Blade Madrigal

From HorizonXI Wiki

Blade Madrigal
Type Song
Description Increases accuracy for party members within the area of effect.
Cost {{{mp}}} MP
Element Lightning Lightning
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Lightning ElementIm­pac­tion
Lightning Element and Wind ElementFrag­men­ta­tion
Light, Fire, Lightning and Wind ElementsLight
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}

Level 51 Bard

Casting Time 8 seconds
Recast Time 24 seconds
Affected Targets AOE, centered on caster
Base Duration 120 seconds
Range {{{range}}}



Scroll of Blade Madrigal
BRD Lv.51
Teaches the Blade Madrigal.
Enhances melee attack accuracy for
party members within area of effect.
Stacks with other Madrigal effects.

Equipment that gives "Madrigal +" or "All Songs +" increases the total Accuracy.

Duration of the song is also increased by 10% for every +1 granted.

The Group 1 Merit Point category Madrigal Effect increases the Accuracy bonus by 1 per merit level (before equipment bonuses).

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ???~??? gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Songs AH Black.png

Dropped From


  • All values below are based upon ASB code. It is presumed but unknown if this matches Horizon server's code. Testing is required to verify. Verification Needed
Increases Accuracy Based on Skill Level
Skill Level Base + Accuracy Song +1 Song +2
0-147 9 11 13
148-165 10 12 14
166-183 11 13 15
184-201 12 14 16
202-219 13 15 17
220-237 14 16 18
238-255 15 17 19
256-273 16 18 20
274-291 17 19 21
292-309 18 20 22
310-327 19 21 23
328-345 20 22 24
346-363 21 23 25
364-381 22 24 26
382-399 23 25 27
400-417 24 26 28
418-435 25 27 29
436-453 26 28 30
454-471 27 29 31
472-489 28 30 32
490-507 29 31 33
508+ 30 32 34