36 Juji Shuriken
Soil Hachimaki
Soil Kyahan
Soil Sitabaki
Soil Tekko
Thirteen-Knot Quipus
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 29
Respawn: 12 min
A, L, S
Yagudo Drummer
33-37 Scroll of Foe Lullaby
Scroll of Horde Lullaby
Scroll of Magic Finale
Thirteen-Knot Quipus
Yagudo Necklace
Chestnut Sabots
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 28
Respawn: 12 min
A, L, S
Yagudo Oracle
34-38 Air Spirit Pact
Wool Hat
Wool Slops
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 30
Respawn: 12 min
A, L, S
Yagudo Interrogator
35-39 Soil Hachimaki
Soil Kyahan
Soil Sitabaki
Soil Tekko
Thirteen-Knot Quipus
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Silver Beastcoin Yagudo 29
Respawn: 12 min
A, L, S
38-40 Bull Earring
Slime Oil
Oztroja Chest Key
Slimes 2 A, H
Yagudo Zealot
42-46 Cuir Bandana
Cuir Gloves
Cuir Highboots
Cuir Trousers
Mythril Beastcoin
Oztroja Chest Key
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 14 A, L, S
Yagudo Lutenist
42-48 Oztroja Chest Key
Scroll of Blade Madrigal
Scroll of Dragonfoe Mambo
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 14
Respawn: 15 min
A, L, S
Yagudo Conquistador
43-47 Cuir Trousers
Oztroja Chest Key
Scroll of Doton: Ni
Scroll of Huton: Ni
Scroll of Hyoton: Ni
Scroll of Katon: Ni
Scroll of Raiton: Ni
Scroll of Suiton: Ni
Yagudo Necklace
Juji Shuriken
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 13 A, L, S
Yagudo Parasite
45-48 Fiend Blood
Parasite Skin
Leeches 4 A, L, H
Yagudo Prior
45-49 Oztroja Chest Key
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Black Mitts
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 15 A, L, S
Earth Elemental
During Earth Weather
47-49 Earth Cluster
White Rock
Elementals 8 M
Fire Elemental
During Fire Weather
47-49 Fire Cluster Elementals 8 M
Yagudo Sentinel
51-56 Cuir Gloves
Cuir Highboots
Cuir Trousers
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 8 A, L, S
Yagudo Chanter
53-57 Scroll of Carnage Elegy
Scroll of Foe Requiem V
Scroll of Gold Capriccio
Yagudo Necklace
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 8 A, L, S
Yagudo Abbot
53-59 Black Mitts
Scroll of Reraise
Scroll of Auspice
White Cloak
White Slacks
Yagudo Holy Water
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 8 A, L, S
Yagudo Inquisitor
54-58 Mythril Beastcoin
Raptor Helm
Raptor Gloves
Raptor Ledelsens
Yagudo Feather
Yagudo Necklace
Mythril Beastcoin Yagudo 8 A, L, S
Yagudo Conductor
60-67 Bard's Testimony
Oztroja Coffer Key
Scroll of Foe Requiem VI
Scroll of Goddess's Hymnus
Scroll of Knight's Minne IV
Scroll of Shining Fantasia
Scroll of Uncanny Etude
Scroll of Victory March
Scroll of Valor Minuet IV
Scroll of Warding Round
Gold Beastcoin Yagudo 9 A, L, S
Yagudo Flagellant
61-72 Judgment Key
Oztroja Coffer Key
Monk's Testimony
Raptor Helm
Raptor Ledelsens
Raptor Gloves
Raptor Trousers
Gold Beastcoin Yagudo 18 A, L, S
Yagudo Assassin
64-72 Manji Shuriken
Ninja's Testimony
Oztroja Coffer Key
Raptor Gloves
Raptor Helm
Scroll of Hojo: Ni
Scroll of Kurayami: Ni
Scroll of Tonko: Ni
Gold Beastcoin Yagudo 9 A, L, S
Yagudo Prelate
65-69 Black Mage's Testimony
Oztroja Coffer Key
Scroll of Aero III
Scroll of Aero IV
Scroll of Aeroga II
Scroll of Aeroga III
Scroll of Tornado
Gold Beastcoin Yagudo 9 A, L, S
Yagudo's Elemental
Yagudo Oracle's Pet
Yagudo Avatar's Pet
Tzee Xicu the Manifest's Pet
?? Elementals 34
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here

Name Family Spawns Notes

Huu Xalmo the Savage
Quest: True Strength
Yagudo 1 A, L, S

Quest: A Boy's Dream
Pugils Fished Up A

Warder Partisan
Crystal War Revisited
Yagudo 1
Respawn: 1-2 hr

Yagudo Muralist
Quest: Picture Perfect
Yagudo 1

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants