Category:Healing Magic
- Spells that use the Healing Magic skill all help players recover from battle.
- These spells help players regain Hit Points, remove negative Status Effects, deal damage to undead, or recover from K.O..
- Healing Magic skill also helps defend against spell interruptions for any spell within its category.
- All healing magic spells are Light based.
On HorizonXI, healing spells reach certain potency caps (such as 20 HP restored for Cure) and will only surpass those caps once a player's combined MND, VIT, and Healing Magic Skill reach a pre-determined "power". Viewing the below script, you can see what "power" requirements healing spells need to improve potency.
The "power" formula is believed to be as follows: (MND * 3) + VIT + (Healing Magic Skill * 0.6) = Power
Cure will only heal for a minimum of 20 HP until a player reaches a power of 100. of which it will heal for 30 before cure modifications.
Cure II
Learnable by WHM 11, RDM 14, PLD 17.
Cure II will only heal for a minimum of 75 HP until a player reaches a power of 170. of which it will heal for 90 before cure modifications.
Cure III
Learnable by WHM 21, RDM 26, PLD 30.
Cure III will only heal for a minimum of 160 HP until a player reaches a power of 300. of which it will heal for 190 before cure modifications.
Cure IV
Learnable by White Mage 41,Red Mage Lv. 48, Paladin Lv. 55
Cure IV will only heal for a minimum of 330 HP until a player reaches a power of 460, of which it will heal for 390 before cure modifications.
Cure V
Learnable by White Mage 61
Cure V will only heal for a minimum of 570 HP until a player reaches a power of 560, of which it will heal for 690 before cure modifications.
Example of the math
- cure IV
{ { power = 220, maxCap = 330, rate = 0.6666, constant = 165, minCap = 270 }, { power = 460, maxCap = 390, rate = 2, constant = 275, minCap = 270 }, { power = 999, maxCap = 390, rate = 6.5, constant = 354.6666, minCap = 270 } } after this, then bonuses such as day, weather, staff, potency are figured in.
Job Ratings
Job | Skill Ranking | Cap at Level 1 | Cap at Level 37 | Cap at Level 75 |
White Mage | A+ | 6 | 114 | 276 |
Paladin | C | 5 | 105 | 225 |
Red Mage | C- | 5 | 105 | 220 |
Scholar* | D(B+)* | 4(5)* | 101(109)* | 210(256)* |
*Scholar's Healing Magic skill increases to B+ rating under Light Arts. See: Combat Skills for more Skill information.
Equipment that Enhances this Skill
By Amount Added
Name | Skill Increase |
Cleric's Pantaloons | +15 |
Cleric's Pantaloons +1 | +15 |
Healer's Mitts | +15 |
Healer's Mitts +1 | +15 |
Scholar's Pants | +15 |
Scholar's Pants +1 | +15 |
Duelist's Tabard +1 | +12 |
Duelist's Tabard | +10 |
Narval | +10 |
Prelatic Pole | +10 |
Valor Coronet | +10 |
Valor Coronet +1 | +10 |
Warlock's Tights | +10 |
Warlock's Tights +1 | +10 |
Argute Loafers +1 | +9 |
Argute Loafers | +7 |
Healing Mace | +7 |
Healing Torque | +7 |
Patrician's Cuffs | +6 |
Rune Rod | +6 |
Altruistic Cape | +5 |
Druid's Slops | +5 |
Marduk's Shalwar | +5 |
Nashira Manteel | +5 |
Healing Earring | +3 |
Phi Necklace | +3 |