Immigration NPC

From HorizonXI Wiki

You can talk to an Allegiance Changer NPC in the nation you wish to switch to in order to change your allegiance:


The cost to change allegiance depends on the new nation's current rank in Conquest:

  • 1st Place in Conquest - 40,000g
  • 2nd Place in Conquest - 12,000g
  • 3rd Place in Conquest and Ties for 2nd - 4,000g (Please see discussion page - Divercat 03/01/2024)


  • The first time you switch to a nation, you have Rank 1 and no Conquest Points in that nation.
    • If you return to a nation, you get your previous Rank and Conquest Points (as earned under that nation) back.
    • Above cost does pertain to changing back to another nation. (Example: Changing back to San d'Oria Rank 10, while San d'Oria is first in conquest, will still result in a 40,000g fee.)
  • Any rewards from missions done in other nations are retained when you switch (for example, you will keep your Airship Pass and Dynamis access).
    • However, note that if you were previously allowed access to Chateau d'Oraguille, the Heavens Tower stairwell, or the President's Office in the Bastok Metalworks before switching to a nation in which you do not, you will not keep that privilege and will only regain access through mission progress.
      • If you recently Switched Nations, you will not get HAAP points for helping others if you are under said nation mission. EX: If you are Rank 3 and helping others do 5-1 you will receive 0 HAAP POINTS. (Tested twice with Character with rank 6 that switched to Sandoria rank 3)
  • Players may only use the teleport service to teleport to any outpost for which they have completed a supply mission in their current nation.
    • For example, if you are from San d'Oria and have completed the supply quest for Ronfaure, then switch to Bastok, you will have to redo the supply quest for Ronfaure. However, if you switch back to San d'Oria you will have that outpost warp again.
  • If you have a mission active from your current nation, you will not be able to change allegiances.
  • If you are Rank 5 in any nation, even if you do not have an active mission, you will not be able to change allegiances. Instead, you will be told your nation is in trouble and your application can not be accepted.