Attribute Down
From HorizonXI Wiki
Attribute Down is a harmful status effect that weakens its victim's attributes until it wears off or is removed.
Afflicted characters can be affected one of these status effects for each of the 7 attributes.
Attribute Down's potency is determined by the strength of the afflicting ability, and the target's elemental resistence.
How to remove the effect
- The White Magic spell Erase will remove these effects.
- The White Magic spell Esuna will remove this effect if the casting White Mage has Afflatus Misery active and is currently afflicted with an Attribute Down.
- The Dancer ability Healing Waltz will remove these effects.
How the effect is inflicted/gained
- Black Magic - Absorb-AGI, Absorb-CHR, Absorb-DEX, Absorb-INT, Absorb-MND, Absorb-STR, Absorb-VIT
- Blue Magic - Awful Eye, Battle Dance, Maelstrom, Stinking Gas, Sound Blast, Wild Oats
Blood Pacts
Monster Abilities
- Atomos - Soul Vacuum (all)
- Beetles - Spoil (STR Down)
- Birds - Broadside Barrage (INT Down) (MND Down), Blindside Barrage (STR Down) (VIT Down)
- Bugards - Awful Eye (STR Down)
- Cockatrice - Sound Blast (INT Down)
- Crab - Bubble Shower (STR Down)
- Doomed - Stinking Gas (VIT Down), Call of the Grave (INT Down), Acid Breath (STR Down)
- Flies - Debilitating Drone (random)
- Gargouilles - Bloody Claw (random)
- Leeches - Brain Drain (INT Down)
- Magic Pots - Mind Drain (MND Down)
- Mandragora - Scream (MND Down), Wild Oats (VIT Down)
- Orc - Battle Dance (DEX Down)
- Pugils - Aqua Ball (STR Down)
- Sahagins - Hydro Ball (STR) Down
- Scorpions - Earth Pounder (DEX Down)
- Sea Monks - Maelstrom (STR Down), Whirlwind (VIT Down)
- Worms - Tremors (DEX Down)
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