Category:Status Effects
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Status effects are conditions that alter your character. Whether brought on by a monster ability, spell, quest, or item, these change how the player interacts in the world of Final Fantasy XI.
With the exception of Boost, status effect duration timers are paused while in dialogue with an NPC.
These status effects can be separated into three distinct groups:
Negative Status Effects (Debuffs)
Name | Effect |
Accuracy Down | Reduces accuracy. |
Amnesia | Player cannot use abilities or weaponskills. |
Attack Down | Reduces attack power. |
Attribute Down | Lowers an attribute. (STR, DEX, VIT, etc...) |
Bane | Reduced HP, MP, and weight. |
Bind | Player cannot move. |
Bio | Reduced attack and DoT. |
Blind | Reduced melee accuracy. |
Bust | Number of possible active Phantom Roll effects reduced by one. Also experiencing a penalty effect. |
Chainbound | Readies target for a skillchain. |
Charm | For a time, your actions are controlled by a monster. |
Curse | Reduced HP, MP, and weight. |
Debilitation | The severe hampering of attributes. (Salvage) |
Defense Down | Reduced defense. |
Dia | Reduced defense and DoT. |
Disease | Player cannot recover HP or MP from healing(/heal). |
Doom | Countdown to death. |
Encumberance | Inability to equip armor and weapons. |
Encumberment | Inability to equip armor and/or weapons. (Salvage only) |
Elemental Debuff (Shock, Rasp, Choke, Frost, Burn, or Drown) |
Lowers an attribute and DoT. |
Evasion Down | Reduced evasion. |
Flash | Severely reduced accuracy. |
Gradual Petrification | Countdown to petrification. |
Helix | Damage Over Time inflicted every 3 ticks. |
Impairment | Inability to use job abilities. (Salvage) |
Level Restriction | Reduces effective level. |
Magic Accuracy Down | Reduced magic accuracy. |
Magic Evasion Down | Reduced resistance to magic. |
Magic Attack Down | Reduces magical damage. |
Magic Defense Down | Reduces magical defense. |
Max HP Down | Reduced HP pool. |
Max MP Down | Reduced MP pool. |
Max TP Down | Reduced TP pool. |
Medicated | Cannot use some Medicines. |
Mute | Player cannot cast spells, nor remove the effect. |
Obliviscence | Inability to use a support job. (Salvage) |
Omerta | Inability to use magic. (Salvage) |
Overload | Puppet is in a weakened state. |
Paralyze | Chance of interruption for each action. |
Petrification | Player cannot act. |
Plague | DoT that affects MP and TP. |
Poison | DoT that affects HP. |
Silence | Player cannot cast spells. |
SJ Restriction | Cannot access support job. |
Sleep | Player cannot act. |
Slow | Increased weapon and spell delay. |
Stun | Player cannot act. |
Terror | Player cannot act. |
Weakness | Severely reduced HP and MP. |
Weight | Reduced movement speed and Evasion. |
Positive Status Effects (Buffs)
Name | Effect |
Ability Up | Increase to an ability. (STR, DEX, VIT, etc...) |
Accuracy Boost | Increases accuracy. |
Aftermath | Effect varies based on Relic/Mythic weapon. |
Aquaveil | Increased resistance to spell interruption. |
Arrow Shield | Immunity to ranged attacks. |
Attack Boost | Increased attack. |
Bar Elemental | Increased elemental resistance. |
Bar Status Effect | Increased resistance to status effects. |
Berserk | Increases attack, reduces defense. |
Blink | Shadow images may absorb attacks. |
Boost | Enhances power of next attack. |
Chocobo | Increased movement speed while riding a Chocobo. |
Circle Protections | Resistance to certain monster types. |
Concentration | Increased casting speed and decreased recasts. |
Copy Image | Copy image absorb attacks. |
Damage Spikes | Damages opponents when hit. |
Dedication | Percentage increase of EXP gained. |
Defense Boost | Increases defense. |
Deodorize | Player is harder to track by scent. |
Enchantment | Effects vary, depending on the source. |
Enspell | Adds elemental damage to attacks. |
Evasion Boost | Increases evasion. |
Finishing Move | Gained by using Steps. Used to perform Flourishes. |
Flurry | Decreases weapon delay (without affecting TP gain). |
Food | Effects vary. |
Flee | Increased movement speed. |
Haste | Decreases weapon delay (without affecting TP gain) and recast timers. |
Hide | Player is difficult to detect by sight. |
Invincible | Immunity to physical damage. |
Invisible | Player is difficult to detect by sight. |
Intension | Magic accuracy is increased. |
Magic Attack Boost | Magic attack is increased. |
Magic Defense Boost | Magic defense is increased. |
Magic Shield | Immunity to magic spells. |
Maneuver | Elemental maneuver being used by your puppet. |
Pax | Enmity generation is reduced. |
Phalanx | Grants damage reduction. |
Potency | Increases critical hit rate. |
Protect | Increases defense. |
Quickening | Increases movement speed. |
Refresh | Gradually restores MP. |
Regain | Gradually increases TP. |
Regen | Gradually restores HP. |
Reraise | Allows self-resurrection. |
Roll Effect | Has many different positive effects. |
Shell | Increases Magical Defense. |
Shining Ruby | Increases Defense and Magic Defense. |
Sneak | Player is difficult to detect by sound. |
Song | Grants various effects. |
Stoneskin | Grants an extra skin to absorb damage. |
Synthesis Image Support | Increases effective crafting skill level. |
Name | Effect |
Allied Tags | When involved in a campaign battle. |
Battlefield | When involved in a battlefield event. |
Besieged | When involved in a Besieged battle. |
Confrontation | When involved in a special confrontation. |
Costume | Changes a player's appearance. |
Hardcore | For players participating in Horizon's Hardcore mode. |
Illusion | Your true appearance is veiled with an illusion. The illusion cannot be maintained for long periods of time. |
Level Sync | Current level is matched to a party member's level. |
Signet | Allows you to receive crystals from monsters. |
Sanction | Treasures of Aht Urhgan version of signet. |
Sigil | Wings of the Goddess version of signet. |
Pages in category "Status Effects"
The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total.
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